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I might be doing the same, just i don't know what to take as of yet :blank:


Awesome! We may end up meeting then. I'll be applying for Zoology/Maybe something else but I'm not sure, I'll see how my results go first. Leeds is my main one though...and then sheffield/bristol. I can't wait for Uni, it should be a great 3/4 years.:yay:

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Guest Stefkov

What is it with this bastard woman going on her lunch break every time I try to phone and book an interview. Last time it was the same, I gave my home number. She didn't ring back, 2 days I waited. Rang back now and I've given my mobile number. Best ring me back otherwise I won't be a happy chap.

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it's scary... and my room is so empty and cold and unfamiliar that it's sent me n a total downer... but it'll be ok. i'll be ok. eeeeverything's going to be OK!



...my room needs STUFF O_o


Get some posters of your favourite characters and half-naked men up, you'll feel right at home in no time. Works for me anyway.

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Yesterday, i did my club duty with my "murder" friend, all went ok and neither of us said anything to annoy each other. I didn't say anything to annoy him but some people sensed a little tension between us because neither of us looked eye to eye.


Today, well i got 1 more day and 2 1/2 hours before i get 4 days off. At least i get double pay and a day in lou of which i am taking on the Tuesday to get myself the 4 days.

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Guest bluey

tomorrow i'm going to wake up earlyish and wait for my luggage to be delivered.... hopefully that'll come mid-morning ish and i'll have some time to unpack and nest...and properly meet my housemates :grin: then i'ma go exploring/shopping... then hopefully that new girl will be here and i'll have someone to talk to! :yay:

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Part of me wishes that i had taken some time out to go and see the world, travel, meet new people and see things that now or for the forseeable future that i wont get to see.


My brother is 34 now (I think..), he's bi-sexual (hasnt had a GF for about 12 years tho) and hes never settled down. Hes got a degree in fashion design and is working on the Lord of the rings show in London atm. Hes moving back to egypt in October, i would love to go to egypt :(


Im 22 and for the next 20 years all i will have is money problems. Days like this get me depressed, theres so much i want to do and see :(


Bluey is it Japan your in?

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Crap -.- My maths test went shit. My mind froze at times and the stuff I knew I started confusing with other things.


God i'm dreading the result.


Thats usually a good thing, if you think you did badly. If you think you've done well on a test, you never do. Think you've done badly, and you usually surprise yourself.


Hope the results goes well!

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Guest Jordan

God i have a huge headache... and 1.5 hours till i get out of here. No easter holiday weekend for me :(


EDIT: Just found out i'll be the only person working in our entire company tomorrow, across 4 offices.


Man that sucks.

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I just found out my brother in London is leaving his entirely fucking psycho girlfriend and coming to Hong Kong with us in April to get away from his troubles.


Best. News. Ever.


I can tell you're excited, you told us yesterday too!

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I can tell you're excited, you told us yesterday too!


Just found out my brother is leaving his fucking psycho of a Girlfriend and coming on holiday with us to Hong Kong in a few weeks.


Fucking Yes.


What kind of psycho? Steam cooked house pets, midnight penis amputation or pouring hydrcloric acid on percieved emotional rivals?




hm so I did. Must have been tired as I forgot entirely.


well, it's awesome. To explain and answer Gaggle: She's a paranoid, vindictive mess with all sorts of disorders about herself and others that have lead her to cut off anyone who would be kind enough to help her (my entire family, for example) and deride them as scum. She seems to hate just about everything, including food and herself to the point of hospitalisation. She's basically trapped my brother alone without friends for as long as she can. He's had enough and thank fuck he's finally getting out.

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Why don't you work naked tomorrow, just because you can?


I did that once. Caught sight of a Maxim cover while walking along, cost a small fortune having that kid's eye treated for brusing.


Because i'd scare myself.


Also based on what Letty's told us you'd just spend the whole day accidentally knocking over office equipment and poking holes in the double glazing.

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Ah bluey glad your feeling abit more positive ^.^!


I've been asleep nearly all day on and off because of that damn headache, I'm starting to wish I'd gone out and done something but apprently it's being pissing it down all day, so not too much missed.

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