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i got like... punched in the face a few times tonight by a bunch of punk kids. I was just walking past no idea who they are or what they wanted. what the fuck. we may not have guns or crazy presidents but we have council estates and chavs and winos and shitty brats. i hate this country...

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i got like... punched in the face a few times tonight by a bunch of punk kids. I was just walking past no idea who they are or what they wanted. what the fuck. we may not have guns or crazy presidents but we have council estates and chavs and winos and shitty brats. i hate this country...


shit man, thats terrible :( what did you do? did you run, block, fight back?

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i got like... punched in the face a few times tonight by a bunch of punk kids. I was just walking past no idea who they are or what they wanted. what the fuck. we may not have guns or crazy presidents but we have council estates and chavs and winos and shitty brats. i hate this country...


If it's any consolation, they probably have very, very small penises.


I'm almost entirely pacifistic, but if it was, as you say, entirely unprovoked, I would have fucking decked the bastards.

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thing is there was like a few of them and they were a bit younger than me, i just couldn't really get my head around the situation I found myself in so suddenly. I'm not used to anything like that, what are you supposed to do? Their punches were kind of childish like they didn't really move me or knock me back, but do you hit someone smaller than you? I felt like I would've ended up being the one in trouble :/ plus it was a dodgy area was half worried they would pull knives or some shit :blank: I always thought this city was cool....

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So, I went to an internet meet up, but not you guys - people at my university who use the student room. Was quite fun really, now I want to go to a NE meet even more. *wants another London one, or people should just come and visit me in Cambridge* :heh:


Damn right there will be another London one at some point.


i got like... punched in the face a few times tonight by a bunch of punk kids. I was just walking past no idea who they are or what they wanted. what the fuck. we may not have guns or crazy presidents but we have council estates and chavs and winos and shitty brats. i hate this country...


Lame. I hate stuff like this.


I'm...actually heartbroken. I'm going to bed.


Damn, whats happening yo? :(

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No offence but when everyone says they could have decked or kicked the shit out of them I doubt it. Like Shorty says there were a few of them. Not nice to hear though, apparently there is a nasty part around here but I haven't been yet and so where I walk its always safish. Never go on my own anyway :)


Cheer up Dyson =[ It can't be the end of the world!!!!



And Moogle: I like Lowestoft around there :p Its quaint and there's an amazing sandwiches and tea place which I absolutely love.


As for me, just woken up, today is a work day! *puts on serious face*

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I was shattered yesterday, after getting to bed at 4.30 and waking at about 9.30 I was a ghost come the latter half of work. My shift was 5-11, but we didn't properly close til half past.


I am then woken by a repetitive twat beat at half 2 as my brother and his mates come back from Long Eaton, doing their spliffs, bongs, crack etc.

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I was shattered yesterday, after getting to bed at 4.30 and waking at about 9.30 I was a ghost come the latter half of work. My shift was 5-11, but we didn't properly close til half past.


I am then woken by a repetitive twat beat at half 2 as my brother and his mates come back from Long Eaton, doing their spliffs, bongs, crack etc.


hahahahahahaha... LIGHTWEIGHT. XP

i went to work on friday at 1pm, went straight out to the club after work at 11.30pm ... got home at 7.30am saturday - layed on top of my bed in my suit for an hour and left the house at 8.45 for a 10-4.30 shift which included 3 hour-long kid's classes. got home at 6pm ~ fell asleep at 7pm and was woken at 9pm by.. GUESS WHO!!!!!! my freakin housemate and her new japan boyfriend!! :nono:


god a good nights sleep last night after i popped a pill though :) and my day was ABSOLUTELY MADE during my last lesson.. when i was trying to explain what the TARDIS was to one of my classes (i'd commented on the tiny size but huge capacity of one of my student's pencil cases...) and when one of them looked it up on their electronic dictionaries it was ACTUALLY IN THERE!!! i laughed so much i couldnt chorus the vocabulary and one of the students took over for me.. which made everyone laugh even more.


brilliant ^_^

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Hahaha! I didn't know a lot of it is, I do remember seeing something about Roy there though. I'm guessing at this time of year you didn't go to pleasurewood hills (theme park)? Its pretty good there :)


Where abouts were you staying?


Well there's about ten different shop's called Roy something or other.


No I didn't go there. We stayed at Gt Yarmouth, Oulton Broads, Wroxham, Thurne, Potter Heigham. We were on a boat.

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So, I went to an internet meet up, but not you guys - people at my university who use the student room. Was quite fun really, now I want to go to a NE meet even more. *wants another London one, or people should just come and visit me in Cambridge* :heh:


One in Cambridge would be brilliant, I love that city so much and know it like the back of my hand.

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At the moment I'm tidying, so to have clear space to work and such.


Kind of wish I knew someone who did Law at University to help me through things I don't understand, oh well =/


Come to canters, theres about 400 people doing it here, bleh,


But theres 300 politics peeps :) and i own them all, as i am course rep =D

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No offence but when everyone says they could have decked or kicked the shit out of them I doubt it. Like Shorty says there were a few of them. Not nice to hear though, apparently there is a nasty part around here but I haven't been yet and so where I walk its always safish. Never go on my own anyway :)



No, when I say I would have kicked the bastards...i would have. I mean, I'm a fighter so i guess my methodology in stuations like that would be more clinical. But this is why i always recommend Martial arts to everyone! Its not really about the acquired moves, but more your confidence, courage and the way you think totally gets overhauled and revamped.


Shorty, I'm realy sorry you had to go thru that, but that could have so easily been another teenage chav stabbing and another death. So easily. Martial arts won't make you dodge bullets or give you super saiyan abilities but the skills it does give you, no matter how minimal, could be what keeps you alive or what leaves you dead in a puddle at 1am by a bunch of mindless kids who are probably boasting about it.


Thats not to say im gung ho for a fight - I avoid danger where I see it, for example if I see a bus stop full of thuggish looking people, I'll jump off the next one. If someone is walking directly in front of me and no wants to move, I will move... basically I avoid confrontation at all costs, but when its time to fight, I will FIGHT! or RUN!


Again, im so sorry for you shorty, I wish I was there to protect you. :( But people please invest a little in defending yourselves. whether its simply buying punch bag and doing bag work for 10 mins a night, or buying a martial arts book or going to a class. The world isn't your friend, you've got to fight to stay alive.

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Kind of wish I knew someone who did Law at University to help me through things I don't understand, oh well =/


Yeah come here, 3 of my housemates are doing Law, though two of them are exchange students from Canada I think.


and Dom, in case you still care I went Woodies, then the foundry then some awkward house party in town.

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Yeah come here, 3 of my housemates are doing Law, though two of them are exchange students from Canada I think.


and Dom, in case you still care I went Woodies, then the foundry then some awkward house party in town.


I'll be at woodys tuesday night if you fancy meeting upsies =]

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I'm not the only person at my uni doing law... I just mean I kind of wish I knew someone in year above whos done it all before :p *is hoping for easy way out*


I'll be at Kent on the weekend of like 14th November, so yeah come find me in a park on my own passed out and scared, I'll be there lost :D

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I'll be at woodys tuesday night if you fancy meeting upsies =]


For the elections?


Depending how late you stay I'll see you, got to go into town first for the Real Ale soc. Though I'll probably leave earlier then usual as real ale is so much more expensive then normal beer. (but a lot nicer)

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Pretty rocking night last night, Halloween parteh started at 6, plenty of naughty nurses on show. That ended like midnight, got a lift into town from some hotties then met some of my mates at the casino, then hit a few more clubs after that.

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