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My sister told me that some psycho bitch has been torching one of the classrooms at my school and has been lobbing tables at people's heads. 14 day exclusion. These people are actually rewarded with money and laptops if they manage to avoid incidents like these for a week.


I really hate that. Just another example of how this shithole of a country rewards the pricks.

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I knew there was a reason my friend flo wanted to drag me to manchester friday/saturday haha.


You should go, it's going to be a blast.


secondly of all ~ yay!! you found a friend on the forums to share stuff with, eh? i saw your post a while back in the sexuality thread ~ i'm glad you found someone!! :grin:


More than one darling, one well known, one not so, I'm not at liberty to divulge either identities though. Although I will say one looks really cute in pigtails.

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You should go, it's going to be a blast.




More than one darling, one well known, one not so, I'm not at liberty to divulge either identities though. Although I will say one looks really cute in pigtails.


Hopefully ^_^, it depends on how vix is feeling she gets under the weather quite alot. :(

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Today has been terrible, just found out someone i know quite well has died in a car crash.


He is still on MSN now his computer must not have been turned off.


I'm just so shocked...


Sorry to hear that Caris. :sad:

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Argh I had a big massive falling out with my mate cause I told him exactly how I felt. He was totally suffocating me, always asking how I was, and never really asking anyone else o_o Just a lot of little things adding up. I basically felt like I was in a relationship with him.


I told him how I felt (in what I thought was an adult manner) he comes out with:


"Don't flatter yourself"


Charming. Fucking charming.

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Argh I had a big massive falling out with my mate cause I told him exactly how I felt. He was totally suffocating me, always asking how I was, and never really asking anyone else o_o Just a lot of little things adding up. I basically felt like I was in a relationship with him.


I told him how I felt (in what I thought was an adult manner) he comes out with:


"Don't flatter yourself"


Charming. Fucking charming.


Ha men ay :indeed: Can't live with them, can't live without them :indeed:

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Story of the day!


Remember how our cat was missing?



My neighbour/cousin called my sister earlier tonight to say that she thought she saw our cat. She was picking up some pillows from their garage/basement and saw something run through a hole, into one of those tiny, low, dark crawling basements. We arrive there and her dad crawls in there to check it out. Halfway he stops and says he sees the cat, but he doesn't want to go further to grab her. And since no one else volunteered, I was the one to go in there.


I got given a big flash light and a small plate with some sausage on it. Wasn't really too happy about going into a small, smelly, dirty, dark basement. I don't like small spaces (especially not after seeing tons of shows where bodies are hidden under the house). Had to crawl quite a long way, past some poop (probably from our cat) and a dead mouse. D:

After two scary corners (you never know what you'll find behind one) I could finally see our cat in a far away corner, eyes wide and looking like she was glued to the floor. Had to crawl all the way over there (with my back constantly hitting the ceiling), only to have her run away into another corner. >.<;


Had to crawl around some pipes and tried to get her to stay in that corner. Gave her the plate with sausages but she was totally not interested. I eventually managed to grab her, and with her in my left arm and the flash light and plate in the other, I tried to crawl the long way back to freedom (though the cat was not happy about being dragged along).

Quickly crawled out of the basement, yelled a "thank you" at my cousins and ran home, with the scratching cat in my arms. Dropped her off at the cat food plate where she started munching away like crazy. Poor thing had been in there for about a week without food. D:


So now we have our kitty back (yay!) and I have about a billion scratches on my arms (which hurt, especially on the parts where I was sunburnt). X3



*end of long story*

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Purr-fect ending. :)


Now a sad cat story.


My sisters cat went missing much earlier this year, it was a very outdoor cat and would never be gone longer than 24/48 hours tops, since it always returned to feed and be present my sister with "gifts" of either stunned birds/mice (Which there were plenty of the field behind the house) My sister was very worried when it failed to return after 48hrs, she posted flyers all over her area in Sheffield, and posted on the community boards as well to see if anyone had sighted the cat-but no one had seen anything. As the days went by she worried that maybe someone was holding her cat against it's will/it was the not knowing that was really upsetting for her. After about a week of searching, my dad drove north to help look as well. Sadly he found the cat lying in the overgrowth inside a deep bush. It had no outward injuries and didn't appear to have been hit-I suspect it might have eaten something poisonous and crawled into the undergrowth but I'II guess we shall never know.



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Guest Stefkov

I went to work at 10, 2 hours early for a stock take we have to do. I got told this an hour before we went. Was working from 10 till 8.

Basically I got paid to sit, watch the tennis and eat. Pay day will be a great day cos I got another day like this tomorrow.

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Yay, finished all my exams finally - now to find a job!


Feel really bad for one of my mates, who is really in the "pits" atm. His dad died last week, and his grandad today. That's not fair at all, but that's life I guess.


On a side note: does anyone know the trade-in value of GTAIV in GAME?

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Woke up at Jordan's, then had a fucking shit day at work!!!


Theres a new girl who started, well, she's 22, and she's not turned up for the last few days, not ringing in or anything - so there were only 3 people including myself trying to run the cafe today and it was totally uncontrollable. I got there at 10 this morning and didn't get out till close to 7pm.


Also I sliced open the webbing between my thumb and indew finger with a can T_T


Also it hindered me whilst trying to play Mass Effect.


Also I love Mass Effect.

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At a guess, £22-28. Its been out a few weeks now, they would have had a few trade ins. But pure guess.


Day = long. Woke up early and met my friend for a coffee. Meant to meet at 11 but he rang me just before saying he was going to be half hour late. Half past went in (and the coffee shop was mother's meeting central, about fifteen buggies in there) and got a text saying "another fifteen minutes". 30 minutes later he turned up.


But still, was a good morning. Then homeward bound for a few hours then work. Girl I was with was PMS (damn your miserable gender) and I had to potwash but ah well.


Oh and I got good news; I don't have aids. Granted, new it anyway but the clinic official confirmed it after I accidentally got tested two weeks ago.

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Congratulations on accidently finding out you don't have aids Ashley!


Had a pretty slow day. I read a lot. Wrote a bit. Serenaded a squirrel on a branch next to my window with The Pixies' "Hey".


Read this: http://www.viceland.com/int/v15n6/htdocs/destroying-myself-134.php Posted it on Facebook. I like this writer.


Watched M. Night Shyamalan on Film4 attempt to convince people his latest film isn't cinematic rape.


Started a new thread which, although incredibly interesting, will probably die a lonely death but I enjoyed writing it anyway.


Chatted to the lovely Eenuh on MSN for a bit.


Watching The Bone Collector, I like Angelina Jolie in it.


I'll probably put on Casablanca now. It is about time I see it.

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The finding out was intentional, the test itself was accidental (went in for a hep b shot and I looked away and suddenly they'd withdraw two vials of blood and said they'd text me in two weeks). But thanks :D


And fret not! I shall read your thread tomorrow.

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