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My little brother rang me up and said he had a fun time describing his Dream World. I think he also wrote a letter to the Education Minister? I would pay £10 to read both. My even younger brother's fiction for his Year 8 class was one of the funniest things I've ever read. God it is weird to look into their brains.


I suppose they would like to read my thrilling Year 6 Nutcracker adaptation as well? Or perhaps that harrowing first-person account of 9/11, written in Year 9?


My day: hit 66 in WoW. Got annoyed by housemates. Had a good chat with a housemate's mate about WoW. No revision, and 7 days to go until my second one.


Dad's angry apparently because I bought a PC instead of spending my money on beer and girls and presumably golf or something, and he also has the beginnings of diabetes? Well I am not ringing home to get sworn at, beginnings of diabetes or not. You would have thought he would be proud of his kid for working hard (every day of my holiday, 6-30 til 6) and being rewarded with what he wanted? You would have thought he would have been shocked into a realisation by poor health? Not my Pa! He wants me to be a bouncer, a thug like he was.


Does anyone else find those phone calls home really awkward? Maybe we talk too much. Maybe if we talked every half a year it would be a better conversation. Then again, it's easy to talk to my brothers. Amazing how smart and perceptive they are getting. We might be fucked but our kids might have a decent shot.

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300 points from 3 and a half a levels




what i think i'll get is like BBDE (the E is the half) so unless i get an AA or something ={ or i get a C in general studies etc...*sigh*


So yeh, thats my day, worrying about things like this, while revising for my next exam such is life

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That was me a few weeks ago domJcg I sympathise except mine's much easier to correct than yourself.


Found out today that my uber bloatness that I have all the time might be ibs, yay...so I'm going to have to get a doctors appointment at some point...-.-


Though I'm looking forward to tomorrow, going birmingham with a few friends :) cheer myself up!

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Not the greatest day so far. Was woken up by a text message from a friend, saying that our uni exam results were out, so I dived outta bed,so fast that I felt a bit dizzy, and sprinted downstairs, to find mine hadn't come :(


I've been getting messages all day from my friends asking me how I did, telling me how they did etc. and I've got to wait till Monday to get mine now. Stupid postal service *grumbles*

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My geography exam was rather good. It wasn't ridiculously easy, but I got down all the relevant points. So confident that I had, I did that stupid thing of looking up the subject in the text book afterwards, and, hey presto! I was right!


*arm pump*

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Guest Stefkov

Today my drivers licence came in the post. Shweet.

A CD arrived which reminds me I need to leave feeback on ebay and finally my figurine arrived. Jawesome.

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Guest Jordan

My day has been mixed.


Great: My phones fixed, fuck yes! I managed to replace it after spending £11 on a tool set just for one screwdriver bit.


Bad: My headphones died. Nooooooooo! Which means either i'll have to buy another pair of CX300's or go crazy and buy the £45 new ones :3

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My day has been mixed.


Great: My phones fixed, fuck yes! I managed to replace it after spending £11 on a tool set just for one screwdriver bit.


Bad: My headphones died. Nooooooooo! Which means either i'll have to buy another pair of CX300's or go crazy and buy the £45 new ones :3


Get the CX500's, they're the most reliable pair of headphones I've ever owned. They still work perfectly, and I just wrap them round my ipod and throw them in my school bag. They sound better than the CX300's too.

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Today I didn't bother going to usual revision lessons, I just did media studies all day in order to completely own one of the units, which I did. :awesome:


Lordy, no. But I would acually sit all of my exams again just to get a chance to deface Enfield's face.


So I take it you're on a different exam board to me (WJEC).

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Guest Jordan
Get the CX500's, they're the most reliable pair of headphones I've ever owned. They still work perfectly, and I just wrap them round my ipod and throw them in my school bag. They sound better than the CX300's too.


Yeah, i just got some for £20 off Amazon :)


Apparently they sound alot better than the 300's which is pretty crazy considering how good they are.


Now i just have to wait to some point next week to have some headphones back :indeed:


Crazy thing is, i've had these CX300's for a good couple of years. I bought another pair, which Letty has now though.

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Guest Jordan
Just got back from Vaila's memorial. It was so lovely, but sad. At the end they played the last song she ever heard - Dice - Finley Quaye and I cried.


*curls up on bed*


Oh sweetie... I'll be over after work.

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Not the greatest day so far. Was woken up by a text message from a friend, saying that our uni exam results were out, so I dived outta bed,so fast that I felt a bit dizzy, and sprinted downstairs, to find mine hadn't come :(


I've been getting messages all day from my friends asking me how I did, telling me how they did etc. and I've got to wait till Monday to get mine now. Stupid postal service *grumbles*


Do you not get post on a saturday?

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Okay, lets have a think.


