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Guest Stefkov

I hate it when people takes jokes the wrong way. I aim to make people laugh, when people take my jokes the wrong way I feel like my purpose has been shattered.


Now to find out how gravity is possible on a space ship.

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I hate it when people takes jokes the wrong way. I aim to make people laugh, when people take my jokes the wrong way I feel like my purpose has been shattered.


Now to find out how gravity is possible on a space ship.


I hate it when people just completely miss my jokes and references. Nobody understands me. :(

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Love Crumpets. This is my new nickname, don't ask.


I just had a Biology lesson, it sucked but I needed it. Looking forward to college tomorrow *is stunned*, things are going so well at the moment. Though the shirt I ordered won't arrive when I need it so I have to go shopping *groans* on thursday before I go out. I loathe shopping for clothes.

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Love Crumpets. This is my new nickname, don't ask.


I just had a Biology lesson, it sucked but I needed it. Looking forward to college tomorrow *is stunned*, things are going so well at the moment. Though the shirt I ordered won't arrive when I need it so I have to go shopping *groans* on thursday before I go out. I loathe shopping for clothes.


Is that the new version of love handles? :heh:


I think I'm the only girl on the planet that hates clothes shopping. =(

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Is that the new version of love handles? :heh:


I think I'm the only girl on the planet that hates clothes shopping. =(


Haha, it's like the lettuce thing (I love that) - but I'm a crumpet that humps apparently. It's a long story. It's all round college, even my Pyschology teacher called me it today. Though, only because I gave her a cream egg (another long story). She rocks.


Haha Hannah, I didn't mean to call you that on msn! Oops!

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Haha! It's spreading!!!! That is awesome. I love facebook.:heart:


There's even a group called "Love crumpets and raving". It's legendary. There's also a fan group for the Dean you speak of. He's brilliant.

Everyone must think I'm so annoying! Hehe.

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Guest Stefkov
Centripetal force, ala the boredom-fest that is 2001 A Space Odyssey.


Physics is fun! :smile:

I knew I should have taken science at College. One of the things I actually like and I chose maths instead...

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I think I'm the only girl on the planet that hates clothes shopping. =(


I hate clothes shopping too, you can never find what you want, everybody is fighting over stuff, the shops are too small and you can't get around, plus trying clothes on is a pain.


Yet I work in a clothes store. Sigh! This is why post your purchases the shoes will be going back and where I intended to buy two tops I ended up with ANOTHER hoodie that I don't need because I can try it on without going to the changing rooms.

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I like clothes shopping, when its for me :) People say my stuff looks good which always makes me tingly inside :p


Today was good fun =] Cooked chicken and pasta with my mate, we was all scared that it was going to make us sick but it hasn't (yet) so its all good!

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My day hasn't been good. Been to work then met up with Lauren (my girlfriend) for a meal. Then I had to drop her off at Paddington so she could get the train back to Devon for Uni. I won't see her for a bit now.


me = sad :(

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Guest bluey
My day hasn't been good. Been to work then met up with Lauren (my girlfriend) for a meal. Then I had to drop her off at Paddington so she could get the train back to Devon for Uni. I won't see her for a bit now.


me = sad :(


........ it could definitely be worse. ^_____^ <-- slightly forced smile


i finished packing. my traveling clothes are hung in my wardrobe, which is all-but empty except for them, and a suit belonging to jamba (with which - for reasons TOTALLY UNRELATED TO MYSELF - is a warcraft disk that some idiot left in their macbook, and only discovered when they came home from visiting him at the weekend...*tisk*) on my desk is a set of keys, my wallet (containing 170,000 yen) and my little folder with my passport, boarding pass, and information about where to go once i get to japan in it.


my room feels so empty. i'm just starting to feel really alone... but not in a totally bad way... i'm setting out on a long, hard and interesting journey... it's scary, but really exciting. it's good to get used to feeling alone, but i know i'm not completely alone... i'm sad ~ but in a good way. it's a sweet feeling rather than a sour one :smile:

this is hard. but i think i can handle it. </spirited away reference*>



but yeah - ok!! this is it, guys!! i'm off ~ i'm gone... see you on the flip-side!! XD

:yay:NO SLEEP 'TILL TOKYO!!! :yay:

*even if it IS that controversial extra line added in the english dub by disney

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Life is great but I've been getting more depressed lately. I don't know why. I wasn't too worried before when I was depressed because I knew the reasons for it. I don't know what to think now.


My day was good. Played Space Invaders and got payed for it.

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Life is great but I've been getting more depressed lately. I don't know why. I wasn't too worried before when I was depressed because I knew the reasons for it. I don't know what to think now.


My day was good. Played Space Invaders and got payed for it.


This may sound like a DAFT (lol) question, but:


Can I kill you, and take your job? Pwetty pwease? :kiss:

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This may sound like a DAFT (lol) question, but:


Can I kill you, and take your job? Pwetty pwease? :kiss:


Its not the only job in the company my friend! :heh:


I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you can, apply for the job. Testing for Last Remnant starts in about 2 months, hopefully I'll be on that. If you apply you never know we may be working together! :D


So to answer your question you can't kill me but you can try and take my job!! :wink:


...or work with me! :hehe:



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Ah, what the hell. I like her:


SEE YOU BLUEY!!! :grin:


Its not the only job in the company my friend! :heh:


I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you can, apply for the job. Testing for Last Remnant starts in about 2 months, hopefully I'll be on that. If you apply you never know we may be working together! :D


So to answer your question you can't kill me but you can try and take my job!! :wink:


...or work with me! :hehe:


Well help me out. How do I apply?

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