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Guest Stefkov
I lost two years of my work because I was stupid enough to lose my usb pen.



Have you checked where you last had it? Or if someone handed it in to lost and found if anyone is that kind?


The past few days have been messed up. Was ill and so my sleep patter, whatever it was, was messed up even more.

Although I did watch Cowboy Bebop: Knockin on Heaven's door which was awesome. With my accomodation and Uni blocking torrents I've been trying to find ways to get what I want and I think I have.

If they work then I still have a hobby!

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Have you checked where you last had it? Or if someone handed it in to lost and found if anyone is that kind?



If it gets handed in usually they send you an email, its obvious its my work because its all labelled. I'm pretty sure it was here at uni home, I remember taking it home with me on friday, but now I want to use it..


I hope it turns up, but now I'll have to start from scratch - fun times.

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I lost two years of my work because I was stupid enough to lose my usb pen.




Argh! I feel your pain! I hope it turns up somewhere!


Currently finishing up an essay at my end - fed up of motherfucking international organisations - they can go burn in hell for all I care.


We have an anarchic system, it ain't gonna change any time soon, deal with it you pinheads at the top!



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Argh! I feel your pain! I hope it turns up somewhere!


Currently finishing up an essay at my end - fed up of motherfucking international organisations - they can go burn in hell for all I care.


We have an anarchic system, it ain't gonna change any time soon, deal with it you pinheads at the top!




aww pooki :( sorry to hear that!


after my fall yesterday it feels like my body has seized up and am currently lyin in bed with a stiff ankle / shoulder :(

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the next stages are... choosing options, full application form/qualifications, ''e-Tray assessment'', assessment centre + interview.


Mad really.

I'm now through to the etray, which is in Laaaandan in about 2 weeks time, eek.


For another thingy, can someone please give me some ideas for an inspirational leader and why they inspire me? I'm feeling uninspired. Not the obvious ones like Churchill, Mandela, Gandhi or The King :heh:



Oxford is so beautiful, you are lucky to live there, driver of Chairs :)

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Nighty; that's horrible to hear. Don't you have backup copies, or at least outdated versions of some of it?


I have quite abit of outdated stuff, it was incredibly silly of me to never back things up properly. Luckily that 30hour animtion I did (thats how long it took) IS on my computer, so my 2nd year work I have. I've emailed round to see if my tutors can send me my podcasts and stuff.


Its my own fault, lesson learned, sucks ass alittle, had a little cry about shizzle and stuff I learned at the weekend, but I'm off to staples tomorrow to buy myself a massive external harddive that'll I'll never forget to take with me anywhere.


Today otherwise has been a pretty awesome day, I'm in the top 10 highest marks for my professional context class even though the class isn't my favourite, so that makes me happee, I'm very used to be the average student, so its good to know I can rank higher every so often.


Otherwise it's been a day of drawing crazy things, meeting people I've known since I started uni and finally learning their names and buying food. :grin:

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Ah I hope you get your stuff back Nightwolf, it's so annoying when you end up losing things you spent so many hours on! Which reminds me that I should use my external harddrive again heh.


Today has been a bit weird. Woke up before 7 am with a truck standing in the field behind our house, motor roaring and big lights on. And people doing work with loud machines. And I also had weird stomach cramps that lasted for two hours; no idea why I had them but I hope I don't get them again heh.


Spent most of my time in school trying to sell (Christmas) cards to people and making a poster to put on our table (so people know what it's for). We sold 15 packets, so that's 75 euro... which will be shared over 28 people. =P

So yeah I hope we sell more over the next three weeks. Also selling some on my own but I only managed to sell some to my sister so far. Still a long way off from earning the money I need to pay for our trip to Berlin heh.

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I'm now through to the etray, which is in Laaaandan in about 2 weeks time, eek.


For another thingy, can someone please give me some ideas for an inspirational leader and why they inspire me? I'm feeling uninspired. Not the obvious ones like Churchill, Mandela, Gandhi or The King :heh:


There is only one leader as far as I'm concerned. He is indeed the leader of the gang:




Banbury (where I'm from sadly) is famous for 2 things. Cake and a Peadophile. That can't be a coincidence.

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Actually come to Oxford; it tells me so many things.


My favourite view, which today I made a mental note that I must photograph:




Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?


Someone had to say it :heh:


Woke up. Watched Dexter. Almost had a heart attack/needed therapy. Went to get a train...which was cancelled. Had a lecture. Evening lecture was cancelled.


