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RE: the girl/guy thing; I think there's a good chance that none of us know what is best for ourselves. We often see what would be best for others, but consistently place our own lives in the cesspool of complexity, when actually we're not that complicated. I think we're all far too obsessed with face-values, even if we don't wish to be, and that there's more than one perfect-person out there suited to us emotionally- and personality-wise, we just always want that little bit more...


Personally I'm not trying to get into any relationship, especially not with this girl. For her the reason is that there is distance, and I've done it before, and it made me forget who I was. I'm looking forward to a good spooning, nothing more, nothing less.


In unrelated news; discovered the next student-loan instalment as arrived! I AM OUT OF MY OVERDRAFT!!!! and looking set to be in the plus when the next lot comes in, thanks to summer job. Whoever said I couldn't come up with a 2 year plan? Pfft!

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I think I somehow managed to get a small cut on my eye. My good eye no less. And it hurts.


Couldn't progress on any school work so watched an episode of the X-files. Right now I'll go to sleep, if I can manage to sleep through the thumping of the music from the big party my sisters are at. Which is actually quite a few miles/kilometers away from here, yet I can still hear the bass sounds or whatever.


Darn my eye though.

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Two other things. Hang on, three..ish


Found out one of my elder brother's friends was three times over the limit and accidentally crashed his van into a car full of friends of my younger brother. One died, the other three are in hospital.


My best friend from first school (who I see around occassionally) has been taking drugs since he was 14 (which doesn't really suprise me, but these two nuggets of info came from my mother).


Seeing as I am lending my mom another £300 (which leaves the bank of Ashley owed £1830) on Monday I decided I am going to pester my friend to give me my money back as his loan came in and I am going to spend at least £100 on fun stuff for me. Thinking Nip/Tuck on DVD, Pushing Daisies and probably other stuff I've forgot. Will probably go over £100 but I need to treat myself (/have stuff to do over the summer)

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And yet im completely removed so I care little. I don't think the victims were close friends with my little brother (as my mom probably would have said names) but more classmates.


Tragic for those involved obviously, and my heart goes out to them and their families but its one of the numerous examples of; "I don't live in that area anymore and its none of my business". Same goes with work....ex-work...Game.

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Well isn't is a socially acceptable thing for me to say "shit yo"? Maybe being as removed as I am from the situation I can imagine it as a scene from hollyoaks - but then maybe that makes it more real than it actually is for me?


New point; Watched first episode of Pushing Daisy, felt very burton-esque. The whole episode felt like it was a matter-of-fact story. No real drama, just sort of watching what happens happen, if you get what I mean? Enjoyable and certainly morish in the sense that I wasn't satisfied, yet eager to find satisfaction in it.


Wrong thread? But it smells like bacon!

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Well isn't is a socially acceptable thing for me to say "shit yo"? Maybe being as removed as I am from the situation I can imagine it as a scene from hollyoaks - but then maybe that makes it more real than it actually is for me?


New point; Watched first episode of Pushing Daisy, felt very burton-esque. The whole episode felt like it was a matter-of-fact story. No real drama, just sort of watching what happens happen, if you get what I mean? Enjoyable and certainly morish in the sense that I wasn't satisfied, yet eager to find satisfaction in it.


Wrong thread? But it smells like bacon!


I don't think its ever been acceptable, post-1997, to say |shit you". And please don't (unintentionally I presume) start spouting Baudrillardian theories, had to deal with those earlier :p


Pushing Daisies is magical. It always makes my day happier (keeping it on topic slightly). Watched the first two eps with my housemate the other day and she also loved it. Its one of the few romance stories I like. I can see what you mean about the pilot, but exposition galore is a must. It picks up, tensions occur (Ned/Chuck's dad, Ned/Olive etc).


Anyway, bedtime.

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Guest bluey
I think I somehow managed to get a small cut on my eye. My good eye no less. And it hurts.


Couldn't progress on any school work so watched an episode of the X-files. Right now I'll go to sleep, if I can manage to sleep through the thumping of the music from the big party my sisters are at. Which is actually quite a few miles/kilometers away from here, yet I can still hear the bass sounds or whatever.


Darn my eye though.

eenuh, trust me, if you had even a small cut on your eye... you'd KNOW about it... *nods* i had a papercut on my eyeball once (long story) and it hurt SO muxh that it made me scream a rather choice obscenity in a room full of small children...


....on a christian summer camp. (i was a volunteer.... i'm not anymore =___=)



yesterday was good!! it was my last day of training so my training group and a group of the trainers went out for drinks in shinjuku and someone bought me 3 long island iced teas.... aaaand..... then i woke up here.


thankfully "here" is my bed :grin: win!

