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I found language acq. somewhat interesting, but not sure about egocentricity fits in (although I suppose yeah, they learn based upon what they want to learn, whats important in their life etc...they wouldn't want to learn words about their parent's job roles etc, more about their own personal desires such as what food they want).


Anyway. Day...okay. Except after we closed the safe wouldn't open. Was there for an hour and a half. Which I was planning on doing uni work at nero. Then missed my train. Urgh. Still, got home and its better.

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Well I could argue that it fits in in terms of how/when the egocentric nature turns into sociocentric, and even the theory that it starts out sociocentric and drifts into ego~; even, how egocentric language for children basically turns into egocentric thought -- that the kids are basically saying things out loud and that their 'inner voice' doesn't actually exist like it does in adults.


I really like that whole idea, but i can't squeeze it into an answer for "2. Is the notion of egocentricity at all useful in understanding child language?" :'(


BUT YEAH! it'll be over soon, and I'll get back to talking about how my life is a field of dandylions.

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aaaaaaah. my last shift at work was fun.

we discovered that the store internet allowed us to view a webcam of a shop in america - we were watching people go in and out of the shop in awe... that's pretty much all i did for 5 hours :grin:


on the plus side though: i acquired many chips and dips for my party from the "nearly-but-not-quite" out of date section of the stock room. "nobody will miss it" was the official managerial stand-point on my blatant thievery :grin: happy days!!


i have caffeine, the bow, the ex, and the fountain to watch over the next week while i wait impatiently for friday to roll around... *watched the clock* ......nnnnnope... not yet.



edit: my 999th post! :yay:

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......and even now i'm not sure just what that means...... :wtf:


oh well ^___^

btw - here's the link for the webcam that gave me and my friends so many hours of fun O____o (click store webcam @ the side of the page)

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Hmm, been eating a lot, having to take regular naps and feeling sick in the morning. Where'd I leave that pregnancy test?


Not again!

Fucking useless condoms... :indeed:


Elsewhere, I spent my day doing a physics presentation and half a mechanics paper. Yay?

I've had such a boring day, collage tomorrow almost seems appealing...

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What is your degree J7 that you're doing about speech acquisition in kids and whatnot? I half know that, though I've forgotten alot now too.

I spent most of last night checking insurance quotes, getting some background on puntos, and generally getting a little paranoid and unnerved about this guy selling the car to me. I don't know why, I have a sudden paranoid fear that he'll sell me the car then steal it back when I'm not looking! And namely that the radio's been quite mashed up.

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What is your degree J7 that you're doing about speech acquisition in kids and whatnot? I half know that, though I've forgotten alot now too.

I spent most of last night checking insurance quotes, getting some background on puntos, and generally getting a little paranoid and unnerved about this guy selling the car to me. I don't know why, I have a sudden paranoid fear that he'll sell me the car then steal it back when I'm not looking! And namely that the radio's been quite mashed up.


I'm doing English Studies... I hate the language modules though. Got about 3 hours sleep last night. Got about 40 mins to go over what I think I know!


As for your car issues; so long as you know his address, his name and what he looks like you'll be fiiiine :P

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I'm doing English Studies... I hate the language modules though. Got about 3 hours sleep last night. Got about 40 mins to go over what I think I know!


As for your car issues; so long as you know his address, his name and what he looks like you'll be fiiiine :P


Ahh right, you'll probably have done that all in more detail than me, it was touched upon in one lecture of development psych(pretty interesting stuff actually).

As for the car, the problem was that it was said to be 10 min from dartford centre(20 min from me) but then turned out to be in a lockup like 5 min from me(in a car) and I looked at it there yesterday, so I don't really know where the guy lives, though I know his face. I'm gonna ask that we sort of the documents and stuff at the address on the V5, just so I know it's all kosher. My current concern is the stupid Fiat immobiliser system, he said it doesn't have one, I'm starting to think it does, but I don't know if he has a red master key. I also had a strangely normal half dream of him literally stealing the car with a key after I bought it, and it kind of put me on edge and made me realise how little I know about the guy.

