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Where does the time go!? :o


It's 11:36 and i can't remember what i've done all day!


Though i did cook the meal tonight which was Chinese! :grin: first time I've ever made egg fried rice! fortunately it was well received.! :)


Most of my day was spent working until about 2:30 and then Mario Kart took up a lot of my time again. It's so much fun! :D


The weekend goes too quickly for my liking!

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It was seriously awesome. Can't wait for camping tonight so the shenanigans will recommence! This time swimming in Loch Lomond will be involved! I smell a game of truth or dare coming on!


It was seriously, seriously cold last night. Didn't go anywhere near the water as your balls probably would've frozen off if you had. (Un?)fortunately we all stayed fully dressed this time but we still managed to have a good time even with the cold! The tent was a bit lopsided... I woke up in the morning in the same sleeping bag as someone else in a tent which was actually lying on its side right next to the waters edge. The thing I hate about camping is that you always wake up really early and it's always freezing in the morning, so we just came home as soon as we tidied the place up.

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Guest Stefkov

I woke up at 6 which was really really strange. Something even stranger than that was I woke up to my TV being on, but a black screen and my glasses were still on. I swear I turned the TV off and I tok my glasses off.

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Someone good at graphic design? Someone good at making a great composition with boring text? Someone wanting to make this stupid thing for me?


No? =(






I'm tired and my eyes are starting to hurt from staring at this screen pretty much all day. I just... can't see how you can make some simple text attractive on a paper. =(


Fuck typography.


What is it that you've got to do?

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What is it that you've got to do?


We are given a certain amount of text (credits to a play) and we have to make a composition with those on a A2 sized poster. Thing is you have to use the same font, size and "weight" (italics, bold, regular) for the entire thing. And iin black and white. =/


In the second composition you are allowed to use italics and bold and all that stuff. But still, if you can't change the text size then there's not much you can do. >.<;


I seem to lack the abstract thinking part in my brain that you would need for typography, I think.

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We are given a certain amount of text (credits to a play) and we have to make a composition with those on a A2 sized poster. Thing is you have to use the same font, size and "weight" (italics, bold, regular) for the entire thing. And iin black and white. =/


In the second composition you are allowed to use italics and bold and all that stuff. But still, if you can't change the text size then there's not much you can do. >.<;


I seem to lack the abstract thinking part in my brain that you would need for typography, I think.


That first one seems hard. So are you allowed to use images? Backgrounds?


EDIT: What about the shape of the text?


This sort of thing:



If you want more examples google image search 'shape poetry'

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That first one seems hard. So are you allowed to use images? Backgrounds?


EDIT: What about the shape of the text?


This sort of thing:



If you want more examples google image search 'shape poetry'


Nope, we're not allowed to use any images or backgrounds or graphic shapes. Only the text we are given. We can make shapes with the text, but it's kind of difficult to think of something to make with it, since it's basically only names.


I'll have to google some more to find some inspiration I guess.

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That's very limiting. What is the text about? What kind of text is it?


Yeah, they like to limit us. X3

Though the next two we'll get to use different sizes of text I think. But we're only ever allowed to use a font from a list we're given, which is a pretty short list (like 15 different fonts we can pick from).


Anyway, this is the only thing I've been able to come up with so far (small image).



Meh, will do more later, after some Brawl.

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A little boy threw up on the floor in my work today :x


The dad was like 'OMG, let me clean it up, it wasn't your fault!!' so he apparently cleaned it up. However, when they left, I went over and instected it, and there was sick all between the floor tiles D: I had to scrub the floor with bleach - then also the boy had thrown up more outside the main entrance, so I had to clean that aswell!!


Some people.. *shakes head*

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Yeah, they like to limit us. X3

Though the next two we'll get to use different sizes of text I think. But we're only ever allowed to use a font from a list we're given, which is a pretty short list (like 15 different fonts we can pick from).


Anyway, this is the only thing I've been able to come up with so far (small image).



Meh, will do more later, after some Brawl.


What os the text about?


That to me looks like a dagger or the handle of a sword.

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Weekend, somehow woke up with this with no idea how it happened but it hurts like crazy.




Apparently the cut lines were done when scrubbing ink off my arm and the red mark is a burn. And the burn hurts a bit, and a lot more when someone or myself touches it. As for the rest of the weekend, it was brilliant. Friday was at the Measure just me and Andrew, no Linzi (hooray). No bird chatting up as i couldn't be bothered that night.