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Eenuh; what season..

Season one, episode Gender Bender.


eenuh, trust me, if you had even a small cut on your eye... you'd KNOW about it... *nods* i had a papercut on my eyeball once (long story) and it hurt SO muxh that it made me scream a rather choice obscenity in a room full of small children...


....on a christian summer camp. (i was a volunteer.... i'm not anymore =___=)


Well I'm actually pretty sure I hurt my eye. Not a papercut since it didn't happen with paper but something a bit thicker. Still, it hurt like crazy and made me cry. >.<;

Eye was bloodshot all day and it really hurt, especially when taking out my contact later that day (even though the spot was next to my contact). It's still hurting now as well and it feels weird to blink. Merf.


Anyway, up early (got up at 8) on a Sunday morning to work for school. Not fun. =(

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scream a rather choice obscenity in a room full of small children...


....on a christian summer camp. (i was a volunteer.... i'm not anymore =___=)


I've done similar in front of a very, very Christian teacher at school However, as I'm a mean bastard and he's a notorious ****, whenever I go past him, I'll suddenly change from whatever I was talking to the person I'm with to saying something along the lines of "...I mean, Jesus, what in god's name is he doing?" :heh:

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That is hilarious bluey!


Today was recovery for me. Hit the sauce pretty hard last night with some pretty awesome girls ;)


Was paraletic by the end of the night - not good. Staying off it for a little while now.


Went to starbucks for a few hours - tried to study, didn't really work at all! DST ended here last night and I got all confused with being on a different time than everyone else who had switched their clocks last night!!!


Watched this awesome Aussie film called The Castle and basically have been on skype to a Canadian girl for the past 2 hours now.



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My day yesterday consisted of me doing nothing. I watched football, Cloverfield, run fat boy run and ghost rider.


Today im watching the F1 then more football. However then my girlfriend is back around 4:30! woop. She is gonna be back for a whole week. Can't wait. :D

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Season one, episode Gender Bender.

Ah! My least favourite episode of that season :P I'm probably turning into an even bigger geek for liking x-files, but it is damn cool.


JUST GOT UP and now I have 26 hours to write 2,500 words! I have an awesome essay plan and an internet service that keeps failing, which means i'll probably be taking twice as much time waiting for pages to load than I will getting citations from them.


Judgement day.

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Ah! My least favourite episode of that season :P I'm probably turning into an even bigger geek for liking x-files, but it is damn cool.


JUST GOT UP and now I have 26 hours to write 2,500 words! I have an awesome essay plan and an internet service that keeps failing, which means i'll probably be taking twice as much time waiting for pages to load than I will getting citations from them.


Judgement day.


Least favourite? Why? =P

Not sure yet which would be mine, but I have a couple more discs to go through anyway before I can decide. Maybe I'll watch another episode today as a break from work.


Good luck on your essay by the way. Seems everyone is getting busy. My friends are just as stressed as me and also seem to want to quit school (god I hope they don't, or I'll be all alone >.<; ). Judgement day for me tomorrow as well for Graphic Design. Time for me to show to the entire class how far behind I am and how stupid my designs are, hooray!

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Same work wise, it's a good job I'm quitting work, I've got 5 weeks to complete 5/6 assignments depending on how nice the tutors are.


One I'm pretty confused, I have to make a database but cannot remember which database it was, hunting for my folder in college I think!

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I've got loads of exam papers to do and essays to write for when i go back (April 15th) :S and my exams are getting ever closer and i don't feel like i'm anywhere near enough ready yet!!!


But it's Sunday afternoon and i won't let that stress me out! :D Learning about stress management in Psychology has been really helpful!


Instead i'm going to tidy my bedroom and look at when Universities open days are with my box of Cadbury's Heroes and my box of celebrations! :grin:

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Least favourite? Why? =P

Not sure yet which would be mine, but I have a couple more discs to go through anyway before I can decide. Maybe I'll watch another episode today as a break from work.


Good luck on your essay by the way. Seems everyone is getting busy. My friends are just as stressed as me and also seem to want to quit school (god I hope they don't, or I'll be all alone >.<; ). Judgement day for me tomorrow as well for Graphic Design. Time for me to show to the entire class how far behind I am and how stupid my designs are, hooray!

The last episode is awesome :) I dunno why I didn't like it... it was just a bit too contrived and silly for my taste. There wasn't much 'reason' in my mind for why aliens would come down as the Kindred and stay isolated and do nothing but keep each other alive, then zoom off. I just didn't... get it.


