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"Oh you're Boydy's brother eh?"

"Yes, but unlike him in not on the sex offenders list so please don't give me that look."


That and in an entirely supersticious nonsense way; there has been no female Boyd born in our family for over a hundred years. I want a daughter thanks.


Fair enough.


Is that last bit true or just a joke/pun?

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First day of my new job today, and it was terrible. An agency got me the job, and I was told it was a basic admin job that was in a part of a warehouse instead of an office. Turned up this morning, and there was a girl (also from the agency) and 2 students (who happened to be best friends) also going to be doing the same as me. Exciting stuff. After a brief tour of the premises, we were shown what we were going to be doing, which was getting boxses and sorting the contents of them into new boxses, over and over again, 8:45a.m-5:00.pm WTF? Why bother giving me a typing test and making sure I had good I.T skills for this mindless depressing role? To make me feel even more pathetic they paired us into "teams" like they do at secondary school when you're doing a science project. Agh!! The girl quit at dinner time, as the job wasn't a desk job, and I'm thinking of following suit. Soo annoyed. Was looking forward to this new role, but think I'll be calling the agency soon. I'd rather masturabate with a cheese grater than turn up for work tomorrow.

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Bought some new jeans today. If I may say so myself, they're fucking sexual.


Also, saw SUCH a shirt while in the store. They didn't have my size, but I put my name and number down for when they restock. I must have it. It haunts me, like phantom boobs.

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lol at general studies, it was about equality today apparantly. I wouldn't know however, as I wrote them a very nice letter detailing the pros and cons of me sitting the exam when I could be revising for my Philosophy exams tomorrow.


I then proceeded to write out all of the lyrics from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song under the question number "Bel-air".


I think I got full marks!!!!

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Rather strange....


Just went into River Island to buy these orange sunglasses, and this guy in a suit came up to me and asked if I would be interested in modelling....


He asked all these questions, and said he would contact me and come round my house to discuss it. Lols.


But as I'm going on holiday tomorrow afternoon, he said it might have to be when I get back from holiday...


Would be great if he wasn't a rapist ^_^

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Rather strange....


Just went into River Island to buy these orange sunglasses, and this guy in a suit came up to me and asked if I would be interested in modelling....


He asked all these questions, and said he would contact me and come round my house to discuss it. Lols.


But as I'm going on holiday tomorrow afternoon, he said it might have to be when I get back from holiday...


Would be great if he wasn't a rapist ^_^

You better have lots of lupe in the house.
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She is the best maid you can get




lolsing at Americans, which is something I actually seldom do as frankly I don't care, but Secret Diary of a Call Girl aired on Showtime over there and it seems to have been billed as a "Showtime original series" (yes its an original series and its on Showtime but...) and people are saying "It felt short, why couldn't they do an extra five minutes" and talking about how this is the after affects of the WGA strike.

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Well, I just got back from Midsummer House in Cambridge.


It's a restaurant with 2 Michelin Stars.


I think the best way to describe it is to say what they served first, (before starters or anything)...



Pink Grapefruit juice mixed with Champagne foam, Followed by some cauliflower cream with shrimps and things that tasted slightly foul.


It was also wholly expensive, At least the service was what I would have expected for the price, not pretentious as shit like the food was.

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Guest Stefkov

Had my final two exams. I took em a little serious. It was great having just watched a program on beeb 1 about technological advancement.

Had an alarmingly small bottle of Magners along with a 15" pizza.

Just as I sit down with some Bulmers to watch the match people come round. Wondering why, I hear Happy Birthday when they walk in the house then I remember. More people come and we have a good time watching the football and socializing. (z or s?) Dad decides to open a bottle of 'крьім'. Tastes like alcoholic fizzy ribena, it was nice. Had another Bulmers.

Everyone gone and I unravel the truth as to what's been happening in the house. Felt a bit like Phoenix Wright asking questions and listening to countles minutes of text/speech. Now I know the truth. Aren't we all happy? Sorry for this ridiculously big post, I'm just tired and I want to go to Uni/away.

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Hmmmmmmmm. I came home from work feeling so utterly terrible, went straight to bed and only up now. =(


The only reason i'm at all conscious/alive is because i've been pumping myself with paracetamol.


