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My car repairs are going to cost me £380 ;_;


Ah thats not too bad! Don't shit it.


I worked an extra hour at work and had mad cough skillz.


Filming a new BRAND NEW INTERNET series tonight. Hopefully it will be good/breathtaking.





Assuming my partners don't tread on my creative flare.

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Today was good, I went to a shop called Shake 'a' Holic in Newcastle and It's basically a milkshake shop that do anything you want. They even use the same blenders as the Will it blend? videos on Youtube, I had a Toblerone milkshake with a Popping Candy toping :D


Check out all the flavours, it's unreal!



Edited by Caris
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Aren't there already a bunch of 'we'll blend anything!' shops as it is?


At some point last night I realised I had work at 10am, not 5pm, which wasn't cool. an 8 hour shift where I gradually felt more and more ill... bleh. Now I gotta compose another 100+ recipent email. gaids. Oughtta do some psycholinguistics reading, too, but The Dark Tower is way more interesting!


Tomorrow = Win Day, hopefully. Hearing aids, committee meeting, then some acrobalance. Then payday the day after!



I have to write out large amounts of text from 'Keep the Aspidistra Flying' for this proposal and outline my deliverables.


the book is out of copyright, so legally free online to view as an ebook. Don't know if you're still working on it, but c+p that biatch!

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Apprently theres one in Sheffield, I did want to go to the one in liverpool but it was shut when I got there :weep:


Yeah it's on Broom Hill on the way up to Endcliffe. I walk past it every day although I've never been. There's also a Shakeaway bar in Meadowhall now too.

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Guest Stefkov

What can I say about my day?

I was asleep from 1am to 7pm, nothing really happened then. Except I had a very, very nice sleep. It was so enjoyable that I'm telling you all.

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My day... English lecture, skipped my psychology lecture as I would learn more about whatever it is we're studying at home (lecturer is Japanese and while her English is good, she's not a very good lecturer. Very unsure about what she's saying and goes through things too fast with little explanation) which gave me a 2 hour lunch break instead of a single hour, then had a philosophy lecture which was meh. Not very exciting and not nice when you're not feeling great.

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Today was good, I went to a shop called Shake 'a' Holic in Newcastle and It's basically a milkshake shop that do anything you want. They even use the same blenders as the Will it blend? videos on Youtube, I had a Toblerone milkshake with a Popping Candy toping :D


:D One of those just opened in Leeds, I'm addicted already. Raspberry and apple pie & custard is my current favourite!

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Yeah I've been to some shakeaways all over the country. Each week they have a customer's creation as their special. I distinctly remember weetabix and crunchie being up there, once.


P.S. I'm pretty sure I have a chest infection. Just coughed up an almighty line of phloegm that I'm pretty sure touched teh ground before I severed it. Sure pretty.


Now - I'm clearly not going to do any of my reading today, so do I play tony hawks project 8, watch more Fringe (season 1) or read my book? I really can't decide.

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lol (at the irony). Good luck Molly :)


The lecture was taken by one of my old lecturers who I really like, but she's not really a good lecturer. The evening lecture I wasn't needed for as it is just presentations, tomorrow morning's I'm not needed for as its a directive study (whatever the fuck that means) and tomorrow afternoon's is a field trip. Its only Monday and I'm already down three lectures. Looking like I'm going to need another job :/

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