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Not bad day - Worked 12 hours with the thought of working on HALO ODST as want to finish that before starting mw2. But when got home and sorted i called girlfriend for little chat and we ended up on phone for a hour and a half :o. By that time i didnt have much time to play halo...then buzzcocks was on..then nearly time for bed as got to be up early for work.


viewing a flat in Newport city center on friday (above HMV and oppisote game yey) looks wicked on pictures

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I still love you Hanatata!


Had two lectures today; sports and computing. Strangely the sports one was more intellectually stimulating (even if the last hour was just people dunking themselves into a bin full of ice water) than the computing one, which was really basic and shit. I've had more mentally stimulating sandwiches.


Think I may have a new costume idea for Saturday but it would involve throwing it all together tomorrow and Friday night which could be...hmmm.




And I'm not sure what to do Friday. Two weeks before reading week I covered a student, the week before reading week he didn't have anyone and I feel a bit bad about that (although not my fault, my useless boss') and I don't know whether to try and find out if he needs it this week. He's nice and I like to help people (:o!) but...Friday afternoon off. And I usually bump into hot colleague (who I must email actually) and spend the afternoon with.


Conundrum obviously...


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Guest Stefkov



Today I went in and found out Paypal tried to take money off me when I was dangerously close to my overdraft limit, that's why I was charged £20. Got that refunded though *yeah*.

Also because I'm not a student anymore I've had to change my bank account and right now I'm gonna find out why I have to pay £12.50 a month for this new one.

I have a vague idea though.

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Yesterday was massive eventful. In the morning I was sitting around waiting for my new 42" telly to arrive, when it occurred to me that I didn't have a stand big enough to put it on, so I dashed out and bought a cheap one from Argos. All this before meeting my family and going to my graduation, at which I shook Professor the Lord Robert Winston's hand and walked away with a BA Hons.


Then I went out for a very nice meal just out of town, to which I drove my whole crazy family, my sister got drunk and sang loud cheesy songs from our childhood on the way home, then hogged Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on my huge TV (brand new 1080p resolution and all she wants a go on is a Mega Drive game).


After a day off yesterday, I was very disappointed to discover that it wasn't Sunday when I woke up. Or at least I would've been, if I'd had time to worry about that, but unfortunately I woke up at 8.15am, which is absolute latest time I have to leave the house by to get to work at 9... :/

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What the fuck are you two on about?

As far as I can make out, some shit about that whore Nelly Furtado.

Yesterday was massive eventful. In the morning I was sitting around waiting for my new 42" telly to arrive, when it occurred to me that I didn't have a stand big enough to put it on, so I dashed out and bought a cheap one from Argos. All this before meeting my family and going to my graduation, at which I shook Professor the Lord Robert Winston's hand and walked away with a BA Hons.

You lucky fuck! The closest thing we had to a "celebrity" was the chap who wrote Captain Corelli's Mandelin, and I don't think I shook his hand [i wouldn't have cared]

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Boiler broken - again, only fixed two weeks ago, last night was hell and I can imagine tonight will be even worse, I'm already wearing two hoodies. My landlord said he'd be over today, which usually he doesn't lie, but we've been waiting all day for them. Bastards.


Not impressed anymore, all they do is go on fucking holiday and this house continously breaks, boiler twice, I've replaced my lights 6 times now, toilets broke, housemates lock on her door has been broken for weeks and they said they'd fix it. Sigh, just a load of bollocks.


Gotta do my shitty podcast tonight too, luckily my housemate is helping me out (its an email interview you have to talk about in a podcast. Grr.) so I don't have to worry about that over the weekend.


I did learn loads of stuff in my class today though - result! But it doesn't quite make up for the fact my house is as cold as it is outside..Meh.


Can't wait to go home tomorrow <3

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Ahhh, I also have boiler trouble - been broke for a week now, no heating or hot water.


Not good.


Also not good is a friend of mine today accidentally broke my external harddrive.


A nice 70 quid ish USB powered Seagate one.




Although, it was an accident.


But I'm obviously pissed off.


Oh, I just got it sorted, being sent off for a replacement thanks to a nice 5 year warranty.

Edited by Wesley
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Stupid day again where I'm in for an hour early in the morning at uni and then have to be back in for 4pm. English was alright, don't care much for Shakespearean sonnets but it's Donne next week so I'm happy. Girl who has been flirting continues to do so and I nearly fell out of my chair when she walked in the classroom due to how good she looked. Shame I'm busy this weekend or would have gone out for drinks with her. Hate having to drop everything so my parents can sod off to some cat show every couple of weeks.


Philosophy tutorial went well :p. Upon starting and asking how the lectures have been going/what's been getting taught, the words 'F**ked if I know' were uttered by your's truly. :laughing: Everyone laughed and the tutor just had a look of shock on his face that showed disgust. Not that I care as in a few weeks, I'll no longer have to put up with the subject.

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Work has been going well recently. Since being back on British soil - and since the new school term started, I have worked almost every day. Missed two days (the first two days of term) because no work came through. But, since then, work has been going really well. Just in time for Christmas! Hope it keeps up like this.


Today, went to one of the schools in Cardiff where I go quite often and ended up teaching a year one class. 5 year olds. I was a bit uncertain about doing it

(didn't know which class I would be teaching until I was there) but it ended up going fine. I've taught Year two quite a few times, and the person who I spoke to this morning joked "ah, well, year two is only one step below what you've done before!" And I joked back "but year two was one step below what I've done before anyway!" In the end, the staff at the school were there to help me if I needed it, but it ended up going great anyway. The key to winning over young children...lots and lots of praise...and lots of stickers! Yes! Give them stickers as a reward. Also, play the "Who do I think is being the most quiet, right now?" game when you need quiet. Haha.


Working again tomorrow, and I've got stuff planned for next Tuesday and Wednesday. In this particular line of work, it can be quite uncertain where you're working next, or if you're even working at all. So, right now, it's a huge relief. Hopefully a nice christmas can be had in the Spee-Babur household, haha.

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Our "celebrity" graduate was someone from antiques roadshow who yammered on for about 15 minutes. Its ridiculous, its supposed to be a day to celebrate the graduates but it turns into an event for the guest graduate.


Today has been fail day. Train this morning was cancelled, then the next was 20 minutes late which meant I didn't have time to do stuff in town like I planned. Lecture was okay but when my train pulled up to my town it was pouring it down (I'm not sure what the exact definition of a flash flood is but it felt like one) and nobody at home, no money for a bus or taxi (and the nearest cash machine was a good 10 minutes away so pointless going) so I had to jog home, taking the occasional break under any shelter I could find. Its ironic really, after being drenched I came back and wanted a glass of water and a shower.


Need to try and sort out a costume for Saturday. Was going as Snakes and Ladders (have to go as something beginning with 's') but nowhere seems to sell plastic snakes anymore. Rubbish. I have something else in mind, but whether I can pull it off in time...we'll see.




Spee-Babur household...has there been developments we have not heard of? :p


Also, I do a teacher training class now. It does appear to be just about how to shut the buggers up.

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