EDIT: On a happier and excellent note, tomorrow, 19th, i will have officially stopped smoking for a month! woooooooooooooooooooo ^____________________^

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EDIT: On a happier and excellent note, tomorrow, 19th, i will have officially stopped smoking for a month! woooooooooooooooooooo ^____________________^


Shit. I've been smoking for a month now (not my fault, going out and finding a 20 pack in your jacket pocket after a night of drinking has consequences). Reminds me of Le Chateliers; "a system in equilibrium will react to oppose any change imposed upon it," (yes, I know theres a physics one about equal and opposite reactions, but I'm not that nerdy).


Now I just want to get drunk and watch Equilibrium.


I think I'll try to stop when I go on holiday. It shouldn't be too hard, I don't have more than 2 or 3 a day. I hope.

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Shit. I've been smoking for a month now (not my fault, going out and finding a 20 pack in your jacket pocket after a night of drinking has consequences). Reminds me of Le Chateliers; "a system in equilibrium will react to oppose any change imposed upon it," (yes, I know theres a physics one about equal and opposite reactions, but I'm not that nerdy).


Now I just want to get drunk and watch Equilibrium.


I think I'll try to stop when I go on holiday. It shouldn't be too hard, I don't have more than 2 or 3 a day. I hope.



Everything in the world balances out :heh:


Its harder than you think to stop... I've been on and off the fegs since i was 16. Do it now before you are properly hooked :(

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Shit. I've been smoking for a month now (not my fault, going out and finding a 20 pack in your jacket pocket after a night of drinking has consequences). Reminds me of Le Chateliers; "a system in equilibrium will react to oppose any change imposed upon it," (yes, I know theres a physics one about equal and opposite reactions, but I'm not that nerdy).


Now I just want to get drunk and watch Equilibrium.


I think I'll try to stop when I go on holiday. It shouldn't be too hard, I don't have more than 2 or 3 a day. I hope.

Man, I'd say Newton's third law is more well known than Le Chatelier's principle, making it less nerdy, but anyway. Nerdy would be a mathematically rigorous treatment of equilibrium. (G = -RT ln(K) anyone? :heh:)

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I've scanned the last two pages and generally found it to be dull. So I thought I'd add to it.


bought my ticket home and already I have THREE women wanting my company when I get back. I will be sure to dissapoint them all with my presence asap. I hate the world. I didn't meet my ex-, but have been fantasising about how we could meet up for the last 2 days non-stop.


going to stay with my dad when I get to brighton, which will be a FIRST in 21 years, thus = awkward. As I say, i currently hate the world and demand alcohol and everything. Hate you too.


My 'save £2500 plan' is already failing... Went and saw my mom and she offered to pay for me to change my name, as she is doing the same. Probably will. I've been using 'Jones' for quite a while anyway. Why not make it legal eh?

didn't you discover you had like £10k in funds anyway? And jones is seriously aweful.

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Man, I'd say Newton's third law is more well known than Le Chatelier's principle, making it less nerdy, but anyway. Nerdy would be a mathematically rigorous treatment of equilibrium. (G = -RT ln(K) anyone? :heh:)


Yes, but physics is for lab coat wearing, machine calibrating, neutrino inventing, number fiddlers. Chemistry is clearly more awesome :heh:


Ugh, can't get to sleep :(

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Yes, but physics is for lab coat wearing, machine calibrating, neutrino inventing, number fiddlers. Chemistry is clearly more awesome :heh:


Ugh, can't get to sleep :(


Lies! Biology FTW! :D


Bio becomes chemistry and chemistry becomes physics. I'm definately doing the right degree course :D


Urggh, I CBA with today, it's uber wet in manchester after a week of nice dry sunnyness :'(

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Woop-de-woo. I just got a perfect call, which means when it was monitored it got marked as highly as possible on all counts, and I did all things correct. (To give you an idea if you dont call client by their name you dont score that portion ie not possible to get 100%) anyway so my first one today. Would of had about 4 previously but I didnt say their names - but now I try to every call.


And Im consistently taking the most amount of calls each month. Im epic employee.

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