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Grunch; PhD would be awesome. I would love to be a doctor :D lollers... We'll see how it all goes. Next year is probably at least double the workload of this one, and I forsee money being a fucking problem and a half by then. Will be working all summer, but that's just going to pay for my rent all summer... mmmm... budget food...

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I got given a new project to work on. Its from Taito and its SO awesome not having to play DQ IV for another 6 hours!!


Its Arkanoid for the DS. It looks like generic turd but its actually quite a lot of fun. I was meant to debug my way to the ending but I just kept playing. Took me about an hour longer but it was fun. The music is really cool as well.


Next week I get to do Space Invaders Extreme! I've heard pretty cool things about it. Atm anything is better than DQ IV!! :p

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Guest Stefkov

I've had an annoying cough for a few days. The kind of cough where it tickles your throat, sometimes it's a small cough but then sometimes it's a big cough with phlegm all over the place.

I also went outside and took some pictures, I shall be doing the same in 20 minutes I think.

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So, do student loans not account for holidays?


Actually yes, they do.


The loans (and grants) generally come in three installments - august/september, january and april. The april installment for me last year was approximately £500 larger than the others.


When you move into a flat, some landlords offer half-price rent over teh summer if you're going to be living back 'home' with your folks. Unfortunately, mine does not. But going home will work out cost effective (higher income, lower outgoings).


I think I'm going to start taking out all the money I'll need for the week in advance, thus controlling my spending a bit more. I think I'm averaging about £130 a week when I can only afford £100 -- or at least, that's what I could afford if I'd stuck to budget. Technically I probably can't really afford £60 a week :P £10 a day sounds manageable, but a night out is double that, and I'm just plain awful at buying food without wasting a third of it by not eating it.


... rambling aside... er, yeah. Uni rox \m/

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My day got off to a ropey start when Mr Odwin (after inviting me to join in) told me that all the places for the latest Xpert11 season are taken. What a let down. :(


Aside from that, a strange day.


Got to the gym for the third time this week and it was the easiest gym sesh I've had in quite some time meaning the extra effort is maybe starting to pay off. To balance doing so much exercise, I have duly upped the consumption of crisps and chocolate this week, excellent.


Watched Neighbours too.

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Been one of those long days that feel like two days. Up early waiting for the postman. Trip parents (about fifteen miles away) to give my mom her mother's day present; Westlife tickets. Made her really happy which is nice seeing as shes been quite...mellow...lately. Then back here, popped to see a lecturer. Library for a bit. Spent the afternoon looking for porn made for women and pole dancing classes with housemate. Then dunno what ive done since like...six. Not much.


Just had to put out all the recycling as people were around drinking beer and I hate going into the living room in the morning and it just reeks of beer.

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I'm pretty sure they do to some extent, cos in your final year your final payment is less than in previous years, as it doesn't account for the summer.

Today's Status:No work done, plenty of foruming done, inc. bouncing off the walls at idea of importing brawl.

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Actually yes, they do.


The loans (and grants) generally come in three installments - august/september, january and april. The april installment for me last year was approximately £500 larger than the others.


When you move into a flat, some landlords offer half-price rent over teh summer if you're going to be living back 'home' with your folks. Unfortunately, mine does not. But going home will work out cost effective (higher income, lower outgoings).


I think I'm going to start taking out all the money I'll need for the week in advance, thus controlling my spending a bit more. I think I'm averaging about £130 a week when I can only afford £100 -- or at least, that's what I could afford if I'd stuck to budget. Technically I probably can't really afford £60 a week :P £10 a day sounds manageable, but a night out is double that, and I'm just plain awful at buying food without wasting a third of it by not eating it.


... rambling aside... er, yeah. Uni rox \m/


Hmm, isn't something daft like a grand for the first two then 1500? I can't remember the figures I was told and each is different depending on circumstance unfrotunetly :(


what on earth are you spending your money on jayseven! Food can be rationed to 15quid a week!

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Sounds like you're having fun Daft. :heh: Is that paddle attachment coming to Europe then?


No comment. :p


I've always wanted to say that! :D I have no idea, I'll ask tomorrow.


Got to the gym for the third time this week and it was the easiest gym sesh I've had in quite some time meaning the extra effort is maybe starting to pay off. To balance doing so much exercise, I have duly upped the consumption of crisps and chocolate this week, excellent.


I've started going to the gym again as well!! Its been 4 months but I started going again this week and I've got back into it surprisingly quickly! I'm going again tomorrow....might go for a swim also.


Whats your routine exactly? I start with a run and then mainly do weights (Not free weights, I'm not especially sure what to do with those atm) and then finish off on the rowing machine. Then half the time I go swimming.

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I'm pretty sure they do to some extent, cos in your final year your final payment is less than in previous years, as it doesn't account for the summer.

Today's Status:No work done, plenty of foruming done, inc. bouncing off the walls at idea of importing brawl.

Hmm... I'll need to question the uni about this RE: masters options... like, do they pay me? Do I get a loan? WTF etc.

Hmm, isn't something daft like a grand for the first two then 1500? I can't remember the figures I was told and each is different depending on circumstance unfrotunetly :(


what on earth are you spending your money on jayseven! Food can be rationed to 15quid a week!

something like that, then there's the means-assessed grants that you don't have to pay back that can be up to somesortofnumber, and bursaries (hallam does them, fyi) circa £700 a year/first year, I forget. I could check it out properly...


