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How the hell are some of you that light? You do know it's as dangerous for you're health as being obese?


Ah well, once you start drinking beer you'll soon gain weight :p I used to be 9 Stone and im now 12 (it's not all beer, also a better diet and more exercise)


My day has been bloody awesome! No reason really, work was really boring and im very tired but for some reason i just feel really pleased with the whole day???

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Stock market crash WHEEEEE! ¬_¬


I just checked the Beeb website, and: holy crap, this happened last year, too. All the markets everywhere slumped, from Wall Street to Moscow to The City to Shanghai.

It wasn't good. And now that this is mainly happening to the markets state-side (although here we're getting the shockwave of that, all markets here are down a little), I say the dollar is going down again. It's on it's way out, folks!

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Don't laugh too hard, if the dollar goes down we'll be still sat on top of it.


Anyway, been fighting this blasted cold. I spent all morning trying to sneeze through my eyes, now I just feel horribly cold. The kind of cold that seems to be in the very core of your bones. Brrr.


If anyone needs me, I'll either be playing Mass Effect or laughing at Hilary and Obama exchanging "Yo mama" jokes.

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Today I woke at 1:50pm. I went to bed at 3am as I'm sure I'm suffering from some kind of bed allergy. Or depression. Anyway, since quitting Uni (due to me hating it and my eyesight suffering terribly from sitting at a monitor for five hours everyday) I have kept my part-time hours at ASDA. And so I work weekends and life is shit at the moment.


I'm looking for a full-time job but the UK loves call centres so much the papers and websites are full of them. I dont want to go back into my experience in leisure because lifting heavy wet towels and saving poor-swimmers lives has wrecked my lower back so I'm depressed about that.


God I hated today. I need to find a good job or go back to uni. Either way this year has started badly and I need to discover what I am going to do with my life. Woo!

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Guest Stefkov

Woke up at half 11 thinking it was Saturday. Then for some reason it popped into my head it was Tuesday. I had been totally sure for the 5 seconds that it was Saturday then I shot up saying it was Tuesday.

Apart from that nothing interesting happened. Just a normal Tuesday.

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my day has been bad (then good)


i have the flu,.. ick


I do too, but worse, I've got...man flu!:eek:




Had an OK day, found out my entire class failed a sociology exam we did, well bu entire I mean one person passed...with an E. Woo for my awesome teacher! :heh:


Pyschology was fun though, lots of laughing was involved.

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I do too, but worse, I've got...man flu!:eek:




Had an OK day, found out my entire class failed a sociology exam we did, well bu entire I mean one person passed...with an E. Woo for my awesome teacher! :heh:


Pyschology was fun though, lots of laughing was involved.


lol.. man flu


well im sitting here drinking my cheap version of lemsip (lol)..

gonna be an early night watching tv in bed while playing the sims 2.. woo

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lol.. man flu


well im sitting here drinking my cheap version of lemsip (lol)..

gonna be an early night watching tv in bed while playing the sims 2.. woo


I'm just about to make my asda version of lemsip, woo! Don't remind me about the sims 2! My pc crashed and I have to re-install all the things, which is fine, except for I can't find Disk 1 of the 4 disks for the Sims 2 install. I want to scream!

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I'm just about to make my asda version of lemsip, woo! Don't remind me about the sims 2! My pc crashed and I have to re-install all the things, which is fine, except for I can't find Disk 1 of the 4 disks for the Sims 2 install. I want to scream!



t hats annoying

i c ouldnt find the booklet for the sims 2 to get the code so i had to text my friend :D


ive the boots verion of lemsip - half price so i couldnt resist :D

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Cool. My mum went to New York, loved it. Didn't stop talking about it for weeks.


Oooh, awesome, when might you be going? I'm going at new years, I've bee wanting to for ages so it should be really fun.


Probably not happening for the foreseeable future, need to sort out a passport for one thing, and then find the price of the air fare. Maybe if I get some sort of windfall I might be able to do it this year.

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I've got a geography NAB tomorrow that will either be far too easy or impossible, I'm going to guess the latter...


I've been trying to get some revision done today but am finding it pretty hard. Also when I sit at my desk my legs get really sore, it is getting really annoying.


And I really didn't to make a new thread and this isn't really to do with my day but it would make me feel better if somebody could help.

Can anybody register on bjork.com?, whenever I click submit it just clears what I wrote and there is no confirmation that I've registered, its the same with the newsletter. Thanks to anybody that does in advance. :)

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I got contacted this morning to say I have an aptitude test tomorrow at Michelin after having applied for an IT position for a year as my Student Placement.


I was told to bring my calculator and that it should last about an hour..


Anyone know what I should I expect?

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Aye, average number of calls we take is like 1200 in a day. At 12pm we had offered to us 1270. ¬_¬




How many staff you guys got?


My work takes about 200 - 225 a day, although there's generally only 2 or 3 people in work... :/


Sometimes it feels like ALL of the calls come in at 9am and just before 5pm =P

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