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Another dismal taste of reality. I need a break but I have nowhere to go.


Finally finished my epic collage. It has kylie minogue, say anything, brand new, tellison, dartz, young knives and YDM lyrics. If this isn't appreciated, someone will be having their face cheese grated.


Brand new? Winz. What song(s)?


And Dante; you spelt Decadence wrong :)

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Feeling a bit poopy. Was planning on going to a festival next week with my sister, while a friend is going with one of her friends. But I found out it would take about 4 hours to get there, and since it starts on a Friday (when I have to work), I probably wouldn't be able to get there in time... especially since I would have to go alone, set up a tent, and wait for my sister to come later as she works until 7:30. I don't even think she'd still have a bus to get to the festival...

So seems like I'll have to cancel it all... again. ='(


Also, we don't know what to give/do for mom when she turns 50... which is on Tuesday. >.<;

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Take a step outside, it's freaking boiling again today! :(


I thought it would be a good idea to get a under-coat tan for the holiday, i lasted 5 minutes on the garden before i came back in... it's too bloody hot. It makes me wonder how these people who go abroad to just sit by the pool manage, it would do my head in.




In other news, my grandad died this morning at the age of 90. I'm not really 'good' with deaths, i don't really know what to say or do. My dad was very upset (obviously), but in a way we're all glad he doesn't have to suffer any more, he's been wanting to 'go' for years.

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I thought it would be a good idea to get a under-coat tan for the holiday, i lasted 5 minutes on the garden before i came back in... it's too bloody hot. It makes me wonder how these people who go abroad to just sit by the pool manage, it would do my head in.




In other news, my grandad died this morning at the age of 90. I'm not really 'good' with deaths, i don't really know what to say or do. My dad was very upset (obviously), but in a way we're all glad he doesn't have to suffer any more, he's been wanting to 'go' for years.


Aww Strider I'm really sorry to hear that, at least he's not suffering...




My uncles dying of cancer, he's skin and bone with a huge bloated stomach (that's where the cancer is) and he's had a heart attack and all sorts. Its horrific seeing people go through such pain.



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Boring day where nothing happened except I signed up after watching this forum for ages. Hope this coloured text does not offend anybody.


After such a boring Saturday I can't help but dread tomorrow. Sunday is afterall the biggest downer day in the week.

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Guest bluey
Boring day where nothing happened except I signed up after watching this forum for ages. Hope this coloured text does not offend anybody.


After such a boring Saturday I can't help but dread tomorrow. Sunday is afterall the biggest downer day in the week.


hey welcome loser :grin:

i mean... uhm...



nah the coloured text is nice and mellow! i think you should stick to it *claps*


NB: my day was going ok-ish until i got a big saaaaaad a little earlier today... thank you to those of you who cheeryfied me on msn (you know who you are! ^_^) and i was pleased to talk to jamba and find out that one of the people going to see hamlet cancelled so there was an extra ticket - so he can come too!! that's david tennant, patrick stewart, two of my best friends AND jamba all in one place O_O


awesome much?


on a bad note: my hoursmate's boyfriend arrived today - it's 10 past 1 in the morning here and i'm just finding out that he snores. like a bastard O_O *earplugs!*

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Boring day where nothing happened except I signed up after watching this forum for ages. Hope this coloured text does not offend anybody.


After such a boring Saturday I can't help but dread tomorrow. Sunday is afterall the biggest downer day in the week.


Welcome to the forums!


Awesome username...


I mean Losername!


Seriously good name. :grin: and I'm loving the grey text.

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Boring day where nothing happened except I signed up after watching this forum for ages. Hope this coloured text does not offend anybody.


After such a boring Saturday I can't help but dread tomorrow. Sunday is afterall the biggest downer day in the week.


As a couple of posters have said, nice username etc


Cant you like, change your text to like pink? Easy on the eyes, a happy colour, grey just makes you a dull bastard.

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Alright, gonna try and quote a few of you at once. Wish me luck.


hey welcome loser :grin:

i mean... uhm...



nah the coloured text is nice and mellow! i think you should stick to it *claps*





Welcome to the forums!


Awesome username...


I mean Losername!


Seriously good name. :grin: and I'm loving the grey text.


Thanks as well.


As a couple of posters have said, nice username etc


Cant you like, change your text to like pink? Easy on the eyes, a happy colour, grey just makes you a dull bastard.


Thanks? Thanks?


I think I'll just stick with this.

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Boring day where nothing happened except I signed up after watching this forum for ages. Hope this coloured text does not offend anybody.


After such a boring Saturday I can't help but dread tomorrow. Sunday is afterall the biggest downer day in the week.


Welcome, allways good to see new people around here.


Its way too hot today, i went into Burtons with winter clothes on and came out in a newly bought pair of shorts and a t-shirt which made me feel a bit better. Went around town and this guy was preaching about god and how he was a practacing homosexual but is now married and has children. Saw gaggle64's brother in town which was nice. Then i got too hot and came back here.

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