I like that in the lecture I was called on for knowledge in two particular areas; Swiss politics and Disney. I'm not supposed to participate but she was talking about Islamophobia and said "and what happened in Switzerland yesterday?" and nobody answered then she directly asked me so I answered. Then later she put up a picture of The Princess and the Frog and said "what's this" and then again nobody said anything and she looked at me. To be fair I just said "a new Disney film" and people gave me strange looks...what!? :p


Oh and me and hot colleague kept missing each other all day. A case of "I'm free this time, any good?" "No train cancelled, this time?" "Nope, lecture. This time?" "Nope, lecture." "How about after?" "Okay" "Got a lift sorry." Star crossed. Totally.

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Pooki; Did you mean anarchic or archaic? I don't really know what you're on about, but it sounds interesting!


Nighty; that's horrible to hear. Don't you have backup copies, or at least outdated versions of some of it?


I did indeed mean "anarchic" - as in, there is no central authority in the International system that can compel states into complying with international law.


It's some pretty interesting stuff, but rather difficult to write an essay about!

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I'm now through to the etray, which is in Laaaandan in about 2 weeks time, eek.


For another thingy, can someone please give me some ideas for an inspirational leader and why they inspire me? I'm feeling uninspired. Not the obvious ones like Churchill, Mandela, Gandhi or The King :heh:




I have about an hour and 40 minutes to do my online practice thingy or else my app gets thrown out the window! Best do that soon!


As for your need for inspiration, I've no idea - usually the popular ones are popular because they're so inspirational! Why not look at someone like Kofi Annan, he seems like a dude. Not to mention he looks eerily similar to Morgan Freeman (well to me he does).

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Today I picked my nail too short and now its all bleedy and stuff. I do not approve.


Is it sad that my day was less good today because I only saw the awesome girl once and didn't really spend any time with her? Should that really be a downer on my day?


I'm lame.

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Today has been a bit crap. First of all, hardly any work has been coming in because it's all last minute stuff, and due to my difficulty with transport I wasn't offered the work. Then, I got a phone call off my agency at the end of the day about my job application (which I'm still doing, as the deadline isn't for over a week) for a school I've been regularly visiting.


My agency saw that the job had come up last week and talked to the school directly about it. The headteacher likes me, and she likes me going to that school, but for this particular job she is looking for someone with a bit more experience. So, I don't know whether or not I should bother with the application or not. I guess you have to be in it to win it, but it's pretty crap doing another application knowing that you won't be getting the job. My feedback from the schools has been very good, including that school and including another school which is a bit more difficult to work in. Pretty gutted as I thought I could be in with a shout this time.


Then, today was the last day at my local gym before it closes after tonight. I had an ok session, but I already felt a bit disheartened by that job news, so that tainted it slightly.

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2/3's of my essay done!


note to self: why am i such a pie? (i feel lil bit sick)

i had a whole pizza to myself + a side of potatos

lil extract for a conversation between my dad and me:


me: i used to be able to eat that all the time and not feel as crap as i do

dad: but think of the size you were when you did eat all that....

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Today I picked my nail too short and now its all bleedy and stuff. I do not approve.


Is it sad that my day was less good today because I only saw the awesome girl once and didn't really spend any time with her? Should that really be a downer on my day?


I'm lame.


No you're awesome Giiiizmooo! Treat her meannnn and keep her keen :P


(you know i'm right, i'm always right)

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I have about an hour and 40 minutes to do my online practice thingy or else my app gets thrown out the window! Best do that soon!


As for your need for inspiration, I've no idea - usually the popular ones are popular because they're so inspirational! Why not look at someone like Kofi Annan, he seems like a dude. Not to mention he looks eerily similar to Morgan Freeman (well to me he does).


Do it, do it naeeeeow Pook! (That applies to you too Flinkster. She likes you, she may not get anyone more experienced applying, worth a shot).


I'm thinking someone famous might be a cliché anyway, perhaps someone from my own life would be better.

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Really intended to do some work on my final piece tonight, need to, got loads to do in a short time period, but my heating was broken, so was freezing and fucking tired, so didn't.


I have some sort of syndrome where I always aim too high. If my peice was actually gonna end up as lovely as in my head, it'd be fine, but it 100% won't. I mean the painting part of it is horrible already.

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Do it, do it naeeeeow Pook! (That applies to you too Flinkster. She likes you, she may not get anyone more experienced applying, worth a shot).


I'm thinking someone famous might be a cliché anyway, perhaps someone from my own life would be better.


All done :) I actually did pretty well in the Maths section! :eek: Only annoying thing, the actual test is on the 7th, the same day that one of my essays in due in - not to mention, the day before my birthday! That'd be a depressing start to Tuesday if I failed it :(

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