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Well my day has taken a bit of a nose dive since my last post, I was given a yellow card by Dan Dare.



[Actual image from the N-E meet]


I've also undercoated my Dr Doom MkIII mask, as well as a toilet roll tube which I'll be using in my Ghostbusters costume. For some reason, the nozzle on the gun doesn't inflate and go round. But it does open like a sandwich, which I'm placing the tube into.


My Dad was supposed to be phoning me about playing some snooker but I guess not :(

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Boobaloo. Making progress with uni assignments. Know what im doing for 2/3 of the first batch, and agreed on an idea for scripwriting extension. Started researching (which is a pain without the internet). So thats...progress.


Found the dancing mario game too. So all is relatively well and good for now.

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I don't see why I need plenty of water. And you don't have to wish me luck, I've done it plenty of times.


Is it me....or is the lol-crew (You, EEVIL, Dannydane and me) on fire more than usual recently. Must be something in the air.




Woop. No calls waiting. Go me. Yeah today has been horrible, but its all gravy baby. Prison Break tonight. [/Attempt at on topic. Im sorry, Ill pipe down tonight/now.]

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Well today went well. Went to the train station to get my train but it wasn't running. This was before 12pm so I don't understand why. So I quickly hotfooted it on a bus back into down to get another bus out to Dundee. But as I'm pulling into the bus station my bus to Dundee is leaving. So I have an hour to wait for the next one. No point in me going home as I'll just have to come back to the bus station pretty swiftly. So I missed my English lecture which I can almost guarantee had something important said in it.


So had 2 and a half hours before my psychology lecture so I sat down for lunch and took out my laptop to do work. First time I put it in my back and it justs scratched to hell. So a good day. :indeed:


It's also nice to see that SAAS still haven't told me what's happening with my tuition fees. Fuckers. I got in contact with them over a week ago.

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My day was.


As for what happened; not much. Did more of my painting of these Adam and Ever-esque figures. (I love the Eve, really small and running into the distance), the Adam is arguably too close-up, and I couldn't get his eye right.


Triple Design Tech was of course fairly unproductive. Did more designs for my Honeycomb-inspired piece of furniture.


English was a joke chat about the theme of revenge in Hamlet. Was ok.


Badminton was fine, played Round The World, the highlight of any Badminton session.


Came home, loving it.

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Went to school. Did maths homework, had maths, got more maths homework, did physics homework, had physics, got more homework, had a physics lesson cancelled, did new physics homework, came home, came on here, went to play squash, lost at squash, came home, had a shower, had dinner, came on here to post about how I did maths homework, had maths, got mor...

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Hope this works, the quoting thing seems quite difficult, im hopeless.


provided you're not that much like ReZ, I'm sure you'll get by fine.


Love you really ReZ. [noparse]:p[/noparse]


haha, id say im half as weird and twice as witty! kidding. Mike and I have a very simliar sense of humour, except he doesnt love amazing shows that i do such as spaced, boosh and flight of the conchords. Working on that.


To be fair, Mario Kart 64 is till one of my most played games to this day. Probably because everyone loves it and its just so easy to have fun with.


I went to uni in Manchester too :) Though that was a few years back now. Where did you go travelling? Good thing you did it before getting a proper job, there's no way i could go travelling again. Well, i could. But i'd probably have to give up my job which would suck because it was hard to get



Yep i love mariokart, used to play loads at uni, verbally abused peach alot for some reason. Ah you went to manc, thats awesome! I miss it so much, few of my friends moved back there, if i wasnt so poor (due to travelling) i probably would have done too. We had a standard round the world ticket...thailand, malaysia, singapore, Oz, NZ, fiji, US. All amazing, and now i wanna do south america, and more se asia and go everywhere...probs wont happen. Whats your job? :)



Years from now Ill look back and laugh....if I don't kill myself first.*


*Not a threat, Jay. Just an observation.


Agreed, today absolutely sucked. Not even any time for email. Bring on prison break later...gonna watch the office in a min, yay.

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Spent the day preparing for my mental health assesment for my gender reassignment tomorrow, got my head in the right place, just sorting out my appearance. Got a nice outfit picked out, redyed my hair, done my nails and got myself nice and smooth, now the big decision, to go with the fake boobs or not.

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Hey not actually Molly! :heh: Welcome to the forums! :bouncy:



My day was good. :) Swimming didn't happen and it's been pathetically raining all day which was annoying either pour down or not at all.


*shakesfist at the sky*


English was interesting as we had to write a missing scene from Harold Pinter's Homecoming!


Tonight more UCAS Stuff while watching Heroes, Prison Break and How I met your mother. :grin:

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Hey not actually Molly! :heh: Welcome to the forums! :bouncy: QUOTE]



Thankyou! and all who have welcomed. you can call me molly, its just thats not really my name. I dunno, i couldnt think a forumy type name so yeah...


I like your heroes and pb style :smile:

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Thankyou! and all who have welcomed. you can call me molly, its just thats not really my name. I dunno, i couldnt think a forumy type name so yeah...


I like your heroes and pb style :smile:


Hehe fair enough. Molly is a good Username. :D Seeing it just reminds me of the character from Heroes. :p


You don't know my location....



do you?




Also I'm liking your Heroes and PB Style to! :heart::yay: : peace:


(yes I get a bit mad with smilies)

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lol, yes thats alot of smilies. Ask rez for my official stance on them...


Yeah you can call me molly anne...any particular reason? Or just the general hick sounding nature of it that just rolls off the tongue!


Also, watch it....greenmachine!

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Haha, Suprisingly I've cutdown!


ReZ what is Molly's official stance on Smilies? :heh:


Never change Mr Personality of the year! :)


Lol. She doesn't like them. I am however getting her onto them, by using them as often as possible.


Especially the best ones. (well...semi-smileys)


^__^ and o_______0

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