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I certainly uncovered a sticky, inky blackness, but it's more stubborn than oil. And if anything I'm too good at grave digging; I'm not ready to lie down just yet.


Anyway, I'm waiting on a false hope. It's time to try and set aside my worries for now — there will be plenty of time to pick them up again tomorrow.


Doh, don't be so vague. We don't mind you moaning, you might as well give us something we can laugh at/give you bad advice about/masturbate over. All three if you're lucky.

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Jimmeny. Where do you work?


I am up at 4.30am to go pick up my mother from the airport. I barely slept last night because I knew I had to be up early so my mind was being stupid and worrying. Im oddly awake though, but we'll see how long that lasts (as I have a long day ahead; moving later and being forced out tonight I believe). Getting up this early reminds me when I used to do the 7am shifts at Game last Christmas (because I lived a distance and trains are naff had to get up at 5.30) which is...something. I dunno, just reminds me is all!




d'oh. Theres an hour and 1/4 delay on the flight ^_^ So what does one do for an hour at 4.30am when pretty much everything he owns is 20 miles away....read Calvin and Hobbes methinks!

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it's 2 days after payday and i have 85yen cash to my name 'cause the STUPID banks had a holiday yesterday, closed early today and are on holiday again tomorrow!! gaahk!!!


...luckily i have a few thou stashed away for emergencies or i wouldnt be able to enjoy my bank holiday off tomorrow at all :smile:

i'ma go hang out in harajuku, meiji shrine and yoyogi park!!

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it's 2 days after payday and i have 85yen cash to my name 'cause the STUPID banks had a holiday yesterday, closed early today and are on holiday again tomorrow!! gaahk!!!


That's still better than banks back here. I really, really need Natwest to give me my student account PIN, but it still hasn't shown up.


I'm leaving in a week, so I may have to resort to getting my 'rents to forward it...

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That's still better than banks back here. I really, really need Natwest to give me my student account PIN, but it still hasn't shown up.


I'm leaving in a week, so I may have to resort to getting my 'rents to forward it...


You can withdraw in the branch. More of a faff but if you plan ahead...


Anyway im about to complete my move which has taken four days. And its 10.48 and I've been up for over six hours :o! My clock is all screwed up. I had salad, because it felt like lunch time, at 9.30am. And im going out tonight apparently... we shall see.


Anyway yes, offski! Also because BT & Virgin suck I am sans internet for about two weeks (other then when I pop on in the library) so no running amuck now you here!

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So the evening was going well at Doms house before we left for the coach, then me and my best mate go to grab food (chippy) and went straight from there to wait outside the coach. Where there were a group of chavs/knobs that started taking the piss, then it escalated (my mate being a n00bish goader to some of their threats) and he gets smashed around the face (in the middle of the road, cars had to stop) he hits the floor like a sack of shit, unconcsuious for a minute, cue ambulance, and I go to the hospital with him, thus miss the Shindig.






Hes okay now though, still a bit concussed. I said to him (when he was in hospital and aware of everything) "They were saying your nose may have been broken at one point." his response ; "Haaa ha ha."


So yeah. F for phail.

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No matter how much I was any of the LOTR films, it doesn't diminish their awesomeness in anyway. It's one of the very very few series of films, where i could choose a favourite, their all equally awesome. The music is win too.


God yes, I love them so much. Even though I have all the extended editions on DVD, I always end up watching them when they're on TV. I shall also be watching the other two over the coming Saturdays. :awesome:

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ReZ - no damage? A friend did something similar and ended up losing four of his front teeth. And by 'similar' I mean 'hit this guy's girlfriend then threatened to kill his mother.'


Back from manchester! Met about 13 people I'd never seen/heard of before. Some were way cool, but there was one particular twat that everyone was trying really hard to ditch - and no, it wasn't me :P. Everytime he'd go to the loo we'd all scarper from the pub/bar! He ended up somehow in the club next to the one we ended up in, and was outside when we entered.


But yah! Wo'eva. Bought Rant by Palahniuk and that new shakespeare book by Bryson. Ooh! Also leveled-up as a juggler by completing a full circuit of Mill's Mess. Hells yeah. Got an email from uni that says "because you only failed one 20-credit core module, you don't have to come beg for a place. Instead we're gonna make you redo the module this year, so you'll be with a bunch of 2nd-years. Oh yeah - we don't do the module anymore so I guess we'll just stick you on another random module that you kinda practically ACED last year. That coo'?" The timetable's are available now, and it turns out shorty and I have a ridiculous amount of days off -- Shorty only has to go in two days a week next semester, and it's our final year!


Shorty's soon to go off for a few days so I get the xbox all to myself, gleeeee!

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ReZ - no damage? A friend did something similar and ended up losing four of his front teeth. And by 'similar' I mean 'hit this guy's girlfriend then threatened to kill his mother.'


Back from manchester! Met about 13 people I'd never seen/heard of before. Some were way cool, but there was one particular twat that everyone was trying really hard to ditch - and no, it wasn't me :P. Everytime he'd go to the loo we'd all scarper from the pub/bar! He ended up somehow in the club next to the one we ended up in, and was outside when we entered.


But yah! Wo'eva. Bought Rant by Palahniuk and that new shakespeare book by Bryson. Ooh! Also leveled-up as a juggler by completing a full circuit of Mill's Mess. Hells yeah. Got an email from uni that says "because you only failed one 20-credit core module, you don't have to come beg for a place. Instead we're gonna make you redo the module this year, so you'll be with a bunch of 2nd-years. Oh yeah - we don't do the module anymore so I guess we'll just stick you on another random module that you kinda practically ACED last year. That coo'?" The timetable's are available now, and it turns out shorty and I have a ridiculous amount of days off -- Shorty only has to go in two days a week next semester, and it's our final year!


Shorty's soon to go off for a few days so I get the xbox all to myself, gleeeee!



i haven't read Rant yet, I will be buying it soon though. I have just finished re-reading Choke and I'm currently rereading Survivor, which I think is my favourite after Fight Club. I love his books so much, they really open up the mind and he has a unique way of writing.


The shakespeare book is pretty good too, although IMO it lacks some of the Bryson charm of his other books.

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I went off Palahniuk after Haunted; I couldn't finish it. Wasn't bothered about any of the characters and I don't think the poem/short story/overarching storyline was pulled off well. I remember reading the back of Rant two years ago. Not read Invisible Monsters or his latest (Snuff?), and I heard Rant might be turned into a film so I figured I should read it asap!


I've only read... what, 3 bryson books? This one will at least hopefully provide me with some booya-esque moments with lecturers... Though they'll probably all read it too.

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Jimmeny. Where do you work?

Moi? Ukrainian clúb. Started at 10 cos of Saturday school. Quiz night started at 7, and the quiz went on for 5 bleedin hours. Only got out at 2 cos of cleaning and getting rid of the other party that was going on.

This fairy idea was suggested beforehand, you have people (read:girls) walking around taking orders who go back to the bar and then take them back the drinks then bring back their money. Huage success. They all made £8 tips each. Very good.

Not less work for me though. Having to run around getting the drinks and helping the others work the tills, also having to run into the cellar to get more drinks cos they were drinking too much damn coke.

Today packing.

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