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The people who I've been learning with, I thought all did it this way but, you get picked up at home or wherever by the previous learner.

They sit in the back seat, you take the other person home. You then have your lesson and then nearing the end you get to the next person for when the hour is up. Then that person drives you home.

Head still hurts.


Urgh! This is called piggybacking in our industry and it's frowned upon. Not the most professional thing to do. I'd change instructors if I were you.

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Guest Stefkov

I don't mind it at all. I didn't think it was such a bad thing to do.

I've been with them too long now there's no point changing instructor.

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The days bull shit continues.


After 26 hours of playing Burnout Paradise, i've realised its not only one of the worst racers i've played in years, but i'd go as far as saying if Criteron ever put out another free roaming Burnout bull shit ever again, i'm going to go jerk off in all their eye balls. Those incompient fucking morons.

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Been looking round student houses with Uni mates for next year. We've decided on a fantastic place in a quiet corner of the city, with a garden. All the rooms are huge too. Except mine. I get the tiny room with the single bed because I'm the only one without a relationship to fill it with. :cry:


Should be good though. Gonna save a lotta money.

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Argh just realised how fucking shat upon we are and how being at the top gets you everywhere. =(


A bit of explanation here, when i used the word "band 2" etc it relates to a job description and pay scales. A band 2 is a clerical officer 4 a manager etc. Anyhoo...


My office is currently full of band 2 and band 3 staff. We are absolutely shit upon trying to do this deadline and that deadline, work to our "targets" and basically getting blamed for anything going wrong, all whilst being SERIOUSLY understaffed.


There's another dept that is full of band 4/5/6's (getting maybe double what we get paid) who sit on their arse all day doing SWEET F ALL


How corrupt the nhs is.... =(


I think this is a good thread for airing anger for a lot of folk here ^^

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The days bull shit continues.


After 26 hours of playing Burnout Paradise, i've realised its not only one of the worst racers i've played in years, but i'd go as far as saying if Criteron ever put out another free roaming Burnout bull shit ever again, i'm going to go jerk off in all their eye balls. Those incompient fucking morons.


It took you 26 hours to figure that out? I could've told you that from the demo. Heck, I could've told you that when EA released Need For Speed Underground 2 four years ago.

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Today I stayed after school until 5pm!! Trying to finish a unit - which is for tomorrow. Its still not finished, and theres no way I can do it : /


Yesterday I made a drink from irn bru and milk - it was disgusting and tasted like sick.

I also snorted some crushed up coffee sweetners.

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It took you 26 hours to figure that out? I could've told you that from the demo. Heck, I could've told you that when EA released Need For Speed Underground 2 four years ago.


I was forcing myself to play it for achievement points and justification of spending £40.


You can't trade games in here... theres is no place that does anything like that.

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I think this is a good thread for airing anger for a lot of folk here ^^



Not just anger.

I'm beginning to think this heart condition of mine could be a good thing, I'm not brave enough to kill myself conventionally, but drinking myself to death I could do.

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Not just anger.

I'm beginning to think this heart condition of mine could be a good thing, I'm not brave enough to kill myself conventionally, but drinking myself to death I could do.


Take this as you will, but I'm sure everyone here would rather you didn't.

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Not just anger.

I'm beginning to think this heart condition of mine could be a good thing, I'm not brave enough to kill myself conventionally, but drinking myself to death I could do.


:o Is your life really that bad? Rokhed, death is never the answer and doesn't solve anything. You'll just leave grief behind you. Everyone's life is worth something, and I had gathered that things were beginning to look up for you. If that's the frame of mind you're in, I think you should see someone for help. :(

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I was forcing myself to play it for achievement points and justification of spending £40.


You can't trade games in here... theres is no place that does anything like that.


Erm.....ebay? Thats pretty bad though, no trade in shops! I never buy new games anyway (or very rarely) so it wouldn't be a problem for me.

