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well, i got up, played asassins creed, ate chocolate digestives, read the paper, watched weapon masters, went to see my cousins wek old baby, whos so cute i wanted to eat her and her freakishly long fingers, she then shat on my aunty, so i was impressed. then had a couple of pints with ym dad at the pub. hes much nicer then my mam, then went to the cinema with a couple of mates, saw step brothers and laughed til i worked off the digestives.

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Sure is, distracted me for abit an hour.


I feel like I'm floating, without the drug taking and nice feeling. Bleh. I feel like people keep talking to me just to try and make me jealous, it's odd.


Yeeey @ distractions.


Not so yey @ jealousy. People just love to play each other. I'd love to have mind reading skills to get past all lies and games. That would rock.




My ear piercing is being really awful. Its got a big lump inside my earlobe, I think it may have been caused by a reaction to gold earrings I was wearing. BOO. Actually nearly all of my piercings are gone, I've removed both of my nose piercings.


And I'll probably take out the lip one before long. I can never get a lip stud to fit. Its either far too small and causes ulcers, or too big and damages my teeth!!

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Awesome day. My band class was pretty epic (though I won't go into details). Then in the afternoon, I had a great computer science class and and an awesome 2D animation/Web Design class. I found out because I was taking 2D/WD I got a 2 GB partition on the school server rather than just a 200 MB one. I also found out that the only reason my school only has IE installed in terms of browsers is that apparently the IT people say that the website blocker (Damn communist school division) only will work in IE, I know otherwise since It worked fine in safari in a Mac lab I was in last year. So, I've come to the conclusion that the IT people are lazy and I'm going to be sending a series of emails to the Division demanding they install FF, Safari, and Opera. (Since its a Web Design class, we need as many browsers as possible to test stuff). So yea, pretty good day.

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Demanding won't cut it. I doubt it makes sense for them to install different browoedvnnfsbn



was going to write meaningful response but then decided I cba arguing


Well, it kinda does for web design. There are alot of schools that offer WD and alot of students in the programs. I already sent the email and I'm trying to get as many students from my division to do the same. I ended up sending it to the head of IT though since nobody higher up has their email listed.


Besides, just getting them installed isn't what really matters, the point is the IT department are a bunch of lying bastards.

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Well, it kinda does for web design. There are alot of schools that offer WD and alot of students in the programs. I already sent the email and I'm trying to get as many students from my division to do the same. I ended up sending it to the head of IT though since nobody higher up has their email listed.


Besides, just getting them installed isn't what really matters, the point is the IT department are a bunch of lying bastards.

Can't you just stick with the browser they have and test them at home too? It can be a hassle to install it throughout the network.
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Good for you, power to the people and all that \o/


I spent a little while this evening going through my back catalogue of 2500 emails and deleting all the old clutter, and I've so far cleared up back to December 2007, and deleted 500 emails. Only another 3 years worth of shit to go.


..I don't even know why I'm doing it.

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Good for you, power to the people and all that \o/


I spent a little while this evening going through my back catalogue of 2500 emails and deleting all the old clutter, and I've so far cleared up back to December 2007, and deleted 500 emails. Only another 3 years worth of shit to go.


..I don't even know why I'm doing it.


Why did you let that many build up?

Most ive ever had was 54 from when i went on holiday.

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I spent a little while this evening going through my back catalogue of 2500 emails and deleting all the old clutter, and I've so far cleared up back to December 2007, and deleted 500 emails. Only another 3 years worth of shit to go.


..I don't even know why I'm doing it.

Isn't it obvious?

Tidy email box = Huge, satisfying penis

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They're not unread - they're ones I read and didn't delete due to not needing to. Slight OCD is kicking in now though and I'm for some reason trying to clear out my inbox of shit.


Delete EVERYTHING. Thats what i do every now and again. You dont need to save the emails really in 99% of the case.

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It contains some pretty important university stuff and I'm keeping receipts and orders for some reason, but that's about it. Everything else is going.


My night has been made shit though, apparantly my copy of Beautiful Katamari has been lost in the post. Fucking wonderful.

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I should probably go through my emails someday too, there's way too many that I never bothered to delete. Though there's also a lot of emails I intend to keep, even though I know the chances I'll read them again are slim.


Day was okay, nothing happened.

Brought books back to the library, played some Okami, watched athletics on tv, made my pants shorter (first time I've really sewn anything), watched 'In the Name of the Father' and just did some abs exercises.


Exciting day no? =P

Can't figure out what to do now, either watch more X-Files or play some Rune Factory...

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Can't you just stick with the browser they have and test them at home too? It can be a hassle to install it throughout the network.


Like I said. Its not really about that anymore. Plus not everyone is able to test everything at home. Alot of people still don't have flash drives. And its annoying to have to take it home and then test it and then have to wait to the next day to fix it and then go home again and figure out it didn't work.


Wow, I got a rather rude and immature reply for some very stupid reasons. Apparently he's blocking my email address because I didn't use my real name in the email. This just got personal.

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but they were juuust boooddiieeez!


Yes! you've been arnie'd!

C'maan, don't bullshit me.

Oh you want to fuck with me?! You're a fucking choirboy compared to me! a Chooiirrr Boooyy!!

That's just stealing my msn name.

Ugly betty is great, although like heroes I've missed way too much.

It's amazing how shit Ugly Betty is she actiually looks more attractive with the braces.


Plus the show is shit.

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i handed my notice in at work today :)


i have just got home from a nught out. had a good time. I met a friend of a friend and I eally liked her. Its insanely rare (like not sine 2004) that i'll meet a girl and really like her. Unfortunately it turns out she has a bf. pretty sad really as it is so so so rare i meet a girl who i really like.

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