The last episode absolutely rocks :D


And cheers for the good-luck. *starts essay in about 10 minutes and plans to keep off the interweb for as long as possible*

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I've got loads of exam papers to do and essays to write for when i go back (April 15th) :S and my exams are getting ever closer and i don't feel like i'm anywhere near enough ready yet!!!


But it's Sunday afternoon and i won't let that stress me out! :D Learning about stress management in Psychology has been really helpful!


Instead i'm going to tidy my bedroom and look at when Universities open days are with my box of Cadbury's Heroes and my box of celebrations! :grin:


I'm back tomorrow! Argh!


I'm going back to 5/6 weeks of hell. I've got:


Phil/Eth coursework due in next week

Pysch coursework handed back and 5 days to finish it

Revision for English (GCSE) and Geography (AS) resit

Then revision for the pysch exam, which I NEED a B in, but my mock a few weeks back was a D.

Oh, and learning the entire years course of Biology - I've got 4 weeks left to finish it before the exam. I can't resit this exam either (long story).


Help me.

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The last episode is awesome :) I dunno why I didn't like it... it was just a bit too contrived and silly for my taste. There wasn't much 'reason' in my mind for why aliens would come down as the Kindred and stay isolated and do nothing but keep each other alive, then zoom off. I just didn't... get it.


The last episode absolutely rocks :D


And cheers for the good-luck. *starts essay in about 10 minutes and plans to keep off the interweb for as long as possible*


Hehehe yeah I agree, it was kind of silly why they would do that. Plus nothing was ever explained about why those people all had to die or how the pheromone thing worked and whatever. Or the gender transforming. Ah well, it made for a nice little distraction anyway.


And I've probably seen the last episode (I followed the show religiously back in the day), but I can't remember it right now. Looking forward to it, whenever I get to watch it (probably won't be anytime soon X3 ).

I wanted to watch all 9 seasons and the movie before the next one comes out (apparently this summer), but I don't think I'll make that deadline. @___@;

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I'm back tomorrow! Argh!


I'm going back to 5/6 weeks of hell. I've got:


Phil/Eth coursework due in next week

Pysch coursework handed back and 5 days to finish it

Revision for English (GCSE) and Geography (AS) resit

Then revision for the pysch exam, which I NEED a B in, but my mock a few weeks back was a D.

Oh, and learning the entire years course of Biology - I've got 4 weeks left to finish it before the exam. I can't resit this exam either (long story).


Help me.




That is a lot of work to do!!! Particularly with those subjects i mean i need another term just to learn the rest of my pschology there is so much work to do!


I got an E in the mock and i need an A (wants to take it at Uni)


I had a huge amount of stress the whole of last term (history coursework and English coursework :() for the record:




Where i was almost at breaking point (one of the days i snapped and broke down into tears) i was actually unhappy and a bit depressed it was a strange feeling and i don't want to go back there!


I didn't like it and wasn't getting much done being sad so i started a new and now i feel great! :grin:


I (sort of) feel on top of my work i have been working every morning ddoing revision and as long as i keep it up next week things should be going well!


Another thing that was getting me down was lonliness and the fact that i thougt i needed friends! Turns out i didn't and i'm happy by myself! :)


I go to school to learn and provide a bit of a laugh! (to some) along the way. :D

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That is a lot of work to do!!! Particularly with those subjects i mean i need another term just to learn the rest of my pschology there is so much work to do!


I got an E in the mock and i need an A (wants to take it at Uni)


I had a huge amount of stress the whole of last term (history coursework and English coursework :() for the record:




Where i was almost at breaking point (one of the days i snapped and broke down into tears) i was actually unhappy and a bit depressed it was a strange feeling and i don't want to go back there!


I didn't like it and wasn't getting much done being sad so i started a new and now i feel great! :grin:


I (sort of) feel on top of my work i have been working every morning ddoing revision and as long as i keep it up next week things should be going well!


Another thing that was getting me down was lonliness and the fact that i thougt i needed friends! Turns out i didn't and i'm happy by myself! :)


I go to school to learn and provide a bit of a laugh! (to some) along the way. :D


I HATE it too. I'd rather just have the exams, that way I know when to revise for and thats all the work I have.


But seriously, like you I'm worrying about Pyshcology. I got a D because I did well in cognition and law but I got 1 mark/15 for memory. I've not gone to the revsions classes and I've not been doing revision either. I've got so much other work to do, I keep putting revision on hold.:(


If I can get through this week, when both my coursework pieces are handed in I should feel a little less stressed. But I know by wednesday I'll have a mini breakdown. Oh, the joy of college.


Anyhoo, awesome! It's always great to have such a positive person around, makes me feel all happy when I'm a little down and reading the forums.:D

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