Yeah I could live off £15 a week fairly easily, but it's too easy to buy the little snack things instead of bread and butter, y'know? I've probably spent too much on christmas and birthdays this year... my long term goal is to be out of my overdraft, with no savings or capital, around april '09 :P *starts eating the paper out of his books*

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Today has become utterly awesome. I'm so looking forward to tomorrow.


The past few weeks have been awesome, I've not been this happy in years. *High five/hugs for everybody*. :D:bouncy:


*!!HIGH 5!!* :yay:


Whats happened?? *hasn't looked at any previous posts*


What happened to the purple?? :(

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*High five/hugs for everybody*. :D:bouncy:


Haggis clearly got/ is potentially getting some aaaaction. Nothing else can explain such love for his fellow N-E'r :p.


I spent today trying to do some of the blady infuriating side quests on Mass Effect, but my damn Mako keeps blowing up. I might just be a total pussy and put the combat on normal. *shudder*

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Hmm... I'll need to question the uni about this RE: masters options... like, do they pay me? Do I get a loan? WTF etc.


something like that, then there's the means-assessed grants that you don't have to pay back that can be up to somesortofnumber, and bursaries (hallam does them, fyi) circa £700 a year/first year, I forget. I could check it out properly...


Yeah I could live off £15 a week fairly easily, but it's too easy to buy the little snack things instead of bread and butter, y'know? I've probably spent too much on christmas and birthdays this year... my long term goal is to be out of my overdraft, with no savings or capital, around april '09 :P *starts eating the paper out of his books*


haha ^.^ apprently my parents are forcing me to accept their 60quid a week...which annoys me then I'll have a job at 400/500 quid a month...so hopefully I can afford some luxuries. I just don't want to become dependant on them and there's no way in HELL


I am having an overdraft...<_<

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I've started going to the gym again as well!! Its been 4 months but I started going again this week and I've got back into it surprisingly quickly! I'm going again tomorrow....might go for a swim also.


Whats your routine exactly? I start with a run and then mainly do weights (Not free weights, I'm not especially sure what to do with those atm) and then finish off on the rowing machine. Then half the time I go swimming.


I went to the gym about 2 1/2 weeks ago on the Monday and Tuesday, went back on the Wednesday but had to give up on the treadmil after 2 minutes becaus my ankle was too sore - I've got tendonitis, need to rest it for at least 3 weeks apparently. The first 2 weeks it was sore whenever I walked, I can't really feel it at all at the moment but don't want to risk going back. Thus meaning, I feel really unfit (again).


My routine was, made up one of the gym staff who also happens to be my boss: 2km running, 3km cycling, 2km running, 3km cycling with no break in between running at 12km/h, cycling at whatever speed it takes to do the 3km in 4 minutes. Then went onto to some weights using the abs machine and another one.


I was training to do a 10k but I don't think I'll be able to do that anymore as I don't have enough time to train for it. :(



My day today has been pretty bleugh. Got in at about 4 this morning, we finally got to bed at 5 (had 4 friends crashing here after a night out). Woke up and found myself in bed with one of the girls, holding her hand with one hand and her boob with my other with her hand on top of mine. They had to get up at 6:30 so they could get the bus to school which sucked as it meant I had to wake up too.


"Forgot" to go to my compulsory class from 9-11... Oh well, you're allowed to miss it once. Went to my law lecture at 1 which was revision so I'm glad I went. And that's when the hangover kicked in. Been feeling shitty all afternoon, had to make myself a fry-up to make up for it.

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Haggis clearly got/ is potentially getting some aaaaction. Nothing else can explain such love for his fellow N-E'r :p.


I spent today trying to do some of the blady infuriating side quests on Mass Effect, but my damn Mako keeps blowing up. I might just be a total pussy and put the combat on normal. *shudder*


Haha, I don't kiss an tell! :p




I bought Mass effect yesterday, but haven't got round to playing it yet. Pysch coursework fails.

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Thats a hardcore effort Charlie.


Aye, last week I could barely do anything on the treadmill because my ankle was away with it. Luckily it was easier to do some biking instead and even better is that its been ok this week. (I ballexed me ankle last winter.) I don't usually bother with the weights and that too often cos its where most of the people who think they are rough head to, I don't really mind cos I just like getting a good sweat worked up between the bike, rowing machine, cross-trainer and treadmill.

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I went to the gym about 2 1/2 weeks ago on the Monday and Tuesday, went back on the Wednesday but had to give up on the treadmil after 2 minutes becaus my ankle was too sore - I've got tendonitis, need to rest it for at least 3 weeks apparently. The first 2 weeks it was sore whenever I walked, I can't really feel it at all at the moment but don't want to risk going back. Thus meaning, I feel really unfit (again).


My routine was, made up one of the gym staff who also happens to be my boss: 2km running, 3km cycling, 2km running, 3km cycling with no break in between running at 12km/h, cycling at whatever speed it takes to do the 3km in 4 minutes. Then went onto to some weights using the abs machine and another one.


I was training to do a 10k but I don't think I'll be able to do that anymore as I don't have enough time to train for it. :(


WAAAA!! Thats pretty intense! When I was at school I did a 4km run every night along with tennis/squash/football during the day and I felt great. Ever since I've been at Uni I just haven't been able to keep up that kind of routine and my spates at the gym lasted for not longer than a couple months. I've kind of worked out a new plan so it fits into my week better so fingers crossed I don't flake out again after a couple months.


I've been sleeping so well this week because of the gym, its awesome! :heh:

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I never do any cardio, unless you count riding my bike to the gym. Pretty much just weights. Been going pretty much consistently since September. Back then I remember I could barely bench 50kg, and 220kg on the leg press, but got up to 80kg and 280kg respectively. Beeeeef.

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