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My day didn't start too well, i re-opened a scar while trying to turn my alarm off at 6am this morning, smacked my hand right into the corner of my bedside table and opened the wound on my middle finger which i so happened to do on the same table 3 years ago, only this time i damaged the tendon as well.


Rest of the day was good, nice and busy in work which is always nice. Came home at 5pm and watched Rocky IV and V and just came off a session of San Andreas as well.

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My mom's suprise birthday dinner went off perfectly. She didn't expect a thing (although, one hitch in my general day-era is getting a phone call from work asking me to come in for the end as I was the only one with safe keys -_-). She really had a good time, which was great :) Plus someone gave me a lift home (about twenty miles) and I had the leftover cake.


May play The Simpsons a bit before going to bed.

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Slept til 11. Turned my phone on and a few minutes later work rang so I ignored it. Got a voicemail asking to ring back when poss. So I text the assistant manager asking if I want to ring back and he said yeah, theyre not going to ask me to come in. So I did and it was about next week (32 hours. Eww)


Read a magazine, browsed the net and got another call from work asking if I could do tomorrow so I said "I could but I really really really really really don't want to". The regional manager has asked out manager to go to another store tomorrow so I said to tell him its too late notice. I've already come in on one day off this week, and had to go back at the end of the day yesterday because nobody has keys.


And plans for the rest of the day involve dropping a DVD back off at the library and then wondering around the local area because I moved in six weeks ago and still haven't had a look round.

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Must've eaten something bad yesterday, since I didn't get any sleep last night due to an upset stomach. Consequentially I missed morning training, but picked up a few extra hours sleep. Spent the day doing nothing, and in the afternoon Seifou came over and taught me some new arm breakers (I name all the moves myself because I don't understand what the Chinese name is). I learnt two variations, one for each arm of the opponent, both followed up by a different two hit combo. Then lazed around doing nothing again. Yawnage.

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Guest Stefkov

So far I'm extremely annoyed that I havnt gotten a game in the post.

I've helped my dad outside clearing up the leaves. Now I'm just sat here, in a relaly hot room (wierd) typing this.

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My day was great, relaxed lessons, bowling after lunch, then me and my mate couldn't stop laughing on the way home for some reason. Good stuff.


Why did you quote his comment a second time with a much more aggressive response?


It was a joke...


A bastard, but lovable all the same. :grin:


I'm guessing you got a book voucher, then. :laughing:


Yes. :blank: But you are very loveable. :D:heart:

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Alright day soo far.

My friend forgot to pick me up in the morning, so I was late to college, then a different friend forgot to take me home. Silly friends.



Should be fun, me and my best friend are going dressed as pirates :)

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My day was pretty okay, until my mom and sister decided to insult me for no good reason after dinner. Thanks for ruining my day, stupid family.


Seriously, I fucking hate them sometimes. >(


As a result I've locked myself away in my room to finish this painting here. And they'd better leave me alone.

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My day has been alright so far but i just have noticed that a female friend that wont talk to me anymore for some reasons has deleted herself from my last.fm page. :blank::(


This isnt the friend you were meant to block was it dante?


My day has been tiring but fun made some new friends in course which discussed race and class in history. Now verrry tired but watching sopranos with some wine so all is good.

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This isnt the friend you were meant to block was it dante?


My day has been tiring but fun made some new friends in course which discussed race and class in history. Now verrry tired but watching sopranos with some wine so all is good.


Nope, i mean someone else that has stop talking to me months ago.

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