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I know that feeling, but unfortunetly I know I could do alot better on my work, they just don't give us enough time. Although it doesn't help losing a pen drive either.


One tutor hasn't even got back to me about a question I need answering, bloody idiot. I need my work back from my previous assignment so I can do work for his second assignment, luckily its the only thing that now needs adding as Mark Baldwin at Team 17 got back to me about an hour ago. Phew.


Still got alot of my ut3 level to do, I imagine it won't be finished by the 15th as I keep adding more to put in and changing my mind all the time. Decided I'll hand it in - pass, then go work on it in my spare time, parents seem happy enough to let me talk about just passing, meh.


Todays been a slow day, only made a lift for my work and I've done abit more of an essay to finish it off, time to come off the computer, go on my laptop and do my report..not that I know how..

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The house I live in is all to myself at the moment and it's a mess!!! so now I am cleaning it all up, which gives me the shits since I wasn't the one that made this mess >_>


I also just finished work a couple of hours ago and now it's 3:54am right now in Australia, and I have no urge of sleeping, and even trying I will not go to sleep for a while, so this is annoying. and it's HOT! yes, we have summer at the moment, how is winter over there for you guys?

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Well college is closed so no life drawing class for me. So it seems like the only naked person I'll be seeing is myself.


I'm preying to the weather/transport Gods that I WILL be able to get to London tomorrow. I think I may just get to the station and try and get away with "I have to get ot London so I want to just jump on this train [rather than the one I booked] rather than potentially wait around for a train that'll be cancelled." If I get stuck in London...c'est la vie.

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Something I just remembered: I had a peak at the iPhone the person next to me had on the train (like a lot of iPhone users, he had his down on the seat). I found it bizarre that he was listening to Human by The Killers using TuneWiki. I was tempted to show him my phone as I was also listening to the same song via TuneWiki (but on a Nokia 5800).


You should have!


No snow here yet, possibly wont get any tonight as it depends how far East it goes. Im hoping we dont get any, as im finally feeling better id like to get out of the house tomorrow. Plus I dont really wanna hang around here with the ceiling being all dodgy, the cracks along one of the walls have gotten longer this morning.


EDIT: And of course just after I type all this, it starts snowing


Not snowing here yet. Must be close now.





I think he was just saying, rather than insinuating Nokia is better than iPhone.




Dear Customer


Thanks for your preordering your copy of Bayonetta from



Unfortunately, due to supply issues out of our control, we have

not been able to despatch your replica Scarborough Fair gun for

delivery by the release date.


Please be assured that your game will still be despatched in time for release,

and that the replica gun will be sent separately as soon as we receive it.


We apologise for any inconvenience this delay may have



As long as I get the gun I don't care. If they pull some "Run out" bull shit, I'll throw a proverbial shit fit.


Hmmmm. Shall I do something for my birthday this year?

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My friend's meant to be coming down from Manc tomorrow but the trains might be off and the match we're going to might be cancelled anyway. Just so annoyed. I can't even blame anyone for the weather. I live in a blame culture. I need someone to blame. :P


I also went to the Doctor this morning, she was a Registrar who looked about my age and seemed to know nothing. She actually asked me how I wanted to proceed. If I knew that, I wouldn't have come to see you.



/bad mood.

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I have a friend who is going to try and get from the Isle of Wight to Sheffield tomorrow... The snow's pretty bad so I have my Fingers Crossed.


Housemates are all back! Generally woop-de-doo and all... but there's only 1 xbox, and four fans of MW2 so I can't exactly enjoy the lazing hours of Batman that I wanted. Kinda feeling all "... so what do I do with myself?" now. BAH. BAAAAAAH!! Will have to resort to being the Last One Awake and do the whole nocturnal life thing.


I have pub plans tomorrow but I don't know who's going and I'm pretty sure everyone'll forget.



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Kick them off!


Yeah this is why I will never live with more than one person again, I'm too mean..



i know!!! After disastrous flatmates the previous 2 years I've decided that I'm not living with anyone else (apart from my dad) till I'm livin with greg... (even then between us me and greg have 2 wii;s, 2 ps2's, 2 half decent tvs" ... so i dont have to share anyway :D)

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i know!!! After disastrous flatmates the previous 2 years I've decided that I'm not living with anyone else (apart from my dad) till I'm livin with greg... (even then between us me and greg have 2 wii;s, 2 ps2's, 2 half decent tvs" ... so i dont have to share anyway :D)


Haha in July I'll be living with a guy, a friend of a friend who I happen to get on with, he knows I'm the boss of the flat though, given the massive 42inch tv will belong to me and not him :P

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Why does it seem the entire UK comes to a halt when it snows? =P


It snowed here on Saturday and the ground is still covered in the stuff. My entire street is still white, no one putting salt down here. My feet got soaked walking around today, almost frooooze haha.


Had to show my stuff in school, got told I'm doing okay so far. Have a last presentation next week for this class, so need to make some actual illustrations in one week. Eep!


Had a good day though. After school we went to see Where The Wild Things Are with our little group. First time this school year we were all together (all 5 of us). =P

And after the film we went for a nice meal. Had some white wine, penne arrabiata and a mokka/coffee milkshake. Mmm. Plus had a nice time just talking to friends, yay. Good times. ^_____^

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We don't seem to be that used to it. Except in the North, where it's commonplace.


We get about the same amount of snow here I think, but our schools/work don't close down and all that. Sure people on the road have problems, but we still try to do whatever it is we do on normal days. =P


*hates snow though*

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