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This assignment is starting to piss me off, it's due in tomorrow and we've had to do it for 10weeks instead of 20 because the stupid teacher decided thats how it would be even though it's set by the board and not him and now we don't apprently get a referal when we should on every assignment.


No where near finished and it's in tomorrow, decided I couldn't be bothered to do anymore otherwise it'll be just jibberish..bleh =[

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Pretty darn good. Spent most of the day playing Guitar Hero III and watching either WWE or Haruhi vids on YouTube. Buzzcocks was class, too.


And it got a little bit better when this happened:


Look at the featured member. It be me! First time summat like that has happened to me. :grin:


"... And then I was featured on Anime Central! Which was nice."

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Here is my cheerful post! Not only have I had an awesome day but this week has been probably the best of my life! A lot of stuff has happened, most I'm not going to divulge! Mwahahaha!!


I started work at Square-Enix, which I know I keep going on about. Everyone at work is sooo cool. I went to the pub with everyone on Monday, stayed over at one of my new workmate's flat. We kind of maybe hooked up. :p Turned up to work on time the next day, in the same cloths and I've was told by the guy looking after me while I was starting there (who is insultingly funny) that that earned me major kudos! :)


His boss, and obviously my boss, me and him work at desks next to each other and the banter is off the scale hysterical!


Wednesday I met up with my Uni friends and had an awesome time... I found out my friend really likes me which is kind of awkward because I'm really good friends with her but I don't fancy her....I'm not sure what to do. I was really drunk so I kind of played along but I've realised now I pretty much fucked up. I hate alcohol sometimes. :(


Tomorrow I'm going out to the pub with work!! I can't wait!

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*jumps on the emo train*



Today was kinda crappy. Well it started okay with me eating the rest of the crêpes for lunch and my cool Threadless shirt arriving in the mail. That was nice.


But the rest of the day felt like a huge waste of time. I just sorta sat around doing nothing all day (apart from 24 minutes of Wii Sports, which is the most interesting thing I did today). I honestly don't know where all those hours suddenly went to.

I have work for school I should be doing and a painting for my uncle's birthday, but I couldn't find the motivation to work on it. And I'm not sure I'll find it tomorrow either (but I'll have to just make myself do some work or else I'll be screwed).


Watched some kinda crappy movie tonight (King of California) to waste some more time. It gave me a massive headache, which is only now hopefully starting to disappear thanks to some medicine. Too bad there isn't some medicine to help with loneliness. D:

(though I had comfort food to try and make me feel better; not sure it worked)


*needs like, a hug buddy... or just a buddy altogether*

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Here is my cheerful post! Not only have I had an awesome day but this week has been probably the best of my life! A lot of stuff has happened, most I'm not going to divulge! Mwahahaha!!


I started work at Square-Enix, which I know I keep going on about. Everyone at work is sooo cool. I went to the pub with everyone on Monday, stayed over at one of my new workmate's flat. We kind of maybe hooked up. :p Turned up to work on time the next day, in the same cloths and I've was told by the guy looking after me while I was starting there (who is insultingly funny) that that earned me major kudos! :)


His boss, and obviously my boss, me and him work at desks next to each other and the banter is off the scale hysterical!


Wednesday I met up with my Uni friends and had an awesome time... I found out my friend really likes me which is kind of awkward because I'm really good friends with her but I don't fancy her....I'm not sure what to do. I was really drunk so I kind of played along but I've realised now I pretty much fucked up. I hate alcohol sometimes. :(


Tomorrow I'm going out to the pub with work!! I can't wait!


Yay for awesome day at work!


I had an awesome day at college too. Lots of laughs, and not many lessons. I got very wet in the common room with a mate of mine. We were messing about, and she poured water all over my crotch, and it looked like I'd wet myself. So I did the same, but I used the rest of the bottle, and by the end of it were were both soaked and had to leave the common room in fits. It was awesome, though her boyfriend was not amused. :p

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