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I've been hearing of people complaining that the pavements are not gritted either. To be honest, in Germany where i used to live there is a law that states that the people must clear paths to the house and the pavement outside the house as well (once the snow stops btw). I believe the UK should bring this law in as well.


Thats fine, but its pointless gritting after everything has happened given it needed it before.


Really the roads connected to our drives are council property, they don't grit them unless its an important road..council = backwards.

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@ Ramar and Flinkster I was just about to leave. I'm so gutted. My friend can't come down either cos of the trains being cancelled/unreliable.


Apparently the pitch is fine but they're worried about people getting there and back.


I have now taken off my long johns and am sulking. :P

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I've been hearing of people complaining that the pavements are not gritted either. To be honest, in Germany where i used to live there is a law that states that the people must clear paths to the house and the pavement outside the house as well (once the snow stops btw). I believe the UK should bring this law in as well.


While it can be a pain at times, there isn't much wrong with walking on non-gritted pavements. Especially when there's a fresh layer of snow to apply ample friction.


Still, I would have thought that the train companies would clear the platforms a bit. Still, at least the trains are on time. Actually, it seems to be a better service than usual.

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While it can be a pain at times, there isn't much wrong with walking on non-gritted pavements. Especially when there's a fresh layer of snow to apply ample friction.


Still, I would have thought that the train companies would clear the platforms a bit. Still, at least the trains are on time. Actually, it seems to be a better service than usual.


in a few days time, you should come and try and walk on the inch of compacted, glass smooth ice on my already too smooth tarmac pavement.


It's hilarious.

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Ughhh stress! Have to teach a class tomorrow but I really don't feel I can do it, or that I'll even have enough time to see everything I want to see. Plus I'll be graded on this. D:


And I just managed to pretty much kill the example lino I would be using in class, so fuuuuck. >.<;




In better news, one of my old friends gave birth to a baby girl on Sunday. Yay. Not too fond of the name though: Jade. Not sure whether I should pronounce it the English or the Dutch way...

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Often it's night and there's no moon too :P DENSEFACE


Really? No Way, I'm sure I've always found the moon when I've looked for it. And don't mock my denseface, it's not my fault I was born like this. :weep:


Well I went to work today, which was still open despite half the staff not making it in. Looks like customers didn't make it in either as the place was completely dead. So I got to go home an hour early, woop! Not sure if we'll bother opening tomorrow. Also I made a small snow rabbit and sat in an igloo during lunch.

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Does anyone know how this FB status bra colour thing started? I don't understand how its spread so quickly?


No idea, but when I saw loads of people seemingly putting random colours on their status, the first thing I thought was "I bet it's underwear colour or something".

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No idea, but when I saw loads of people seemingly putting random colours on their status, the first thing I thought was "I bet it's underwear colour or something".


Fortunately I happened to see someones status explaining it before I saw any actual colour updates.


I say fortunately because I have a tendency to "like" a lot of status, and I saw for example Claires sisters status had it, and my sisters friends from school.


Would have looked a bit creepy. Well moreso than usual.

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It would help, I used to give up way too much money to breast cancer awareness. Then I got sick of it and donated to the charity that was visably helping my mum before she passed away. Meh


Today is abit weird, I suddenly feel about 16 been left to look after the house..

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