Wednesday 28th May

So we left for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Earth, The Universe. The flight was okay,...Watched Cloverfield (and had the epicanna statue of libertys head butcherisation scene conviniently paused/skipped over for an announcement from the pilot.) Anyway arrived, and went to Burger King...I had a "Triple Stacker" which is a burger with THREE beef patties, and then bacon and cheese. You could also opt for a quadruple stacker....seriously (Thats like...fucking four) and then went to a 7-11 (which if not familiar, is like Spar) and this tramp opened the door for me was like "Change on the way out" you can fuck off. Anyway he opened the door for us on the way out, and my just phasing out putting my money away forgot to thank. He said "You're welcome" sarcastically...I ignored...then "I said you're fucking welcome" we speedily left lol.



We went to this place called King of Prussia mall which is like the biggest mall on the east coast of America and is frankly "fooking mahoosive" I got soooo much stuff, and it was soooo awesome. Not much else to say. For lunch had TGI Fridays, JD Steak and Shrimp. Biggest steak the world has ever seen. It was simply amazing. (Meal was like £20 and ridiculously bigger than the UK equivilant meal, and usually we'd spend like £25-35 at TGIs here) Bought a shit load of LEGO too.



Walked around Philly town, I had my first "Slurpee" experience. Wow...SLURPEES ARE SO AWESOME! Over the course of the holiday I tried many flavours ; Fanta Banana (amazing) Coca Cola (Mediocore) Fanta Cherry (Noice) Fruit Punch (Kinda eww) and Strawberry Creme which was okay, but yeah the Banana one was the best, the texture is soooo nice, similar to Tango Ice Blast, but goes down easier...and like 80p not £3.50. \Then In the evening I went and hung out with people that Ive spoken to online for like 5 years which was cool! (Met Scott Porter, wheeee) and it was just generally sweet.



Went to a comic convention Wizard World East. Was very cool sitting in on a few of the panels, seeing some great comic creators in real life. We all put on Skrull masks lol. It was cool as I always check Comics Continuum and read the info from the panels, so it was cool being in the room getting the info as it came! :heh:



Went to New York....wow, that was just fucking epic, Im sorry but it really was. Bought another shit load of LEGO, went to Ninty World (amazing) Time Square is basically the greatest place on earth. Went on a bus tour. The whole thing was breathtakingly awesome. (Had lunch at Planet Hollywood, which was cooool)



Went to the historical sites of Philly, Liberty Bell et all. Mildly interesting. Enjoyable day.



*Sigh* this was the horrible day. I researched before we came about going to Six Flags soooo much. Like literally I explored every single avenue for like 5 hours+ research purely for transport to and info about Six Flags Great Adventure (a really sweet theme park) anyway so we get to the bus station...find out theres a coach that goes directly there on Weekends (which is advertised everywhere at the coach station, full colour leaflet plastered everywhere...and this particular service is not mentioned ANYWHERE on the internet. Not on the companys website, or anything at all) so that made me a bit mad, but worry I did not, I had researched the bus to get us there would need to be going to a town called Casseville and taxi from there to the park (approx 7 miles) (see I totally covered all bases research wise) anyway so we get to Casseville (like 2 hours and a bit journey) and its this fucking middle of nowhere town. I imagined it would at least have like a bus stop or maybe even station...not the case. Heck there was no bus sign or anything. The stop was the side of the road. This "town" had a tavern, and a truckers diner. And diggers at the side of the road. AGAIN worry not! For I was fully prepared and had the numbers of three local taxi companies in my phone. So I ring for one...and it doesnt turn up. At this point it is getting kinda late in "wanting to do stuff" ways, and we were tired and just decided to catch the bus back. If we re-rang for a taxi we wouldnt have had much time at the park at all.


Now you probably know Im a massive coaster freak, and I researched the shit outta this and I was fucking devastated about this. So mad that the taxi didnt come...They quoted price and everything. So yeah I was upset. Ho-hum, no point bitching now as it cannot be changed.



Walked around Philadelphia again, went to the Natural Science museum which was coooool. Got some cool photos etc.


Thursday...which is today...well it feels like today.

Met up with a guy from the net Ive had beef with previously (Chair,Paj, - AZS) I had met him on Friday, but this was just me Claire and him, for lunch/breakfast, but it was cool. We had a chat about the holiday and I had a famous Philly Cheese Steak. Then went around Franklin Square MINI GOLF GHET (Claire beat me! :heh: ) and then went to South Street where there was such a cool comic shop, then back to market, epic ice cream (I had my fav flavour - pistachio) and then got on a plane and came here.



Downloaded Spectacular Spider-Man, had a nap, and then wrote an essay. :heh:

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Im preparing for the linkin park concert so I was listening to all their songs today :p


Woohoo linkin park are awesome! :D


*points flamers in direction of music board*



I had a boring day. Work and went to dunelm mill, got some bedsheets. Came home to find picross waiting for me. YAY! My weekend will be filled with room tidyness, and picross awesome! :yay:

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Slow start to the day but popped to town to go to the library (yeah im cool) and bumped into a friend whose away at Manchester uni so we went to the pub and ending up having four rounds catching up and all that. I missed his random oddness. Then went to not-Fopp for a CD and came away with three CDs, a DVD and three books.


My cousin is staying with us for the weekend and im never quite sure what to do as she's so quiet. But I think im going to introduce her to the wonderful world of Ghibli and set up the Wii.

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