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Ahhh, you sweetie. Can you think of any question they might ask me?


Well the general gist of what I ask in interviews:


Experience (in both a working environment and dealing with the public)

Personal interest in gaming (ie what you own/play)

"Try and sell me a..." PS2, PSP whatever.

What do you feel you would bring to the team.


Usual crap like that.


And if they're fit I'd ask 'em if they'd sleep with me to get ahead of course.

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Guest Stefkov
Well the general gist of what I ask in interviews:


Experience (in both a working environment and dealing with the public)

Personal interest in gaming (ie what you own/play)

"Try and sell me a..." PS2, PSP whatever.

What do you feel you would bring to the team.


Usual crap like that.


And if they're fit I'd ask 'em if they'd sleep with me to get ahead of course.

My interview for Game was abysmal. Asked what I meant by selling non alcholic drinks, can't say I serve behind a bar under age can I...

Then she asked me to sell her a stapler...¬_¬

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This reminds me of a story my college mate told me about some of the girls competing against him for employment at Game. Make sure you wear a low-cut top and when asked, tell them your hobbies are "going crazy and getting naked."



By the Force, I've played way so much KOTOR today. My eyeballs feel hot and fuzzy. I've sunk about 20 hours in four days into this thing. I regret nothing.

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Well the general gist of what I ask in interviews:


Experience (in both a working environment and dealing with the public)

Personal interest in gaming (ie what you own/play)

"Try and sell me a..." PS2, PSP whatever.

What do you feel you would bring to the team.


Usual crap like that.


And if they're fit I'd ask 'em if they'd sleep with me to get ahead of course.


lol, they would ask a "Try to sell me a...." question? Hummm... I would have no idea what to say. :/

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My interview for Game was abysmal. Asked what I meant by selling non alcholic drinks, can't say I serve behind a bar under age can I...

Then she asked me to sell her a stapler...¬_¬


Yeah its on the official company interview notes. I disregard it and get them to sell something we actually sell.


lol, they would ask a "Try to sell me a...." question? Hummm... I would have no idea what to say. :/


Just appear confident. Even if you know the basics (PS2 = cheap family console, PSP = multimedia handheld, PS3 = multimedia device, 360 = next gen and excellent online, Wii = family fun, DS = fun handheld. That is presuming they ask for hardware) and you sound enthusiastic and confident they can't fault you. They'll train you (well, should do) on the benefits of each console and the best way to sell them when you get the job.


This is going by Game rather than Gamestation but selling is a big part of the job (whereas in our local Gamestation rudeness is a big part of the job) so you just have to appear like you'll be more than willing to do it.


My day just got much better: "NBC has a new My Name Is Earl at 8, then new episodes of 30 Rock, The Office, Scrubs, and ER. [tonight]" :D

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i've been for interviews at both gamestation and game and gotten the jobs ^_^ but.. i cant be much help... :S

my interview with game was.... quick.


in fact here's how it went:

me: hi, i'm here for an interview..

manager: oh hey, becky wasnt it?

me: yep!

manager: ok becky... lets get you on the payroll - did you bring your national insurance card..?

me: uhm....yes?


and my interview for gamestation (3 years ago..) went thusly:

recruiter: you...worked as a christmas elf?

me: yeah. twice.

recruiter: when can you start?



be confident, interesting and outgoing - and if they ask you to sell them something, whatever it is, knowing gamestation - they'll go mental for you if you tell them they can trade it in with gamestation when they're done with the console or the games... they LOVE that. *thumbs up* good luck fresh!!


my day's being RUBBISH!! i cant find any batteries for my wiimote... and if i dont finish zelda twilight princess soon jamba's gunna dump me ^__^

(and i wont blame him..daaaamn..)

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woah woah WOAH! New fucking SCRUBS?!




NEW SCRUBS! Is that in America?

When are they coming to us in Britain??


*Double checks his new season premiere list...*


Yes. Tonight. In America that is. Britain will get it about May/June next year -_-


And Nip/Tuck starts again (in America) next week. Awesome.

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*Double checks his new season premiere list...*


Yes. Tonight. In America that is. Britain will get it about May/June next year -_-


And Nip/Tuck starts again (in America) next week. Awesome.



I don't want to wait that long, why must the gap between us and America be so big! Not like they have to translate it or anything!


EDIT: I think it is 18 episodes.

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MY DAY: Universitaaay at 9am. Short story stuff. Stuck around to type up some gibberish, found I was a faster typer then expected. Library didn't work with my laptop, so I came home, read gamesTM a little, played some Phoenix Wright, and bunked the next seminar. Sat in pretty much THIS EXACT PLACE for the last 13 hours, playing halo 2 co-op, watching metroid 3 and drinking my stereotypical 2 litres of white strike.


Rather bored. I watched Series 1 of 3rd Rock From The Sun the other night, but the friend that lent it to me doesn't have series 2... she has series 3 though - and i'm beginning to not give a crap about the BIG CLIFF HANGER at the end of the first series because it's blatantly going ot return to normal, and i need my fix of night-time screen-time.


Tomorrow I've got a 1.00 appointment with the lecture and stuff, so I reckon 5am will be when I stop being bored with being awake and start realising that no matter how quick or slow tomorrow comes I need to be a bit perky for it.


Having said that, I bought some Boost today, just in case I decide to watch all of series 3.

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Well I thought I was gaining weight... But when I put a fresh pair of pants on this morning they practically fell to my ankles. So I guess that's a good thing.


Well glad to hear at least someone is losing weight...

I weighed myself this morning and yet again I gained weight; I don't even know why I keep gaining it. My diet isn't too bad really. I eat bread twice a day (three slices in the morning, three at noon), eat one cookie per day (those ones full of fibres and whatever), have dinner, whatever it is, and usually eat one or two pieces of fruit. And I only drink water (the sparkly kind).

Plus I've also started going running again recently (though admittedly not this week cause mom had to work late).


Stupid body of mine. =(


And boooh to 8 hours of class coming up. I bet school is the stress factor that's making me gain weight. >O

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