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What a great start to sunday. I just had to call the police, who are on there way over because my sister started attacking my dad. Now my mum won't stop screaming at everyone, and I'm just here stuck in the middle trying not to get involved. The neighbours are going mental.:(


And then they wonder why I don't talk very much while I'm at home. Go figure.

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Guest Stefkov

At the end of work this afternoon, at about 12, I sat on the floor, crossed my legs and pondered.

Just finishing the Death Note manga I wondered whether the world would actually be a good place if there were some sort of device that could kill another human. I came to the conclusion, yes.

Yes it would.

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Well, I've had a fun evening with some mates after a really, really shite week.


This week I've had two day of exams, one of which saw me in the exam hall for 6 and a half hours, I've been ill twice, and essentially been dumped by my gf, for reasons that not even she, let alone her two closest friends, understand.


Fuck yeah.

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Sorry to hear that Haggis. That's a tough situation, I hope it can be defused quickly.


Thanks Gaggle (And Raining_Again for cheering me up on msn :))


She's been removed from the house, and is being taken to the local police station wherever the hell that might be. Hopefully they'll lose the key when the lock her up, I loathe her so much words can't describe how I feel about her. My mums still all loud and shouty, and because my sisters gone, I'm being moaned at, and told how I'm going to end up like her. I know they just want something to take their frustrations out on, but why me? I'm the good guy here, I'm the one that hs to pick up the pieces everytime this happens because my dads away most the time, and my mum just goes into shutdown.


Even that doesn't anger me the most though, it's the little things. I got my AS results on friday. Have the asked what got, do they care? No. It makes me feel like they don't even appreciate the fact I'm here. :(


Anyway, I'm ranting, sorry. We all have better things to do, so ignore me.


I was at a quiz night all evening!


And my team came 2nd! :grin:


It was a fun Night! :D


Awesome Coolness, nice one.:)

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Well, I've had a fun evening with some mates after a really, really shite week.


This week I've had two day of exams, one of which saw me in the exam hall for 6 and a half hours, I've been ill twice, and essentially been dumped by my gf, for reasons that not even she, let alone her two closest friends, understand.


Fuck yeah.


So she's available then?


Phone number?

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So she's available then?


Phone number?


The irony is, she broke up with me as she has feelings for an old friend/ex. However, he has no feelings for her, and, to be honest I feel more sad for her than myself, as she's putting herself on a road that leads no where good, and I should know. I've walked it.

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Ever get that feeling that it would be easier to be negative. Im trying to be more upbeat, things are turning in my favour slowly but surely. Its just...easier to sit back and make critical remarks and roll your eyes.


I think its couples. They do this to me. "Oh my boyfriend did this...my boyfriend said this...my boyfriend thinks this." Oh shut up. If I wanted to speak to him I would.


Anywho. Bedtime.

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Even that doesn't anger me the most though, it's the little things. I got my AS results on friday. Have the asked what got, do they care? No. It makes me feel like they don't even appreciate the fact I'm here. :(


Not being devils advocate because it sounds like you're in one hell of a tough situation, but I didn't think it was common knowledge among parents of when results day is. My parents didn't know when it was until I told them.



EDIT: Well the last couple of days have been... interesting.


Friday night me and some mates went to the pub, and then we all 'went home' to my mates house to surprise him when he got back (it was his 18th). Apparently even when it's a party for you that you didn't know was happening you still have to clear up XD


Got the train home in the morning and had a couple of hours nap. Got up went round a friends house to play n64 for half an hour (1080 ftw), before going of to some persons 18th party at a village hall in the middle of nowhere.


So after feeling out of place because I only know like 5 people the night ends and my mate is pissed out of his skull and gone for a walk. He then calls me and tell me he now hates himself and is walking home...


So me and my mum went for a drive looking for him, after 20 minutes we found him and I had to start shouting at him telling him what a wanker he was for making my mum look for him ( it's the only way he'll listen when pissed, I hate shouting). He kept teling me to let him walk, which I wasn't gonna do because it was midnight, raining and a good 15 mile walk. He's my best friend and everything but god damn he can be such a **** sometimes.

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Guest bluey





i am perhaps the most ghibli-obsessed fangirl you'll ever meet.. i *just* realized exactly how close i'ma be living to the ghibli museum.


i'm living in kamashijukii, narima-ku, right?? thats about 10 mins by train away from the school i'll be training at in kichijo-ji ~




kichijo-ji station!!!! it's on the damn museum MAP!!!


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Guest Stefkov

Bluey you're gonna have to buy me some things and ship them to me. I'll pay of course. That is quite cool.


My day so far and planned:

Sorting out all of my Coursework. I though I'd print them at home then realised that the User Documentation is 60+ pages itself. The Testing is 80+ pages. The Maintenace Doc is well over 50 pages aswell.

So I'm sorting it all out ready to go into college. Go to the open IT suite, sit down, plug in my pen drive, open the file and press print. Then sit back as I watch hundreds of pages spurt out at me.


Also this piece of paper is the most productive thing I and a friend have done in my Graphics this year.

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Even that doesn't anger me the most though, it's the little things. I got my AS results on friday. Have the asked what got, do they care? No. It makes me feel like they don't even appreciate the fact I'm here. :(


What did you get?


EDIT: Do they actually know that you recived your results? Because they aren't going to ask if they don't know you have any.

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What did you get?


EDIT: Do they actually know that you recived your results? Because they aren't going to ask if they don't know you have any.


2 B's for my geography which is what I needed. Yes, they know. I told them a couple of times earlier in the week, and I mentioned it too them in the morning on friday.

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2 B's for my geography which is what I needed. Yes, they know. I told them a couple of times earlier in the week, and I mentioned it too them in the morning on friday.


Aww Haggis... =(



Absolutely fantastic results and hooray for you. I think haggis needs an N-europe hug! : peace:

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2 B's for my geography which is what I needed. Yes, they know. I told them a couple of times earlier in the week, and I mentioned it too them in the morning on friday.


Nice one. I got a B for maths and B for business.


How come you have two results for one subject?

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Woo! Those are great results Haggis! :grin:

:heart: *MASSIVE N-E HUG* :heart:


We all love you Haggis! : peace:


Hehe, Thanks guys. :)



Nice one. I got a B for maths and B for business.


How come you have two results for one subject?


Thanks, nice one! 2 modules from January, then there's one left in June

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It was great until I just realised I have yet to finish the N-E Awards 2007 counting. There has to be an easier way. Sorry for my major fail in getting it done, it'll be done eventually..


I can remember when I offered to count them a few years ago. I got to the bottom of the first page and thought "fuck it". A few mods had done the same as well. I think it was left to Moria in the end. It's surprising how long it takes.

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