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I knew work was gonna be good. Met some new residents at the hostel then when my shift ended oasis electric proms was on nice! Put my money in the bank now watching oasis again yay!


Also 48 hour code is gone to one lucky indivdual if anyone saw my previous post saying I had one.


BOREED! Skipping uni because I got drunk last night, so gonna one-piece-it-uurp.

Also 48 hour code is gone to one lucky indivdual if anyone saw my previous post saying I had one.



I'm a lyrical trickster, I blind peeps with ma rhymes. Im so damn skilled that it makes peeps blind.

Honey, if that's all you got then I better grab my swat! Get back to the hive before I smoke you like pot! You don't have to oblige, sweet little fly, but don't stand still too long or you'll get stung. So go ahead, mindless drone, take your dancing shoes and head on home.



BOREED! Skipping uni because I got drunk last night, so gonna one-piece-it-uurp.





Honey, if that's all you got then I better grab my swat! Get back to the hive before I smoke you like pot! You don't have to oblige, sweet little fly, but don't stand still too long or you'll get stung. So go ahead, mindless drone, take your dancing shoes and head on home.




^ Crazy man


God last night was abit strange, kayleigh my flat mate went to carnage same as james, with her brother who had come up from bedford to see her. Which was fine. I went to bed about 1am and was woken up at 4am by loud knocking on kayleighs door.


A policeman and the guy who does nights here were asking her if she wanted her brother in the flat because he was being agressive, three times she said no and then the fourth time she said yes...weird woman.


so they were up arguing for a good few hours..pssh.


No wonder I've only just got out of bed. Was nice enough last night though, I invited a friend I'd not seen all week and we ate cookies and talked about people and our games we were presenting this friend. :yay:

^ Crazy man


God last night was abit strange, kayleigh my flat mate went to carnage same as james, with her brother who had come up from bedford to see her. Which was fine. I went to bed about 1am and was woken up at 4am by loud knocking on kayleighs door.


A policeman and the guy who does nights here were asking her if she wanted her brother in the flat because he was being agressive, three times she said no and then the fourth time she said yes...weird woman.


so they were up arguing for a good few hours..pssh.


No wonder I've only just got out of bed. Was nice enough last night though, I invited a friend I'd not seen all week and we ate cookies and talked about people and our games we were presenting this friend. :yay:



Nightwooolf, I tried to add 'Lady gracedia' on Guildwars but it apparently doesn't exist!!

Nightwooolf, I tried to add 'Lady gracedia' on Guildwars but it apparently doesn't exist!!


Ah it wasn't an exact name, I couldn't honestly remember who I was. *logs on whilst she is supposed to be doing work*


aha I was close Lady Gracenda apprently is my name. (I use a google thing to get it, just to clarify)

Honey, if that's all you got then I better grab my swat! Get back to the hive before I smoke you like pot! You don't have to oblige, sweet little fly, but don't stand still too long or you'll get stung. So go ahead, mindless drone, take your dancing shoes and head on home.




Yo. Yo. When ma homies lay down the gauntlet, then I just gotta flaunt-it. Cos they cuss me down and I look around, but the only boyz laughing are the pre-school classes. When I spit it back, makes beezners choke, cos if you can't dish good, then just don't provoke. Ooooh oooh yeahaaa.


(Okay I'll stop)


Day seems to be going well....its going...fast? Yeah. And just read a pretty powerful Spider-Man comic, about Flash Thompson in the war in Iraq.


Meh, got kicked off facebook for some reason.


Thats possible? Wowzas.

Ah it wasn't an exact name, I couldn't honestly remember who I was. *logs on whilst she is supposed to be doing work*


aha I was close Lady Gracenda apprently is my name. (I use a google thing to get it, just to clarify)


Ok, I've added you as a friend, gimme a shout if you want to play :smile:

Ok, I've added you as a friend, gimme a shout if you want to play :smile:


oo play play now! :yay: I'll work later ^_^ (ok so I'll spend an hour or two on here so I don't completely forget)

Yo. Yo. When ma homies lay down the gauntlet, then I just gotta flaunt-it. Cos they cuss me down and I look around, but the only boyz laughing are the pre-school classes. When I spit it back, makes beezners choke, cos if you can't dish good, then just don't provoke. Ooooh oooh yeahaaa.


(Okay I'll stop)



What's this dish thing that you be listing? Some freudian slip about all the food you be wishing, some crazy-ass dream you be hallucinating? Is that all you could grab when you did your frisking; searched your soul for a prime cut of 'dissing'? I think you should just go back to your masturbating...