Saturday, woke up with the cut marks on my arm which didn't hurt at all. Watched the MU-BR game, disappointed with some of the decisions made by the ref but overall a good game. Snooker was played in the evening and came home at the end of it alone as everyone buggered off to the Measure leaving me alone in the club as i didn't want to go. Had consistent begging for me to go.


Sunday, well woke up to find above on my arm. Went and did the cash count, had a few drinks and watched the Calzage-Hopkins fight. Came home and chilled out most of the afternoon. Fixed my mates X-box, came back and have been pestered all night again.

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What os the text about?


That to me looks like a dagger or the handle of a sword.


The text is simply the credits to a play (title, name of the director, players, costume designer etc.), which is about rumours being spread and people dying (so the dagger image kind of goes with that).

I made some other ones but basically they all suck. Oh well. =P


Now to work on my other Graphic Design assignment. The work never stops. @____@



And Jimbob, that looks mighty painful!

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Spent another day reading about teenagers having sex. But feel like im progressing with my work at least. Written my dissertation proposal, just gotta show it to my lecturer and make amendments tomorrow. Read the script for my presentation (also tomorrow) several times, and will do once more tomorrow morning. Trying to decide whether or not to put a song on in the background (thinking a 5-minute Air song) but then if I run over its going to be noticable.


Gonna watch AD, shower then sleep!

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My day was very lazy. I layed in bed for most of the day, then got up and played some Mario Kart Wii, racing some staff ghosts. Now I'm in bed at midnight and I'm wide awake so going to browse here for a bit. :)

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My day was very lazy. I layed in bed for most of the day, then got up and played some Mario Kart Wii, racing some staff ghosts. Now I'm in bed at midnight and I'm wide awake so going to browse here for a bit. :)


This pretty much somes my day up nicely! :D I'm also wide awake! 0___0


Although i did do some work in the morning and in between playing Mario Kart i watched Dr. Who and Desperate Housewives.


Oh and Pokemon! :grin::heh:


Why does the weekend go so fast!!!


I had an extra day on Friday as well because i was ill but when your ill you don't feel like doing much except sleeping!


Also i had loads of different snacks this weekend! I should by Wii Fit to work it all off....


I'm thirsty. :)


*goes off to get some water*

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Damn you Hayz :( Wish my day tomorrow could be like that!


Aww, my day will be very different tommorow. Back to work!


This pretty much somes my day up nicely! :D I'm also wide awake! 0___0


Although i did do some work in the morning and in between playing Mario Kart i watched Dr. Who and Desperate Housewives.


Oh and Pokemon! :grin::heh:


Why does the weekend go so fast!!!


I had an extra day on Friday as well because i was ill but when your ill you don't feel like doing much except sleeping!


Also i had loads of different snacks this weekend! I should by Wii Fit to work it all off....


I'm thirsty. :)


*goes off to get some water*


Hehe, I know the weekend feels like half a day rather than 2 whole ones!


I've got to sort my sleep pattern out as I'm normally wide akake at this time!

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Aww, my day will be very different tommorow. Back to work!




Hehe, I know the weekend feels like half a day rather than 2 whole ones!


I've got to sort my sleep pattern out as I'm normally wide akake at this time!


Definately agree with you there! :) The weekend always feels like half a day! I'm still confused as to where the time goes!?


I'm usually wide awake at this hour to i don't know why, I just don't really get tired! :D


I need to sort out my sleeping pattern to but it's been messed up since i remember! The worst one i have had is waking up every hour for two weeks!


Though I do have school tomorrow so i should get to sleep soon.....


I normally force myself to sleep! ^__^

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I got a Vibe award at work for my consistent hard work/and stuff.


I also realised/found out that this award was also with £25 weird money (We can spend in the HBOS online store) so I got HMV vouchers = buys The World Ends With You. Ive only just done one chapter but Im very impressed so far.


Also this weekend I started work on


A) Practising/fine tuning my comic art colouration on Photoshop.


B) Started making logo/drafting up initial ideas for a comic Im writing that I will see through (If you've noticed I have a habit of starting projects and not finishing them...something that Ive become notorious for) but yeah. Im hopeful it will be good though, and I think Ive got a good idea. Actually if anyone here is passionate about doing a comic then I wouldnt mind running my ideas past you and have you come onboard as like an editor/path keep on tracker type thing/co writer blah.

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