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Ahh right, you'll probably have done that all in more detail than me, it was touched upon in one lecture of development psych(pretty interesting stuff actually).

As for the car, the problem was that it was said to be 10 min from dartford centre(20 min from me) but then turned out to be in a lockup like 5 min from me(in a car) and I looked at it there yesterday, so I don't really know where the guy lives, though I know his face. I'm gonna ask that we sort of the documents and stuff at the address on the V5, just so I know it's all kosher. My current concern is the stupid Fiat immobiliser system, he said it doesn't have one, I'm starting to think it does, but I don't know if he has a red master key. I also had a strangely normal half dream of him literally stealing the car with a key after I bought it, and it kind of put me on edge and made me realise how little I know about the guy.

Well actually we've spent three lectures on the subject... Yeah I agree, it's actually quite interesting, but psychology is all about remembering experiments, theories and criticism... And... well when I did my psych A2 exam I basically revised my ass off, inventing new words as mnemonics, whittling 250 pages in the text book down to 9 double-sided prompt cards that I memorised.


This exam? Three A4 pages of random useful things that I have no hope of remembering. Only 'good' thing so far is that two other people claim to have not started revision 'til yesterday like me.


Oh well!


Well if your car is ever nicked, give the police the name/description of the guy that sold it to you -- and keep an eye out for it on ebay in the future :P

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Day so far has been great, except the morning when people blamed me for everything that went wrong then i proved it was someone elses problem and to see them.


Morning has literatly done this <8am-----------------1:30pm> without any sense of anything. Currently eating lunchm which consists of chicken nuggets, cous-cous and jalopeno chillies (they are the hot ones)

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For once its been quiet here, thank fuck. Last week was CRAZY busy.


So anyway, i went on the interflora site earlier, about to order my mother some flowers for mothers day. I went to town earlier to make sure i had money (i do, i have £160 left untill Tuesday when i'm paied... huzzah) and for some stupid reason Interflora keep saying my card can't be used. I'm like "eh? I used it on here like 2 weeks ago!"


So i'll try tonight >_>.

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i tidied my room, but along the way i found some random things that i thought i'd send to jamba in the post ~ so i wrote him a letter, which has somehow lead to me MESSING UP MY ENTIRE ROOM AGAIN!!!!


...saying that, since my room has such a small amount of anything in it at the moment, it's hard to move anything without it instantly looking like a mess right now!! once i've put all the items that i'm either selling or giving away to friends onto one shelf, i think it will look like i dont even live here anymore... :cry:


anyhoo! </depressed> i'ma watch "the ex" while i try to warm up!!

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Poor bluey... :(


Cheer up dear!


You must have quite a small room for it to feel like that.

it's pretty averaged size... it's just that in preparing to move, i've gotten rid of all my junk, clothes i dont wear, traded in nearly ALL of my electrical stuff at cex, dvds, books (hence the trade board :grin: ) my ghibli collection is stored in a box in my wardrobe, i took down all my posters and un-stuck the stickers from my wall (and re-painted >_<) ...

i've de-bluey'd everything!!


so right now all i have out is my make-up, 4 dvds i rented from work, my mobile, and my file of ECC information.... all i need is a gideon bible and i'll be in a hotel room :(

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Well I managed about 3 hours sleep last night. Somehow managed to get seriously wound up about things not important enough to name. I think I passed the timed essay, but totally didn't do well. Ended up bunking the following seminar, had two pints, went to my next seminar for a book I've not read and made some astounding points that impressed the tutor (mwahaha!), then went for another pint...


Quick trip to the library. Got an essay due in about 15 days now... Mucho Kudos to Shorty for reminding me. Hoping to go out again tonight to the same place where I fell down the stairs last week... Going with a different crowd, so who knows how successful it'll be, if it even goes ahead, that is.



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