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Gotta book an appointment to get my hair cut, gonna go really short, for laughs, and to dye it easier.


Want my hairdresser, she's good at making short haircuts /sarcasm


:indeed: Day's not even started, but I have work later..so they'll be fun...



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Guest bluey

super YAY!!!



i found out my address for japan - i'll be living in kamishakujii, nerima-ku, tokyo. WIN!!! also, my rent is super cheap - about ¥55,000/month including bills and stuff... i'll have a fridge, air-con (yes!!!) and i get INTERNET ACCESS!! also for super cheap - about ¥2000/month. i'll be sharing with other teachers/foreigners but i'll have my own 6 tatami mat sized (medium sized room) bedroom in which to lock myself when i'm feelin' emo ^__^


i'm so h a p p y y y y y ! ! ! :heart:

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Guest bluey
That's like the size of your house when you first move into Animal Crossing isn't it? Awesome :P Sounds good bluey.



exactly!!! if i have anything more than a small boom-box and a wooden box with a candle on top of it when i move in i shall be very upset :grin:

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Out of breath. Went to gym for a hour and a half and then ran home from the bus stop, had a protein shake and gonna play some DMC3. Aww yeah, It's a good day. Also cut my hair short. I feel wierd, I'd grown so attached to it being down to my waist. It's a bit depressing :p.

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Out of breath. Went to gym for a hour and a half and then ran home from the bus stop, had a protein shake and gonna play some DMC3. Aww yeah, It's a good day. Also cut my hair short. I feel wierd, I'd grown so attached to it being down to my waist. It's a bit depressing :p.


picture please

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Guest Stefkov
Highlight of the day?

Trying to explain the whole thing about wanting 20 pence coins will require you to give me money in which I can swap that into 20 pence coins to a, less than, 12 year old made me think about the education of young children. I won't just give you the money...

So yeah, highlight of the day.

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Today has been great! :grin:


I had a bit of a weird night and have had barely any sleep! :)


but i went to my bank today to check whether i had enough money to buy a game and found i had £134!


Yay for EMA! :D


I was revising Psychology all morning, the abnormality topic and have been relaxing the rest of the afternoon! :)


I've been playing Pokemon Pearl and i'm trying to catch them all!

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my day has been great.

i worked till 3, which was fine as i like my job. then i went to halfords to buy paint - tomorrow hopefully my car will be 1 colour rather than 3! I also went to sainsburys and bought food.

I went home and turned my sainsburys shopping into muffins, which are yum.

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Im 100% psychic sometimes.


Just guessed the first guy on Ant and Dec would win a mop, and I guessed the next person would win a crap prize (was soup) then I guessed the last one was number 3 (which it was) and that it was the £13,000 car, which it was.



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Im 100% psychic sometimes.

I don't think I have to spell it out.


My whole 'staying awake' plan completely backfired. Foolishly I lay on my bed with my eyes closed listening to the soundtrack for The Fountain at around 6:30AM, and when I opened them again it was 1:00PM. Badgers.

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Today eurgh, work.


It was a pain because the assistant manager decided to stick around with one person while me and nat were annoyed because it's not right that she choose favourites.


Work tomorrow too, with her again...and another I don't like =[

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Guest bluey


i just realized that i forgot to get the daily mail today! they were giving away a free dvd of "flight of the navigator" :shakehead


nooo! i fail again!!

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I'm tired and bored. I'm not doing anything special for my birthday tonight either. At least next week should be good. Japanese students from the Kansai University will be coming over, and we'll be doing all sort of Japan themed activities at Uni. I also won't have any language classes next week.

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I'm tired and bored. I'm not doing anything special for my birthday tonight either. At least next week should be good. Japanese students from the Kansai University will be coming over, and we'll be doing all sort of Japan themed activities at Uni. I also won't have any language classes next week.


Nothing for your birthday at all? =(



Anyway, my day was meh. Work was boring and awkward since that guy was there who I rejected, but I ignored him and he only said hello to everyone when he walked in once (acted cheery too). >.>;


Napped for an hour after work, played some Advance Wars and wasted time in front of tv and on my laptop. I should work for school but again have no motivation and inspiration. D:

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Nothing for your birthday at all? =(



I was hoping to meet with some friends, but it didn't happen in the end.:( Hmm, I might do something with some friends over at Uni next week, I'll see.




Anyway, my day was meh. Work was boring and awkward since that guy was there who I rejected, but I ignored him and he only said hello to everyone when he walked in once (acted cheery too). >.>;



Oooh, poor guy.:p What did he do to try to win you over?

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Out of breath. Went to gym for a hour and a half and then ran home from the bus stop, had a protein shake and gonna play some DMC3. Aww yeah, It's a good day. Also cut my hair short. I feel wierd, I'd grown so attached to it being down to my waist. It's a bit depressing :p.


Pictures now!

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I was hoping to meet with some friends, but it didn't happen in the end.:( Hmm, I might do something with some friends over at Uni next week, I'll see.

Awww, too bad you didn't do anything. But yeah, go do something with friends. =D


Oooh, poor guy.:p What did he do to try to win you over?

What he did? Start bothering me on msn for no reason and sending me emails. And wanted to teach me how to drive and go to movies with me and said how work was so much better when I was around (and bad when I was gone).

*doesn't even know him and doesn't want to either* >.>;

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