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Hahaha, that never worked for me, even when I had to cook my own food. Especially since I took a lot of food from home with me. =P


But it's only this year (well since the end of last year I guess) that I've been gaining a ton of weight. I think I gained about 5 kilo in a couple of months time. =/

*has never weighed this much*


Anyone know of any exercises that might help remove fat/create muscle on your tummy, your sides and your hips? I only know of sit-ups and the ones where you turn to your left and right when in sit-up position...


Lie on your back and move your legs in a cycle motion, it puts pressure on your stomach.


Hmm there's things like squats and stuff but that'd focus on your thighs more so than anything. I think it's more keep walking, go running if possible (bad knee so I can't :( ) and no snacks.


I wish I had the motivation really, but it's only started happening since dad started giving me lifts home from college a couple of weeks ago.

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Had a great day today, got 4 free tickets to watch Ireland vs. Portugal in soccer next Tuesday! Helps if your friends with the Captain but meh.

Also FINALLY ordered the last parts for my computer, perfect timing as I can put it together over the Easter holidays :yay:

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My day just became awesome:




*High fives Coolness who is a fellow fan*


Edit: I just realised I'm at a party the night it starts again. Frick!


Boooh lucky. We just finished season three two weeks ago, which means I have to wait till the end of September again to see season four on tv. =(


I've spent at least an hour tonight scanning in photos from books that I need for Graphic Design. Also said I'd scan for a friend so it's taking forever. And it sucks that you can never get the entire image scanned cause of the book not wanting to go under the scanner properly. D:

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I went to uni to see the dude about my stats, only, he couldn't help me cos I didn't have all the data, I didn't have all the data cos I lied about how many people I had and so I need to make some up, and despite having to make up some numbers, I stayed in uni for another 2-3 hours and did nothing productive, eventually left and got home about 8ish, and now I'm feeling weird, cos I feel like it's 6oclock, and not 10oclock, cos I normally come home much earlier like. I feel like im losing a grip on time, or some sort of time fiend is stealing it.


Hahaha, that never worked for me, even when I had to cook my own food. Especially since I took a lot of food from home with me. =P


But it's only this year (well since the end of last year I guess) that I've been gaining a ton of weight. I think I gained about 5 kilo in a couple of months time. =/

*has never weighed this much*


Anyone know of any exercises that might help remove fat/create muscle on your tummy, your sides and your hips? I only know of sit-ups and the ones where you turn to your left and right when in sit-up position...


Youtube 10 minute abs or something like that.

I watched the vid once in great procrastinatory efforts but never did any of the excercise, but it's basically a few excercises to do every day. I can't say how well it works or anything, but one day I'll know cos I'll stop being lazy and do them. I'm gonna start of with less reps than they suggest though, then increase it day by day.

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That it is.


Day has been okay. Went to see a programme advisor and she confirmed the course I am doing does exist (contrary to what I was told by my lecturer last week). Always nice. Done a bit of reading. Went to Tescos. Played Super Mario World. All good fun. Being dragged to Coventry by my housemate tomorrow while she gets her eye makeup tattooed on.


Ooh. Alicia Silverstone has dumped her multi-episode arc on How I Met Your Mother because Britney is going to be in one of them (-_-) but the bright side is they have replaced her with Sarah Chalke. Win!

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I am clearly in deep trouble. You know when you are clearly in deep trouble when your best friend can pull (despite already having a girlfriend )and your other friend can pull (again, already has a girl friend) and the friend of your friend can pull (same situ) and you just can't pull. I just cannot pull. God, I am crap, aren't I?


*starts weeping uncontrollably*

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Youtube 10 minute abs or something like that.

I watched the vid once in great procrastinatory efforts but never did any of the excercise, but it's basically a few excercises to do every day. I can't say how well it works or anything, but one day I'll know cos I'll stop being lazy and do them. I'm gonna start of with less reps than they suggest though, then increase it day by day.


