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Yeah eat something man,please. Alot of people on here are worried about you, so do it for them! (Even if i've never met you, i don't like seeing a nice bloke down). :)



Okay Owen.

People really worry about me?

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Sure do dante =[


My day! Well, yesterday, i came back from the girlfriends (we put up a tent and a hammock! it was so awesome!)


My sisters confirmation happened, and the world and it's dog came round my house >.> (family relatives) so i got bored and took off with the girlfriend in the car and drove to collect the fish! for sexy times...


Today I will do some business studies revision! muahaha

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Just upload some pictures of saturday, I look silly in all of them because I was messing about. Screw decent pictures haha!


Today got a driving lesson and I think were all meeting up again in two weeks before leah (miss canadian) goes back home! yay!

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Guest Jordan

You know, i'm kinda happy that theres no games after MGS4 till the end of July.


I have to finish:


GRID (about 2/3 complete)

Ninja Gaiden II (on chapter 7 of 13(?))

Mario Kart Wii (only got up to 100CC)

Smash Bros. Brawl (to get the rest of the collection stuff)


There are other games i've hardly touched too. For example, i've literally played 10 minutes of World in Conflict and only a couple of hours of UT3 >_>.

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You know, i'm kinda happy that theres no games after MGS4 till the end of July.


I have to finish:


GRID (about 2/3 complete)

Ninja Gaiden II (on chapter 7 of 13(?))

Mario Kart Wii (only got up to 100CC)

Smash Bros. Brawl (to get the rest of the collection stuff)


There are other games i've hardly touched too. For example, i've literally played 10 minutes of World in Conflict and only a couple of hours of UT3 >_>.


I'm the same, I've had ff12 for a year or something and only have 30minutes done. It's a bad game though tbh.

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the ONE day i coulda had a lie-in and i was woken up by the freakin cleaners >__>


oh and P.s. i am alive ~


"Stabbing spree" christ, that sounds pretty hurrendous.


I just got a letter from HBOS giving me options about shares or something, with three options telling me to mark for or against for each.





Wish I knew what the questions meant. :blank:

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oh and P.s. i am alive ~


I can tell I spend too much time on the forum when, the first thing I thought of when I heard Tokyo is you.


Get out of my head, woman, I have A levels to do! :heh:


My day has so far consisted of physics revision. It is likely to continue as such, with a sprinkling of lunch, Call of Duty 4, and watching Italy vs Netherlands.

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driving lesson was great =], only a few more then that's it brum brum (i may actually name my car brum after the yellow car in the kids show <3)


some woman in tesco while serving me told me how nice my hair colour was, it was so nice for her to say that after ive been feeling crap for the past couple of days. If everyone could do that for each other this place might actually be alittle easier to live in.


Other than that I'll try getting my unit 5 assignment ticked off along with some mirc/forum browsing.

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Also decided today (while watching Jericho) to learn sign language. So far I know the alphabet, basic greeting stages, numbers, things in the home, things at school and weather. Although going between different sites there are some differences. Hmm :/

Noob reply but; you sure they're all for BSL? As every country seems to have their own version of sign language...

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Day= "Bleh"


Went to school (we're starting A levels now) which was the biggest waste of time since we did nothing in ICT and i couldn't be bothered to go to Business Studies.


Got home to find my Ipod which has been 'lost' for over a week had been taken by my brother to his girlfriends. He had been lying to me all week about not knowing where it was untill today when he said that he had it and he thought he could get away with it without me knowing. Sometimes he can be a right prat (It's actually becoming more of a regular occurrence these days)


Also about 3 month ago i allowed him to take my Wii to Uni for a week (With all my games and remotes). I've asked for it every week for him to bring it home, has he? No! To be honest i think he's broke it, either that or his girlfriend thinks it's hers (She's one of those spoilt brats which thinks everything belongs to her). Anyway today he said he's got it in the boot of his girlfriends car and he's going out to get it. So he goes out, talks to her and then she drives off. wtf is that about? He said he forgot to take it out, which i know for a fact is aload of bollocks. He's going Tenerife for a week on Wednesday, so i doubt i will get both my ipod and wii back before then.


[Rant Over]

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Guest bluey

eeeesh and meeeh!!


eesh: today i taught at my favourite school ~ i love the kids class (they're awesome!) and the adult classes are all fun too... but ALL the school's classrooms have GIANT windows looking out onto the town from quite high up... so when a thunderstorm started halfway through one of my lessons i couldnt help but freak out a little.. i hate thunderstorms... they're the only thing that make me really nervous and skittish.


meeh: i've lost a fair bit of weight recently and weirdly enough it's kinda making me feel bad... i wore the heroes t-shirt that came in the post from jamba (i left it at his before i left the UK so i havent worn it for 3 months~) and it's a lot looser on me than it was when i first got it. :hmm:


plus just wearing it is making me kinda sad 'cause it smells all... jamba-y

(u____u) *sniff*

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Got home to find my Ipod which has been 'lost' for over a week had been taken by my brother to his girlfriends. He had been lying to me all week about not knowing where it was untill today when he said that he had it and he thought he could get away with it without me knowing. Sometimes he can be a right prat (It's actually becoming more of a regular occurrence these days)


Also about 3 month ago i allowed him to take my Wii to Uni for a week (With all my games and remotes). I've asked for it every week for him to bring it home, has he? No! To be honest i think he's broke it, either that or his girlfriend thinks it's hers (She's one of those spoilt brats which thinks everything belongs to her). Anyway today he said he's got it in the boot of his girlfriends car and he's going out to get it. So he goes out, talks to her and then she drives off. wtf is that about? He said he forgot to take it out, which i know for a fact is aload of bollocks. He's going Tenerife for a week on Wednesday, so i doubt i will get both my ipod and wii back before then.


[Rant Over]


Have you considered violence?

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I can tell I spend too much time on the forum when, the first thing I thought of when I heard Tokyo is you.


Get out of my head, woman, I have A levels to do!


I was the same when i heard about it as well. :hmm:

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Back at college for the pointless month before work experince. This last month aftr AS exams is pointless, even teachers have admitted it.


Anyway! I've got a bluddy summer cold. Every summer! I hate my immune system so much and it seems to feel the same way about my body.




Found out one of my mates dad died over the holidays. He got crushed in some machinery whilst working down in Cornwall. It's really terrible, he seemed a right mess at college today, he really shouldn't of come in - though I think having all his mates around him helped.

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