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Was chatting to my friend who works there and a customer approached him so I wondered off when suddenly he called me over, explained what sort of things the woman wanted and set her on me because I have a DS (and frankly know everything :p). Was odd but an amusing way to show my worth to the new manager as he was stood there literally looking like a potato. One of those odd shapped bodies. Woman was nice enough, and a very keen gamer.


Also earlier I appear to have screwed up my ear while cleaning it with a cotton bud. It went deaf for a few hours and now its ringing. Pain!

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Today i feel..pretty good actually..i've got alot of problems and stuff..but i'm trying to just remember what i've achieved this last year..and for me, it's alot..quite proud of myself really! : peace:


Also i'm away for the next few days, i need a change of scenery! :)


Glad to hear you feel better :)


Enjoy your trip.

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Also earlier I appear to have screwed up my ear while cleaning it with a cotton bud. It went deaf for a few hours and now its ringing. Pain!


My mum always told me not to use cotton buds, i guess thats why :P

Hope its not too serious though!

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Also earlier I appear to have screwed up my ear while cleaning it with a cotton bud. It went deaf for a few hours and now its ringing. Pain!


Yep Daniels mum is right, you should never shove a cotton bud down your ear dude! If it doesn't get better within the next couple of days, go to the doctors.

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Next couple of days...its gotten better already. Gone from nothing to ringing (like when you get home from a night out). It should hopefully be fine soon. Its not like I really rammed it down my ear. Don't go worrying me :p

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Next couple of days...its gotten better already. Gone from nothing to ringing (like when you get home from a night out). It should hopefully be fine soon. Its not like I really rammed it down my ear. Don't go worrying me :p


Should be fine then if it's getting better that quick..i thought you literally put it down your ear..If it doesn't stop ringing, you obviously go to the doctors, thats what i meant..

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Yay, sex for jay.


Good sex? Bad sex? Mediocre sex? :(

Pretty good sex. it wasn a single 10-hour stint, lol :P Pretty certain she enjoyed herself too... But the whole thing came right outta the blue. It's totally because i wore a shirt out! Oh yes.


Also found out I'm quite possibly related to David Lloyd-George (old welsh prime minister). FUNSIES.

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Pretty good sex. it wasn a single 10-hour stint, lol :P Pretty certain she enjoyed herself too... But the whole thing came right outta the blue. It's totally because i wore a shirt out! Oh yes.


Also found out I'm quite possibly related to David Lloyd-George (old welsh prime minister). FUNSIES.


What did she tell you that afterwards or?

I´m attempting a very long shot joke

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35 minute phone call. Makes me want to die.


35 minute? I've had 2 hour consultancy calls from people who i can hardly understand...


That reminds me of what happened last week. Basically, I was on the phone to one person for about 35 minutes, and it can only be described as a one way torrent of abuse. I kept my cool pretty well, had lots of pauses here and there to calm her down, but the bitch wouldn't listen to a single thing I was saying. She even said that the phone call was recorded at her end, and I was like "thats ok, its recorded at our end, too, to protect our staff. HOOWARRRHUZZZAAAAHHHH! *karate chop*" (ok, it didn't go exactly like that, but you geeet eeet.)


At a few points, I think I even sniggered a little after beating her down.


"are you laughing?"


".....noo...*sniggers some more*"


my mate's birthday party ended up in him calling me a cunt through the medium of text, and me having lots of sex over the last 10 hours. Zomg!


Yay for you. \o/

I hope you did her good, for the whole of KNEE. With each thrust, we were behind you every step of the way. HWOAAAR!


But, 10 hours, you're either a machine or completely senseless down there.


GRR!! i dont want their pity!! :angry:

//mood swing!//

but *sniffle* i'm so sad i'm not getting it ~ :cry:

\\mood swing!\\

:shakehead stupid guys can KEEP their stupid nice words of comfort and


encouragement that i need so muchhhh :weep:


...hehehehe being a girl is ridiculous. the only thing worse than BEING one would be having to put up with one. i'm so glad i'm not a guy. ^___^




10 hours?!?

i call bullshit ~ it'd be worn down to a nub!


Aww, hope you're feeling better now.


When my ex was on her period, sometimes she'd have it really bad, and I would try to do all these little things to make her feel better. Hugs, chocolates, nice talks, etc. The one time, she even had me go on a trek to get some lollies, as she had cravings. I had the best sex ever the week later!


Well, my day has been ok. Woke up, got a lift to work from a friend, who does stress me out because he is a bit too laid back. It's bordering on the lazy, to be honest. Plus, he always seems to be tired all the time. Get some energy, boy!


