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Awww thanks guys. X3

I would come over to the UK but at the moment I don't think money and parents would permit it. =P


So yeah, I woke up at 6:44 to go to the toilet, and even though I'm still tired I can't fall asleep anymore. D:

Yesterday was weird... my cousins probably thought it was super funny to see me get kinda drunk from all that wine, and they said I should join them to other parties in the future... but honestly I feel like I've gotten too old for those things, plus I don't know anyone there. And a two hour bike ride to a party doesn't sound fun to me either. XD


And the wine didn't help to stop the tears, though there was only one before I fell asleep, so that's not too bad. Also managed to send text messages to my ex again after a long time of no talking on my end. Will see if we can talk online again tonight or swap some more emails and see what comes from that.


*pointless babbling*


You never know you might start to enjoy yourself after a while, and meet some new people.


We all love you here, so keep your chin up! :smile:

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Oh god, last night was awesome yet not at the same time.


I just looked at my phone and I sent two very embrassing texts. Something about a four leafed clover and feeling lucky because I am. Then something about I know you want it. I'm so embarassed, she's going to either laugh hysterically when she sees me, or hate me.


THE HAPPENING IS THE BEST FILM ON EARTH (In the that was shiz way). (read the review in the film thread)

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Guest Stefkov

So yesterday I stayed up till about 4 o'clock. Went to bed for a few hours before having dinner at about half 6. Watched the Euro 08 game until half time but I was dropping off. Went to bed at half 8, woke up at around 3 in the morning. Wondered what the hell I was doing and got back into bed. Woke up at about 6 to some wierd alarm like noise. I thought I was hearing things, I could hear it at nearly every point within my house. Somehow got back to sleep and woke up again at half 10.

The the 29 or so hours without sleep was fun.

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You never know you might start to enjoy yourself after a while, and meet some new people.


We all love you here, so keep your chin up! :smile:

Don't know, it's a huge party (more than 1000 people or something O.o ), so I'm not sure I'd feel okay over there. Especially since I'd just be tagging along with my sisters, cousins and their friends. I'd probably feel like some extra baggage they could really do without. X3

So chances of me going to that are slim!

However, my sister has her 18th birthday party together with three other friends and I'm supposed to go help there with drinks. So maybe I'll some fun there, but I guess all those kids will be too young for me anyway. =P


Ahhh thunder and lightning!! *hides*


Meep! It's really really hot and sunny over here. Like really hot. But there's also -a lot- of wind around here right now, making the trees in the fields go all *woosh*. My family keeps saying it sounds like we're at sea or something, that's the sound we hear, the sound of loud waves crashing on the shore. X3

*loves it*

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Meep! It's really really hot and sunny over here. Like really hot. But there's also -a lot- of wind around here right now, making the trees in the fields go all *woosh*. My family keeps saying it sounds like we're at sea or something, that's the sound we hear, the sound of loud waves crashing on the shore. X3

*loves it*




It's really sunny today but also EXTREMELY windy!


I feel like I'm at sea to and it's also destroying my curtains they are literally blowing in my face. :grin:


I thought about trying to float in it earlier a ala Lost Winds but decided against it.... :heh:


My day so far has been a mixture of relaxing and not so much. I've been working on getting my personal statement done for Uni's as I can't be bothered to have it hanging over my head but halfway through I got distracted by Twilight Princess and played it for an hour and a half! : peace:


Now I have to hoover my room and clean the mirrors and sink. :)

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So I was only supposed to go out to manchester for saturday day, was great met up with ste and flo but ended up going to vixs and getting drunk, which included flaming bear attacks/sexytime and sleepytime haha ^_^


Got home an hour ago, only to end up breaking the dishwasher...at least NiGHTS has turned up, it's quite cool. =]

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Guest Stefkov

I've had a great day playing LOTRO for 6 or so hours. Don't know how to compare it to WoW. It's just different.

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I've had a great day playing LOTRO for 6 or so hours. Don't know how to compare it to WoW. It's just different.


How awesome is it? :D I stopped momentarily whilst the exams were on, I think I'll start up again soon. I love it so much compared to other MMOs I've played since I know the universe, it doesn't feel overly complicated, there's an actual story to it, and it doesn't really feel like a chore to play.

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Guest Stefkov
How awesome is it? :D I stopped momentarily whilst the exams were on, I think I'll start up again soon. I love it so much compared to other MMOs I've played since I know the universe, it doesn't feel overly complicated, there's an actual story to it, and it doesn't really feel like a chore to play.

I like al of your points there, apart from knowing the Universe well, I'm the same.

What server you on and what level do you remember you were at? I'm only level 11 on Snowbourn. I'm gonna play some more later on.

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I like al of your points there, apart from knowing the Universe well, I'm the same.

What server you on and what level do you remember you were at? I'm only level 11 on Snowbourn. I'm gonna play some more later on.


Level 15/16 on Eldar, but apparently I can change worlds. Do you get locked to a certain world once you're past, say, level 20?

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Lets see, my weekend




Had a good night out, karaoke was good and got nicely drunk. Bought a mate back for more booze, had a great chat and sorted some stuff out and cleared my head about a few problems.




Daytime, went to Salisbury to visit my Aunt, also met my Nan, other Aunt and Uncle as well. Great day out as well.


Nighttime, where to begin.


Night stared off as a normal saturday night me, linzi, rob and andrew. All having a laugh until the amir khan fight. Leavin me and linzi in the snooker room alone, we start talking revealing loads of stuff about each other past relationships, how bad they ended etc. Night returned to normal with a laugh in the bar. On way home, she asked to come back to mine for some more booze as i have some booze back at mine so we do and get more personal with talk. I even get to the point of askin her out, with her sayin she would love to but be awkard as rob and andrew wouldn't like it (none of their business really). We end up makin out a few times in my kitchen her hands movin to the joy department as well. Then she downed the vodka i had and ended up parapelitic.


I took her home, carryin her half the way get her inside her house with a struggle as she wasn't helpin me. Get her to her room and she moves onto me again and wants to shag me exact words durin make out "fuck me". Then she needs to puke, which i help her to bog to do so, then she decides to attempt again to shag me. Tip: don't snog a woman/girl who has puked up, not nice. I tell her no, you are drunk try again when sober.


Back and forth make out, she wanted me to stay i couldn't as i had duty at 10am and needed sleep. She insisted i stay, bad bad really. So i leave her in her house after one final snog and i return today at 2pm with her havin no memory of previous night


so awkward as i say. Forgot to add, she also asked before she made moves on me. Do i prefer her, or jemma?


So that was Saturday night.




Cash count as always, then made a visit to her house to see how she was. Mind locked out apparently as she can't remember much from leaving mine to her waking up in the morning. Got pool tonight as well, should be making a move soon.

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So yeah, I should never forget to wear sunscreen again... I know I always say it but I keep forgetting just how fast I burn. I wasn't out in the sun that long, yet I managed to get a pretty serious burn on my arms and shoulders.




Shoulder, though the picture doesn't really show just how red it really is. XD


Anyway, other than that I went to work, then after that I went running with mom and my sister. Been ages since I last went, so it was really hard for me. Especially since it was so hot outside. D:

And now I'm sitting here and wondering what I'll do. Maybe I'll finally start watching more X-files tonight, been too long since I last did.



Oh and the cat is still missing. We really think something happened to her. =(

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