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Decided after three days I'd had enough and got my arse out the house and took back the combats I bought, ended up buying eledees instead of okami, but I may buy that online later.


I still feel pretty pants, but might give the room abit of a tidy in abit, it's getting abit of a state after me tashing the place this morning looking for my bank card.


I had a nice chat with my friend flo last night about uni, made me feel alittle bit better about everything.

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I have post-birthday depression :(


The weekend was so awesome, i saw all my brummy mates again for the first time since xmas, i went to Alton Towers with my familly and had an wicked time overall with my girlfriend.


Now i'm back down south and everything is sucky. I guess i just miss my friends and familly.

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Decided after three days I'd had enough and got my arse out the house and took back the combats I bought, ended up buying eledees instead of okami, but I may buy that online later.


I still feel pretty pants, but might give the room abit of a tidy in abit, it's getting abit of a state after me tashing the place this morning looking for my bank card.


I had a nice chat with my friend flo last night about uni, made me feel alittle bit better about everything.


Oi, hope you feel better soon.

I guess I've sort of been feeling the same way. Even though there are a couple of things I could be doing, I don't -feel- like doing any of them, so I end up being bored. All I actually want to do is sleep (even though I'm not that tired or anything). Merf. =(


I looked for Okami on ebay... only two sold in Belgium, and they're going for about 50 or even 60 euro (buy it now). Bah. One of them even mentions how it's impossible to find in Belgium. =/

Which just made me realize that price on shopto.net is really cheap compared to this, and I would never be able to find it for a better price. >.<;

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Guest Stefkov

Went to bed in the early hours after watching a few episodes of Trigun. Got woken up early, I didn't see the time but it was early. Fell back asleep, but not fully asleep cos I was woken at 10 by my grandparents ringing. Ignored it and went back to bed. Finally got myself out of bed at 1, watched some documentary on the Discovery Channel. I think next week I am going to walk somewhere.

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Oi, hope you feel better soon.

I guess I've sort of been feeling the same way. Even though there are a couple of things I could be doing, I don't -feel- like doing any of them, so I end up being bored. All I actually want to do is sleep (even though I'm not that tired or anything). Merf. =(


I looked for Okami on ebay... only two sold in Belgium, and they're going for about 50 or even 60 euro (buy it now). Bah. One of them even mentions how it's impossible to find in Belgium. =/

Which just made me realize that price on shopto.net is really cheap compared to this, and I would never be able to find it for a better price. >.<;


Yeah I've been sleeping alot, I think I'm slowly working off the past couple of months, with everything that's been going on I've not really had chance for myself until now.


I would buy you okami, but it'd take a few days because I'd have to transfer paypal funds into my bank account and then ship it over (though from recent use of recorded first class, everythings been taking a day or so).


Gamestation were selling okami for 39.99, I would have bought it today if it were 29.99, but flippin eck :blank:

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How come? :heh:



It just was, really. Went out for a few drinks with my friends group and everyone got on really well and stuff, which is what you'd hope for. I also walked a couple of my friends home which was fantastic.


The next thing I'm looking forward to is Saturday..thunderer's party. Gonna be interesting.

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Guest bluey





this is getting freakin ridiculous. my housemate bought back yet another guy and i'm pretty sure i can hear him spanking her. :nono:

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this is getting freakin ridiculous. my housemate bought back yet another guy and i'm pretty sure i can hear him spanking her. :nono:


Set up a webcam in her room, then show her how ridiculous she is ;) :p

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Guest bluey

seriously guys... this is really starting to get to me...

and whats it going to be like when her BOYFRIEND visits in like, 2 weeks time? what shit am i gunna have to listen to THEN?


i can hardly confront her about this, its her business what she does with herself and its not her fault the walls are so thin... but at the same time i dont wanna hear that stuff AND it's 1am here. (i'm awake anyway, but if i HAD been asleep... it's loud enough to have woken most of the house up..)

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Totally agree with Moogle. Harsh for you, but completely fair.


Either tell her to stop or you'll dob her in, or option B just dob her in without telling her. Win.



Seriously, though, its...I guess the right thing to do.



Spanking though? Damn thats hot.

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Totally agree with Moogle. Harsh for you, but completely fair.


Either tell her to stop or you'll dob her in, or option B just dob her in without telling her. Win.



Seriously, though, its...I guess the right thing to do.



Spanking though? Damn thats hot.


Definitely warn her first. She will only turn on you if you tell him behind her back. At least if she knows she has the chance to change her ways, then you wont feel guilty for exposing her if she continues.

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Just had a job interview, went very well. Will find out in the next few days if i got it or not.


Good luck matey, you certainly deserve it.


In other luck related news....WOOOOO! Who said opening an umbrella indoors was bad luck? its good luck!


Im home and my LEGOs arrived! Standard shippng, 1-2 days processing and 5-7 business days delivery, ordered Friday evening. WOOO!


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seriously guys... this is really starting to get to me...

and whats it going to be like when her BOYFRIEND visits in like, 2 weeks time? what shit am i gunna have to listen to THEN?


When he comes around "accidentally" give the game away by asking her if this is the same guy she was rocking the wagon with last week.

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Today I managed to wake up earlier after another late night.
I managed to overide my sleeping system and I've just woken up! :D

Seeing as my sleeping pattern has been in a complete mess for years, I'll let you two in on the secret to my success: the Nintendo DS.


Seriously, its alarm is the most effective I've ever come across. I've only had one again for a few days and it's already saved me from being late to work.


Just had a job interview, went very well. Will find out in the next few days if i got it or not.

Good for you, Esequiel. Is it a similar job to the one that made you redundant, or are you out for something a bit different?

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Days been pretty good, spent most of it talking to Lisa on the phone as i had no work to do, made sure it was ok to call her first though. I'm planning a visit in about a weeks time and going to spend the weekend with her, will be nice.


Got my usual committee duty tonight, so expect boredom again as per usual when no-one shows up.

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Yeah, spanking is fucking hot. I wish I had someone to spank right now. God, I had something else to type, but now all I can think about is spanking.


Edit: Oh yes! What I did today. Well, today started off really shitty.


Woke up about 10 mins late, which isn't too bad, but then went downstairs to have a shower...and the water was cold. I tried again, cold. I neeed a shower in the morning, or I just won't function.


I ate my breakfast, and tried again. Still nothing! Noooo. My bastard brother had used up all of the hot water last night for his bath. Fucker, how dare he wash!


I went upstairs to turn the hot water on, and then managed to stub my foot on something on the way down. I swore so loudly and my mum laughed.


I got into my shower, which was lukewarm at best, and got ready for work. Went to use the hairdryer...bam, its not there!


Then, there was the all important fun of walking to work, in the pissing rain.


Now, I'm home, and a bit replenished. Think I need a cuggle.

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Yeah, spanking is fucking hot. I wish I had someone to spank right now. God, I had something else to type, but now all I can think about is spanking.




haha sorry I'll stop. Gah, my parents are away tomorrow, silly people, they have too many holidays! They are going away the end of august and then again in march next year..


No wonder they are being suck ups. :blank:

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