I need new clothes. As a result of gyming it and eating better, my clothes are starting to feel...incredibly tight. I'm starting to feel and look a bit more manly now. :)


Work itself was fine, more or less just carrying on through the days until work ends and the excitement begins. :) Will probably go to the gym tonight, and then just relax for the rest of the evening. :)

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Well, my morning was almost exactly the same as the last two, so I wont even bother to mention it. All I did in the afternoon was watch videos on Newgrounds ect. And then worked on my flash game for a while, I'm currently working on the background image for one of the levels and all I can say is, Photoshop is not that good at handling really large files.

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what a poo-fest of a day...


For the many of you that don't know, i recently realised that the solution to virtually all my problems was to join the RAF as a lab tech. So today was the first 'formal' stage of the application process (there have already been several stages, it's a lengthy process). So i arrive at my appointment, and they guy tells me that they no longer have any positions available, and it was likely to be 12 months before they have another vacancy. We chatted for a while and he thinks I should apply as an officer, but all the officer jobs seem to have a pretty direct element of killing people, so i'm not up for that.


So that was pretty gutting. I really did seem like the solution to about 99% of my problems - work, social, financial. everything really.


Then I get to work and i realise that on of the lenses from my glasses has fallen out somewhere. I hadn't noticed yet, as it is for my eye thats virtually fine, but i'd been walking round looking like an idiot. Plus of course i had lost half my glasses.


It's just one of those weeks where everything breaks (wii, 360, glasses plus a few other things). And work was bad of course. And other stuff...


URGH. what a waste of a life.

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what a poo-fest of a day...


For the many of you that don't know, i recently realised that the solution to virtually all my problems was to join the RAF as a lab tech. So today was the first 'formal' stage of the application process (there have already been several stages, it's a lengthy process). So i arrive at my appointment, and they guy tells me that they no longer have any positions available, and it was likely to be 12 months before they have another vacancy. We chatted for a while and he thinks I should apply as an officer, but all the officer jobs seem to have a pretty direct element of killing people, so i'm not up for that.


So that was pretty gutting. I really did seem like the solution to about 99% of my problems - work, social, financial. everything really.


Then I get to work and i realise that on of the lenses from my glasses has fallen out somewhere. I hadn't noticed yet, as it is for my eye thats virtually fine, but i'd been walking round looking like an idiot. Plus of course i had lost half my glasses.


It's just one of those weeks where everything breaks (wii, 360, glasses plus a few other things). And work was bad of course. And other stuff...


URGH. what a waste of a life.


Aw man dont say that. Have you thought of going to a careers advice centre they might have some advice for you.

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Then I get to work and i realise that on of the lenses from my glasses has fallen out somewhere. I hadn't noticed yet, as it is for my eye thats virtually fine, but i'd been walking round looking like an idiot. Plus of course i had lost half my glasses.

Same thing happened to me at Reading Fest :heh: : peace:

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what a poo-fest of a day...


For the many of you that don't know, i recently realised that the solution to virtually all my problems was to join the RAF as a lab tech. So today was the first 'formal' stage of the application process (there have already been several stages, it's a lengthy process). So i arrive at my appointment, and they guy tells me that they no longer have any positions available, and it was likely to be 12 months before they have another vacancy. We chatted for a while and he thinks I should apply as an officer, but all the officer jobs seem to have a pretty direct element of killing people, so i'm not up for that.


So that was pretty gutting. I really did seem like the solution to about 99% of my problems - work, social, financial. everything really.


Then I get to work and i realise that on of the lenses from my glasses has fallen out somewhere. I hadn't noticed yet, as it is for my eye thats virtually fine, but i'd been walking round looking like an idiot. Plus of course i had lost half my glasses.


It's just one of those weeks where everything breaks (wii, 360, glasses plus a few other things). And work was bad of course. And other stuff...


URGH. what a waste of a life.


Never think that. It's true, life can be pretty shitty, but all you have to do is keep going, and powering through it. Where there's a will, there's a way. :)

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Sorry to hear about all of that Tom :(


Work was busy. Stuck on potwash again all night. Then after we stayed for drinks as it was one of the girl's 17th birthday today (Thursday) so we stopped til midnight. Then we all walked home and the kids (as they're all 16-18) were playing knock door run. I felt my age.


And theres still a slight ringing in my ear. Went to the pharmacy pre-work and they said theres nothing for it just see the doctor tomorrow.

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