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Starting to sense dejavuuuuuuuu.


I made a new sig instead of doing my assignment.


This is the second week i've put it off. whoops =(


A good day was had tho ^_^


Edit: rage i think i busted my pc...


Had her overclocked to 3ghz and i think she didnt take to well to being on since 10am until about 3ish in the morning.


Had to reset to base clock settings =(

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Stop bragging Fish Boy. Just to serve your massive ego, some of us want to wallow in our dull lives and not hear fantasists brag on about situations.


That situations guy is awesome.



I'm sorry I dared to express the fact I had a good day, and the reason why, in a thread entitled "How was your day". And I'm sorry for the fact that I'm happy. If you don't like happy people, you'd better get off this forum.


On topic, my day is pretty good so far, but I want another few days off. :(

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Had an amazing night out at Torture Garden last night. Most importantly got married to the missus in a shotgun wedding, which was a lot of fun. Whilst queing at the wedding chapel we bumped in to some old friends who we haven't seen in years. Not a single one of them recognized me, which I couldn't believe, someone my height, with my girlfriend, who else would it be? Got up to loads of other stuff too, got a sound thrashing from the wife, to the point of bleeding, could have taken more but she didn't want to go on once she drew blood. Got lots of compliments on my outfit (see image gallery thread) and even got groped by some mystery woman whilst crossing the dancefloor. And best of all due to drinking soft drinks all night and the taxis costing less than anticipated came away with £77 in change, which I've got earmarked for some new clothes once I get it back in the bank on Monday.

I'm now back in touch with old friends though, and back on the fetish scene after a break of nearly ten years and can't wait for my next night out.

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Had an amazing night out at Torture Garden last night. Most importantly got married to the missus in a shotgun wedding, which was a lot of fun. Whilst queing at the wedding chapel we bumped in to some old friends who we haven't seen in years. Not a single one of them recognized me, which I couldn't believe, someone my height, with my girlfriend, who else would it be? Got up to loads of other stuff too, got a sound thrashing from the wife, to the point of bleeding, could have taken more but she didn't want to go on once she drew blood. Got lots of compliments on my outfit (see image gallery thread) and even got groped by some mystery woman whilst crossing the dancefloor. And best of all due to drinking soft drinks all night and the taxis costing less than anticipated came away with £77 in change, which I've got earmarked for some new clothes once I get it back in the bank on Monday.

I'm now back in touch with old friends though, and back on the fetish scene after a break of nearly ten years and can't wait for my next night out.


That's the spirit! (bad pun not intended!)


Glad to see you had a good time after all you've been through of late ^_^

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That's the spirit! (bad pun not intended!)


Glad to see you had a good time after all you've been through of late ^_^


Thanks, I wasn't really expecting much to be honest, the people I was originally planning on meeting there pulled out a week ago, after I'd bought my tickets. And as the tickets were non refundable it was either go or sell them on Ebay, which I could have done for four times the face value due to it selling out, but we went anyway and I'm glad I did now.


And with the money I've saved, plus what I've got coming on Monday I can afford to buy myself a couple of new corsets, a nighty, put a deposit down on a new dress and maybe even a new wig.

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I got threatend again, and they nicked the backpack I had on with stuff I was taking to a mates house. So I've lost my phone, camera, a 360 controller and my pyschology coursework I'd started.


I actually thought all this shit was over, and the dipshits doing it had got bored, but obviously not. So much for a good year. :angry:

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I got threatend again, and they nicked the backpack I had on with stuff I was taking to a mates house. So I've lost my phone, camera, a 360 controller and my pyschology coursework I'd started.


I actually thought all this shit was over, and the dipshits doing it had got bored, but obviously not. So much for a good year. :angry:


Thats awful Haggis to get theaten and have your bag taken Haggis. :(

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Hmm, poor haggis! :(


Why is it when you start to like somebody and get on track with them that somebody else comes into the equation...damnit...-.-


Yup, it sucks, 2008 was actually going well and I was feeling pretty great finally. :(




Sods Law. It's bound to happen, it's really annoying when it does. Like you say, you like someone, finally think you might be getting somewhere and then Bam someone else turns up and messes things up.

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I need to eat more because my clothes are near falling off me.

I know what you mean*. I really need to buy some more trousers as I'm literally down to two pairs of jeans that still fit me.


For some reason I always feel uncomfortable shopping for clothes, like I don't have any right to be there. I get a bit paranoid about it and end up interpreting the staff's bored faces into imperious looks. It's really silly, but I can't help it.



*As in I can sympathise. That person spying into your bedroom window? Not me.

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Hmmm. Forum seems less dick-headish today....did something happen?


Went out for my friend and Is joint 21st par-tay yesterday. It was awesome. TGI Fridays (I had JD Mixed Grill and then popcorn sundae thing) and various amazing cocktails. (Baileys, Creme de Menthe, Ice Cream, Oreos) which was amazing, then a Strawberry one (Strawberry and amaretto) and such. Then went out and lolled it up a bit in various venues. Ahhhh great stuff.


Oh and The Walking Dead #46 (comic book) was amazing. And horrible.


(Its a zombie comic) theres a crazy psycho killing some survivors to get the prison and supplies they have, and he captured one of my favourite characters, this issue they pull up to the prison, push him on the floor say "Surrender or hes dead" they can't surrender because they know he'll screw them anyway. He beheads him.


Then end of the issue turns out the samurai sword wielding crazy awesome girlfriend of the beheaded isnt actually as restrained/captured as they would of hoped and holds an ak47 to his head. His last speech bubble is "Fuck."



So booo! and yay!!!!

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