*rotates baseball cap*


[insert chorus here about you hanging around in pre-school classes and how that's, y'know, kinda paedoish?]


If you're going to diss me then you don't wanna miss me, as I'll turn it on you so fast you'll wish you were a gypsy! Don't mangle your words, get back to the herd - once again you better sit down - You just got seeerved.


*distorts fingers into some arbitrary formations*

oo play play now! :yay: I'll work later ^_^ (ok so I'll spend an hour or two on here so I don't completely forget)


KK, I'll be there in a sec.



What's this dish thing that you be listing? Some freudian slip about all the food you be wishing, some crazy-ass dream you be hallucinating? Is that all you could grab when you did your frisking; searched your soul for a prime cut of 'dissing'? I think you should just go back to your masturbating...


*rotates baseball cap*


[insert chorus here about you hanging around in pre-school classes and how that's, y'know, kinda paedoish?


What yo doing at a kindergarten? Dont go touching up toddlers called Martin. If yo getting kicks for checking out children, then you is sick yo son Ima slap you down some. Can't be hanging round no pre school classes, as thats considered by the masses, to be y'know kinda paedoish, so put on ya glasses and reality check. ]



If you're going to diss me then you don't wanna miss me, as I'll turn it on you so fast you'll wish you were a gypsy! Don't mangle your words, get back to the herd - once again you better sit down - You just got seeerved.


*distorts fingers into some arbitrary formations*


Ten charbar.











It was just another one of my crappy jokes. Although Letty stated he looked like me, she has also met the real thing, and can now identify my presence and power levels (they are high), and thus she can identify the real me.


I am sure that clone yourself Rez because I keep seeing a few people that look like you walking around in my city. :p


I plowed a lass twice last night. Sadly my work start time has been extended an hour [5-11], meaning the torture will be greater. Since Monday nights are dead as fuck. However it will probably be a bit busy until 8 when we stop serving food. I'm taking literature to pass the time.


Ploughing, always excellent.


Good on ya Murray!


I am sure that clone yourself Rez because I keep seeing a few people that look like you walking around in my city. :p


Hmmm, this is getting suspicious. A certain mad scientist may have lied to me a bit. "Unsuccesful experiment" my ass.

I'd never get a tattoo, but if I did it would be something absurdly geeky like this:




Is that an Interrobang?


Went out to a very student night called 'carnage'; a mass bar-crawl. Sorta fun. Danced a lot. Didn't drink enough. Spent the whole night convincing one friend that girls aren't all twats, and trying to remind the other friend that he already has a girlfriend so he should stop dancing topless and getting all the girls goggling, whilst I, myself, spent the night wishing someone else was there.


Carnage was in Bournemouth last night too but I didn't go; I had my best friend down here from Friday til today. She left little over an hour ago and as such I've been a little emotional about it. In truth, it's probably been the best weekend in years for me, I can't remember the last time I was as happy as I was this weekend. Saw Ghost Town last night with said friend, really enjoyed it.


Considerations of quitting University are constantly becoming stronger now, not because of anyone else, but because of me. I'll save that post for later once I've thought it through.


At the moment? Catching up with things I missed over the weekend and feeling really down that my she's gone. I think there's something wrong with me x_x


The thing with being at Uni and living on your own is that all your emotions are multiplied. You have more time alone and therefore more time to think/worry about stuff. You just have to put it all into perspective, always remember that in the end all the hard work will pay off. When you graduate hopefully we will be leaving all this talk of recessions and credit crunches and there will be plenty of jobs going :)


So yea, just sleep on it, ride it out or whatever but dont make any hasty decisions based on an emotion.


Righteo, this week is a work every other day week.


Monday - Work

Tuesday - Off

Wednesday - Work

Thursday - Off

Friday - Work

Saturday - Off

Sunday - Off



The thing with being at Uni and living on your own is that all your emotions are multiplied. You have more time alone and therefore more time to think/worry about stuff. You just have to put it all into perspective, always remember that in the end all the hard work will pay off. When you graduate hopefully we will be leaving all this talk of recessions and credit crunches and there will be plenty of jobs going :)


So yea, just sleep on it, ride it out or whatever but dont make any hasty decisions based on an emotion.


funnily enough, life became much easier for mew when i was living away at uni.


didnt miss my family at all, or my mates for that matter. could count on my hands the number of times i felt down.

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