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Went to see my old English teacher today for interview advice. He said: "Don't bother preparing anything, just talk about whatever you like. You don't want to seem too laboured." Real fucking helpful.


Also, finally got a gig!! Filling in for the guitarist in a friends band (Disposable Heroes :heh:). Metallica influences everywhere. <3


pssh what a wank teacher. Interviews are easy, just be you and answer any questions truthfully after all your only human.


I've spent most of the day looking at reviews of the ds dongle..:indeed:

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Nice. Had an English test which I think I did quite well in, got maths off, got a Biology test back which I got 76% in, actually learned something in Italian and then got Theory of Knowledge off =) Then had lots of pancakes when I came home :D

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It was a perfectly nice day, nice driving lesson, plumbing got fixed, even had a maccies. Then suddenly my msn decides it's going to crash every five minutes, so I had to email msn...the plumbing now isn't fixed and my mum shrugged me off when I said hello, not only that but I still havent sorted things about uni and I've still not got the work thats supposed to be done because I still don't understand and all I get from a friend is work it out yourself.


Great thanks let me sit here and cry why not. It's only small things but it just feels *sigh*

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Days have been kinda crappy and lonely, and today is no exception.

Well yesterday was less lonely cause I spent the day cooking with friends and they stayed till midnight. But one of them is getting married this year apparently, and it makes you realise just how lonely you really are. Especially once they were all gone again and I was left alone in this big house with my dog (who happens to be "in heat" or however you say it, meaning there's little drips of blood everywhere and I can't leave her outside alone cause she might run away).




*goes back to being bored and lonely*



My days have also been lonely recently and i did today as well especially with the one person i talk to being ill! >__<


Woo! for pancakes tonight and of course chocolate will never go a miss!!! :yay:


Unfortunately i have no time to play Mario Galaxy but soon, on Friday when i break up i will. :D


Today is the final Push to get my History Coursework completed and then i can get my life back. :) I'm so tired i fell asleep in class today and woke up half an hour to find a teacher looking at me with a really confused face!


*goes off to his corner of solitude* :blank:

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I know, it's just one of those days, it's a presentation on sql, I don't even get to see if I did well before it gets sent off to an examiner..and I bet I don't even manage a pass with the damn thing. Bleh.


Sounds a lot better then having to do a presentation on Algorithms for Insertion, Deletion and Amendment in Lists, Stacks, Queues, and Trees. One that means jack shit yet we're exepcted to make it as best as possible just so the teacher doesn't have to teach it to the rest afterwards.


Much rather do the work and have it count towards my grade then not.

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Sounds a lot better then having to do a presentation on Algorithms for Insertion, Deletion and Amendment in Lists, Stacks, Queues, and Trees. One that means jack shit yet we're exepcted to make it as best as possible just so the teacher doesn't have to teach it to the rest afterwards.


Much rather do the work and have it count towards my grade then not.


True, but working with sql seems pointless to me whether or not it helps with grades, not to mention writing about audio frequencies, yay, go me. I'm so happy I'm doing that. :zzz:

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I had an insane day (This includes today and Monday since I only slept about 3 hours so it was one VERY long day). I started work at Square-Enix, 'tis fun! Went out drinking after work for 8 hours. The people I work with are so fucking awesome.


I was so tired I fell asleep in the middle of my Korean drum lesson, surrounded by 5 other drummers....In the middle of a piece! :p


I also met someone. :)

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awful day yesterday

awful night (fecking housemate and her boyfriend plus his friends waking me up)

couldnt sleep

meh day


i want to go home :(







Daft sounds like you have had an awesome really long day :grin:



FACT OF THE DAY: I have found my glasses which i had lost for over a week now. It's amazing what you find behind the back of your bed!!


Also I have done enough History Coursework for this evening I've almost finished now. :D


Time for a bit of relaxation.


*has no idea what to do*

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Day currently has been good.


After all the events of yesterday (see singleness thread) i have managed to gain control of myself again and am no longer an emotional wreck as it were. I confronted the 2 people who were pushing this onto me and sorted it all out. Now am happy enough right about now.


Now working hard (well, not now as i am on lunch) but have been working well all day long. Plan on going to pub later, but not to do duty but to drink.

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My day has been good, considering its a work day. (Small things can affect a work day) I came up with a line/written in my current project that made me laugh out loud, so thats good.


Also, My local cinema is showing National Treasure (no brainer) and Juno! The cinema that consistently screws me on a regular basis has helped me for once.


In other news, Hell freezes over.

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my day's been ok... i've cleaned the house up, now i'm chilling out with some orange juice and reading "a nice cup of tea and a sit down" ....actually now i've said THAT i feel like a bit of a hypocrite ... :hmm:

*finished orange and puts the kettle on*

that's better...

i'm happy i dont have to work today after last night =___= i worked till 10.30pm filing films... file file file... it was like i was trapped in an episode of seaseme street... O_o but it wasn't a bad day at work - me and my friend spent pretty much the whole 6 hour shift pondering which guy off the front of the supernatural boxset we fancied more :grin: (i had the bright idea of going for "both")

but i'll be working the day shift tomorrow ~ which will be quiet... so... MORE FILING! yatta! and i'm excited about getting a haircut from someone other than myself after work :grin:


*copies coolness - 'cause he's cool!* random picture of the day:



this is my toyvoyager, luffy ~ here's a picture of him from someone who he's on holiday with in france :grin: ...apparently the "sidekick" keyring version i have is quite rare

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I decided to not go to 6th form today. Mainly because business studies is aload of rubbish and it more like common sense lessons.


Got a driving lesson at 4:30 with a new instructor dun dun dun.


(I'd just posted this in the 'Post Your Purchases' Thread thinking i was here :) )

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For the last 3 weeks I wake up after 2/3 pm, take a shower, eat, play the guitar with the amp ( 5/10 volume ) on the balcony so the whole neighborhood listens to some heavy shit...then, off to dinner with hellfire and a night full of win, mostly driving around doing nothing, movies...we've got it easy!

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