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Well, so much for getting to sleep. Time for Plan B.


And all of a sudden pigeons appear to be attacking the house... maybe I am asleep and just don't realise it.


Edit: And now my iBook's randomly turning its backlight off! I guess something out there is pissed that I intend to skip work.

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Phew, thats a relief. The super duper mega annoying thing had the potential to become 2x more super duper mega annoying, but I have succesfully avoided that...and hopefully the rest of the day will be fine.


It is a half day and Heroclix and Guitar Hero DS may or may not arrive. Fingers crossed.




Update ; No such fucking luck. There is a god damn idiotic manager here, who spoke to the guy last night, to arrange something ENTIRELY different, and so I pull the ropes this morning to get this (quite tricky thing to get arranged) into process, then find out that this shouldnt go through! So have to stop that, and now another area is screwing for the manager authorising it blah blah blah. He didnt write one note or drop me an email or ANYTHING to let me know I shouldnt proceed with my end.


And now Im just caught in the middle of it, but fuck it I cant help any further its his problem now.


This was so weird/shit/bad.




Further update ; I would love for have my clix to have (weird sentence...probably not accurate) to arrive. Cept Wizkids have done it again and put chase figures in (really really ridiculously rare figures) and previously I havnt wanted one really that badly in other sets (bar Superman) but this time they are both Skrulls who I collect, and one is Spider Woman who I love, so its really annoying. Guarantee I wont pull one in my case. Guarantee it. I swear.

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Guest bluey



it's sooooo freakin HOT!!

saying that i've had a nice day so far ~ was talking to jamba this morning and got rudely interrupted by the postman trying to deliver a package to jackie next door... i signed for it.... so now i have it held randsome in my room *heh* me and my new housemate mari went into town together and had a drink and a chat.. i managed to pay my rent with absolutely no help for the first time :smile: (it's quite an achievement for me seeing as i cant read all the complicated japanese!)

aaaand then i came home and cleaned up my room, then laid out in the sun trying to get some colour to my legs (^__^)/ they're so white!! soon i'ma have yet another salad for dinner (i'm living on salads 'cause it's too hot to cook anything~ good job i love tuna fish so much!! ^^) and then take a shower and wash my hair ready for work tomorrow (so i can just roll out of bed tomorrow morning!! haha)

eee! eee!! i'm so excited for saturday =D

i only have 2 kid's lessons with my mini kids this week... as much as i enjoy my kid's classes it'll be nice to have a break from the little bast....little darlings. :grin:

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Phew, thats a relief. The super duper mega annoying thing had the potential to become 2x more super duper mega annoying, but I have succesfully avoided that...and hopefully the rest of the day will be fine.


It is a half day and Heroclix and Guitar Hero DS may or may not arrive. Fingers crossed.




Update ; No such fucking luck. There is a god damn idiotic manager here, who spoke to the guy last night, to arrange something ENTIRELY different, and so I pull the ropes this morning to get this (quite tricky thing to get arranged) into process, then find out that this shouldnt go through! So have to stop that, and now another area is screwing for the manager authorising it blah blah blah. He didnt write one note or drop me an email or ANYTHING to let me know I shouldnt proceed with my end.


And now Im just caught in the middle of it, but fuck it I cant help any further its his problem now.


This was so weird/shit/bad.




Further update ; I would love for have my clix to have (weird sentence...probably not accurate) to arrive. Cept Wizkids have done it again and put chase figures in (really really ridiculously rare figures) and previously I havnt wanted one really that badly in other sets (bar Superman) but this time they are both Skrulls who I collect, and one is Spider Woman who I love, so its really annoying. Guarantee I wont pull one in my case. Guarantee it. I swear.

I have no idea what any of this means.

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Shit, I should've kept my mouth shut...


I GOT HAR CUT! No pix yet. It is surreal. In other news; quite hung over. There's a bottle of mayonnaise next to me and I really, really want to eat it. Not that I know why it's there.


Tonight I have another 'date' with That Girl. Dinner at hers followed by two movies followed by sleeping over. I MUST TAKE ADVANTAGE.

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Don't you just love it when friends you haven't spoken to in months suddenly call you and say they want to do something? I hadn't seen a friend of mine in so long (he goes to Ampleforth college so is always either busy with sports or abroad) but he just called. I'm so happy! :D:D


Went out last night to celebrate the summer, it was so much fun! I love it when you manage to drink the perfect amount so as not to feel bad or get a hangover, but enough to feel typsy. It's brilliant. :D

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Got up to over 50 episodes of cardcaptors...I really need to start learning japanese...but from the looks of it it is soooo difficult...-.- I may have to buy a book and CD's or something to start.


But this also means that I need to find something new to watch, I still haven't found anything that really appeals to me except maybe yu-gi-oh but there's so many epsidoes of that it's abit ridiculous...damnit.


Got my haircut today, thank god, it's alittle bit too short, but that's fab because it's so hot that I just couldn't cope otherwise and my hairdresser (who is loverly, I will never go to an older hairdresser again..) said I can pop in anytime whilst at uni and get her to cut my hair without appointment ^_^ YIPPEEE.


I'm impressed, today is going well.

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You make it sound like that isn't productive. Me and my friend have been working on that for the past week, highest was 700,500 I think =/


my previous high score was 773,000. for the million mark, I got to 550,000 without dying. Fuck Knows How!

