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Presentation went so-so. Someone said part of my text (that's what happens when you don't discuss things properly beforehand), which was kind of annoying since it made my part so much shorter. Made it seem like I barely did anything. Plus I spoke really really fast again. >.>;


Rest of the day was okay. Spent most of my evening doing nothing so far, since no classes tomorrow (though I have to go to work). Trying to figure out what to do right now. Either play more Brawl online (though there's lag, boooh) or finally watch some more X-files. Hmmmm.


What episode of x-files you up to now? Season 3 episode 19 is what I'm waiting for! My progress bar says I have between 2 days and five weeks to wait! Yipee!

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hair pics please? or have i missed then further up the thread?


User Image Gallery majig.


Oh and I purchased Jericho which made me happy. You seen it Tom?


Oh and while watching FSM I decided I want to visit Hawaii as part of my post-graduating wondering tour of the world.

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Ouch, sorry to hear that. I've had spits and spots of eczema, but clearly nought compared to that. I hope you can get that new medication, and that it helps.


when its red raw its similar to very severe eczema.. Psoriasis is very common these days, just not in the severity I have it. My doctor reckons I'm about 50% covered.


Should get meds soon! Just a matter of getting the funding officially (its very expensive medication :/) I more than qualify for it, its just getting the paperwork through!


I'm hopeful for the future :smile:

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What episode of x-files you up to now? Season 3 episode 19 is what I'm waiting for! My progress bar says I have between 2 days and five weeks to wait! Yipee!


Heh, still on season one. Episode 'Roland'. Will watch the last one after this one as well. Maybe not the best stuff to watch when it's dark and you're home alone though. X3

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That's always when I watch it. I always have episode-themed dreams afterwards, too. Love it.


Hahah, glad I don't have those (or at least not as far as I know). But then again I have dreams about zombies and the like already anyway without the X-files.

Anyway, last episode of season one now. Whooo cool car chase! =D

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Guest Jordan

After walking Letty back to school for revision classes (i'm nice ain't i?) i played GTA4.


I only stopped for an hour to watch the apprentise. The game is damn good. Thankfully, i did get paied today after 3pm. So i sorted my rent out and so on.


I'm on a "holy shit lets save" month as i plan to buy an Eee PC next month. So far, i've calculated i'll have £509 left over this month after rent. I usually take out £20 (I average at £3 a day, 5 days a week) a week for food at work and then i have to factor in other food and bills.


So i'm figuring i should have around £350 left at the end of the month, covering said Laptop charges... If i can resist buying anything. Which i must.

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Guest Jordan

Damn you!


I woke up first at 5am then at 6:45am this morning thinking it was like 10am... freaked me out.


So i got up at 6:45 and played GTA till 8:30 then got ready for work. Fun eh?

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Yay, the awesome friend at work I have that sits next to me is moving away from me seats wise.


Joy of joy, back to non fun work (I talk to him all day/have a laugh basically) so yeah. Sucks.


And always always happens.


Im trying to say that since you said they always move away from you that you smell.


I guess i suck at jokes.

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went to bed at 4, then woke up at 6, 8, 10. Did not savour the last sleep I'll be getting for a while at all; I may not have a dissertation due (fewls leaving THAT to the last moment, I say), but I do have 3k words to do. Got mah cold pizza stacked, and will get the coke for later. Should be good!

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Bloody fucking doctors, they've finally let me change antidepressants because of the lack of sleep, but I have to take two weeks coming off the current ones before I start the new ones. Great, that's another two weeks of sleeplessness I've got to look forward to.

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Guest Jordan

Maaaannnn work couldn't be any more slow.


I've not had a single phone call or email this morning. Just been looking into what Eee PC i want (20GB Black one plz!) at the end of the month and listening to a podcast.


Ah well, at least its lunch in 15 mins.

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last couple of days have been quite epic - woo


made tophats and rice krispie / coco pop squares with flatmate 1 (the nice one)


flatmate 1 and 2 had a fight - me being stuck in the middle.. turns out i dont like the second flatmate and im glad im coming home today...

stayed up till 1.30am doing coursework while watching embarassing bodies/dexter/late night scrubs - procrastination for the win


now when i get the train at 1.30pm i should be coming home to my wireless connector thingy which is just awesome :D and my scooby doo boxset should be sarriving saturday

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Maaaannnn work couldn't be any more slow.


I've not had a single phone call or email this morning. Just been looking into what Eee PC i want (20GB Black one plz!) at the end of the month and listening to a podcast.


Ah well, at least its lunch in 15 mins.


This is probably just me, but you seem to be buying a new PC/PC parts every couple of months or something. Crazy! X3

(and I don't mean it in a bad way)


Anyway, got to sleep till 12 today, yay! So I got 10 hours of sleep, which I really needed. Will be off to work in two hours and most of the rest of my day I'll be working like crazy to get all my work done. Though I know I'll fail (need to finish an animation, a two page comic, a poster and a brochure due Monday). ='3

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