Thanks, I'll check out that video tonight. Hopefully I can learn something from it. =O



Had a horrible nightmare last night. Seemed to flow from one thing into another, with different people showing up in different parts. But the main thing was that it started with me having a baby all of a sudden (don't remember the giving birth part though) and the rest of the dream was made up of evil dragon like creatures hoovering over our town and eating everyone. In a horrible fashion. D:

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My day just became awesome:




*High fives Coolness who is a fellow fan*


Edit: I just realised I'm at a party the night it starts again. Frick!




*High Fives Haggis* :grin:


That is great news! :D


Yesterday i had a good day though when i got home i did some homework then fell asleep as i was tired from the night before where i got very little sleep. :)

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Guest Jordan

I spent yesterday driving myself insane with difficult tasks:


1, Work = insane. So busy.

2, Got to Letty's, had to put together a stupidly complex wooden desk that isn't quite finished yet. It had a million pieces and i even had to drill through it. Madness.

3, Got home, discovered my servers new HDD had arrived AFTER 5pm. Shitty mail... anyway, i had to open the server, remove connectors from a few HDD's, take out the DVD-RW from my desktop (because the server doesn't have a FDD or optical drive), plug the new HDD onto the slave of the primary IDE, connect the DVD to the master of the secondary IDE. Stick in a Vista DVD, boot the installer, go into command prompt, then put in a Norton Utils CD with Norton Ghost (the only good piece of Norton software ever made), ghosted the old HDD onto the new one then move everything back into place.


Not to mention, i had to drag the server across the floor to connect it to my TV rather than bring a monitor over to it, and my connect my keyboard to it.


It took a good two hours before all was done... and even then 2 HDD's decided to commit suicide, so i had to sort those out (2 restarts and had to reapply the drive letters). But at about 12:10am, i had finished. The server is a MILLION times faster and a BILLION times quieter. Meaning i can leave the fucking thing on at night and i can sleep! HUZZAH :D

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FUCK! I must be going fucking crazy!


This thing at work has happened twice, basically where I ask a question to the back office, then they come back saying "Oh blah because its status is 1" the first time it happened I was like "Okay....thats weird that I missed that I would of checked that" and it happened again yesterday, now because of last time I always ALWAYS check status, and then it comes back this morning, and voila this ones in status 1 also. I swear I am not going crazy, I SWEAR IT WAS 8 YESTERDAY! Aghhh!!!

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Went to a club last night - a massive club with like five floors or something stupid. Got quite pissed - me and a mate were queueing for like 40 minutes for a drink so we bought lots at once. I basically had six shots of vodka in about thirty seconds... Didn't dance at all. Went outside with another cute, french-canadian friend who seemed to feel as if I was coming onto her when I wasn't, and started getting worried about her ex-whatever, so I was like "look I'm just here to get drunk, ok? I can't be dealing with any crazy shit"... got home at somesortoftime, and basically don't feel like I've slept, and still feel a little drunk and distant from teh world...


Oh, and my headphones are broken which is MAJOR lame as my laptop has shitty speakers as it is.


ReZ sometimes your life just sounds so... dull. Well I mean, I have no clue of how significant or important any of what you're talking about is.

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Guest Stefkov

Fuck you roundabouts! Fuck youuuuuuuuuu.


Failed my driving test because of a roundabout. I'm just laughing though.

There was this one dickhead, indicating right so I thought 'Chance! Let's go right myself'. He starts to go forward and I'm like 'WAAAAAAAAAAAAH'. My tester mandude was like 'That's not your fault. Do not worry. It was not your fault'.


Fuck roundabouts in the face.

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I went to a crazy play one of my friends wrote as a dare, performed by him and his two exs. Then I went back and helped my freind analyse an insane passage for her English essay... this turned into a random conversation about theism, children's literature, chemistry and law, and various other people on the same corridor joined in. By this time it was 1am, and I remembered I too had an essay to do...


Anyway, I have a meeting with my tutor in an hour or so... I need to convince a German engineer who happens to speak Japanese that I want to change to linguistics.

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Guest Stefkov
How come he failed you WTF. Shoulda' slapped him up some for lieing.

No. He failed me for the roundabout cafuffle.

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