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The word to be used to describe my skin after alot of scrubbing, i've been painting, and got alot on my arms, and oddly, my arm pit...ALSO it's not hot out =/ muggy, but not hot, and jay, your hair was an awesome length how could you get it cut? but i need one too... *sigh*

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my previous high score was 773,000. for the million mark, I got to 550,000 without dying. Fuck Knows How!


O_O Its funny because the highest was done by my friend, and he died at 50,000 I was like you're going to lose and he just kept passing it. Its always the bombs that get me >_<


I'm getting my haircut today. Someone suggested highlights but I'm already blonde so that would look stupid. Back to the same old hairstyle I guess =/

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I'm getting my haircut today. Someone suggested highlights but I'm already blonde so that would look stupid. Back to the same old hairstyle I guess =/


I forgot what you look like but what about little bits of colour? It'd be easy enough to do if you are already blonde anyway.

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I forgot what you look like but what about little bits of colour? It'd be easy enough to do if you are already blonde anyway.


Well people have been suggesting things like colours, someone even said pink O.o but I don't know what it would look like. I usually end up giving up and saying the usual please ): Need to be more assertive.


On a lighter note, I have just been on the phone to my sister's driving instructor and I kept saying weird sayings instead of what I usually say. Instead of bye I said " Ok see you later!" in a really upbeat voice, I think I may have scared him :)

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and jay, your hair was an awesome length how could you get it cut? but i need one too... *sigh*

it was awesome, but it was getting insanely tangled after each shower, so I just walked into a barbers and said "hi! Cut my hair! I don't know how. With scissors, maybe" and they were all "BAM BAM *fiddle fiddle*... sorry", but I was like "it's cool. Happens all the time. Sometimes it's "barney!" or "Fred :(" but bam bam's fine." Then he cut it. The End.


Blue *points to avatar* is still on the cards. my hair's longer than it was last time I dyed it, but we'll see! Will be having a 'consultation' later.


Just ate an awe-inspiring egg n' bacon sandwich. So gorram mucky and sticky to eat, it's lovely.

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it was awesome, but it was getting insanely tangled after each shower, so I just walked into a barbers and said "hi! Cut my hair! I don't know how. With scissors, maybe" and they were all "BAM BAM *fiddle fiddle*... sorry", but I was like "it's cool. Happens all the time. Sometimes it's "barney!" or "Fred :(" but bam bam's fine." Then he cut it. The End.


Blue *points to avatar* is still on the cards. my hair's longer than it was last time I dyed it, but we'll see! Will be having a 'consultation' later.


Just ate an awe-inspiring egg n' bacon sandwich. So gorram mucky and sticky to eat, it's lovely.


I'm probably doing the same in a few days time (regarding hair length, not colour), and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who's started using "gorram" after watching Firefly... :indeed:

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I get a letter saying parcel undeliverable, figure it is probably the Heroclix cos' checked the site I bought them from and they updated yesterday with in stock and put them all up, and the only other thing I was waiting on was GH which I chose free delivery and was only sent yesterday


so I bloody drive out, and of course of the two main roads I pick B with a MASSIVE ACCIDENT ON and epic queues, so blah then I get there and Im thinking over and over "please be the clix!" cos GH can wait and I was thinking "Its clearly GH because I literally NEVER have good karma" and it was and AAAHHHH what should have taken 10 minutes took 45 minutes, and I didnt even get what I was hoping for.




Even after all this and blatantly deserving a chase I bet I still wont get one. Ill explain my work thing ina bit.




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I just got back from my holiday in Italy about 15 minutes ago! :D


It was a great journey back with the only delay having to wait for a courtsey car to pick us up which was meant to take 10 minutes but took half an hour to get to gatwick.


I got aeroplane food for the first time in AGGGGGGGGGGGES! and I really enjoyed it. I like plane food for some reason. :p (It was chicken and tomatoes) Also watched the best of Top Gear on the flight, I never realised how fun the show is!


I had a fantastic holiday! :grin: The weather was really nice in Limone and Lake Garda is a beautiful place. The hotel we stayed at was excellent.(despite lack of croissants :heh:)


The best part of the holiday was going up in a cable car to the top of one of the mountains surrounding the lake and sitting back to look at the breath taking views from up their. I also chased after some cows to try and take pictures of them! :yay:


All in all I had a good week and I'm now pleased to return home. (and catch up with the latest news.):awesome:

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it was awesome, but it was getting insanely tangled after each shower, so I just walked into a barbers and said "hi! Cut my hair! I don't know how. With scissors, maybe" and they were all "BAM BAM *fiddle fiddle*... sorry", but I was like "it's cool. Happens all the time. Sometimes it's "barney!" or "Fred :(" but bam bam's fine." Then he cut it. The End.


Blue *points to avatar* is still on the cards. my hair's longer than it was last time I dyed it, but we'll see! Will be having a 'consultation' later.


Just ate an awe-inspiring egg n' bacon sandwich. So gorram mucky and sticky to eat, it's lovely.


Yaaaaaaaayyy blue hair wins <3


EDIT: My rook piercing has healed at long last. Hurray. Still having bother with my second nose one, but its also getting there too. Think my immune system has decided to pick up a little lately ^___^

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I just got back from my holiday in Italy.


The hotel we stayed at was excellent.(despite lack of croissants :heh:)




I'm not surprised...


Sounds like you had fun! I love Italy, though I've never been to the lakes in the North.

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