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Ellmeister you are so common that you're as Elliot as a nose on plain's face.


Another nothing much weekend. My iPod tricked me as I checked it when I kept waking up and presuming it was +1 so I thought I woke up at 9, but turns out I woke up at 10. Feel the need to go do something as its a nice day...but I have nothing to do.


Dad is kinda talking to me. Left a message on his house line on Friday apologising (begrudgingly inwardly, sincerely outwardly), saying Jason's not coming and I'd like him to be there (flat out lie) and he didn't respond. Text me during the night saying "no need to ring I'm not coming you've hurt me *emo emo emo*" so I replied saying I had rung and left a message and he text me this morning saying he needs some time to cool down (yet when I suggested the other day we take some time I was accused of avoiding the issue ::shrug:) and we'll talk soon. And then said mom never replied to the text he sent me about 2 weeks ago :rolleyes:

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A hot guy tried to talk to me in the National Gallery coffee shop and I lost the ability to form sentences.


I am going to die alone.


^This. Obviously a hot guy didn't try to talk to me in the National Gallery but I also totally lose the ability to talk when any mildly hot girl comes up to me.


There was a gorgeous looking girl at my (ex) work's end of summer staff party a month ago. Worked at a huge place so I'd never seen her before. She kept coming up to try and start conversation with me more than a few times during the night and my friends swore she was obviously into me. Each time she'd ask me something though I'd reply in a monosyllabic way, pause trying to think of something witty to say, failing and just going 'Oh okay, I better go find my friends, speak to you later!' I just cannot talk to hot women.


Also going to die alone.

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Seems to be a theme developing; me, you, molly and paj all being crushed by our inabilities to be better, more attractive people. Two new hot girls have started at work! I continue to be ugly. Such is life. We aren't the beautiful people tv says exist. We can't have the hotties. So let's start actually looking sideways, yeah? We're not ugly, we're not idiots, we're not failures at life (well, maybe I am) so we're not the bottom of the barrel. The problem is convincing ourselves that we can be the scum floating at the top of the barrell that the opposite sex wants. Convincing them will be a doddle after that.

All I needed someone to say was ''you'll find someone'' or something equally pathetic but at the same time reassuring and instead I got ''your life is like a shit film'' and ''You can't have the hotties, you're scum''. :heh:


Anyway it's Sunday, I'm feeling better.

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^ You'll find someone.......... if you ditch ReZ otherwise he'll scare them all off :p


Urgh... feeling like crap. Feeling nauseous so lying in bed, which is pretty much the norm anyway for a Sunday. But yeh, it played havoc with my sleep, which was horrible. My right thigh is also hurting. When I got up earlier to get a drink, I stepped off of my bed onto my right leg and had to grab the chair infront quickly as it just gave way. Muscles all tight and just generally sore. *sigh* Always one step forward and two back in terms of my health recoup. :D But I'll live and that's all that matters.


Have done a bit of writing but seeing as I have plenty of time to complete the essay, I'm not diving head first into it as I have more pressing matters.

Edited by Ganepark32
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Wes: Yeeeees, that was him. I had an incline that he was who you meant. So, wicked. J7Wicked in factttt.


Molly: Aww, I remember those days. Females would often say hello and act all friendly and I would think "OH MY GOD, I've met my life-long partner to be. Play eet cool, sucker." But, alas, the coolness was not to be played. It is all about keeping your composure. Basically, try to forget that they're hot or hot person material and speak to them as if they're just regular not-hot-people. It's very difficult. Especially when they contain features that are associated with hotness, including de eyes, the hair, le smile, grandé breasts.


The danger is also over-thinking stuff. Like in your head thinking "Brain, think of something funny to say." It's harder to do that rather than just letting the funniess roll off your tongue, like a monkeyball drifting down a ramp. Do that. Be the monkeyball. Be cooool.

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All I needed someone to say was ''you'll find someone'' or something equally pathetic but at the same time reassuring and instead I got ''your life is like a shit film'' and ''You can't have the hotties, you're scum''. :heh:


Anyway it's Sunday, I'm feeling better.

Hells Bells Molly, get a grip!!


"Be not afraid of hotness: some are born hot, some achieve hotness and some have hotness thrust upon them"


...ok that may not make total sense, but you were born hot, so pull yourself together Sandra'mon and bag yourself some lovin. You deserves eeeet!


Then feel sorry for the rest of us!

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You deserves eeeet!









I knew you would come around to my way of thinking, one day. ;)


I don't recall seeing a picture of Molly. But, from her typing, she must be hot. Same with Dante. He types like a sexual maniac. Who is hot.


Did I just compare him with Mollymon? Sheeeet. I joke. Your posting is on a whole different hotness level. Infact, it ain't even in the same league! He is Vauxhall Conference and you are Spanish La Liga.

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All I needed someone to say was ''you'll find someone'' or something equally pathetic but at the same time reassuring and instead I got ''your life is like a shit film'' and ''You can't have the hotties, you're scum''. :heh:


Anyway it's Sunday, I'm feeling better.


Take a chill pill, Molls! I was only having a lol. It was partly the way you wrote it, made me think of how trailers are paced.


Take me by the hand and tell me you would take me anywhere.

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and ''You can't have the hotties, you're scum''. :heh:


He didn't say that you were scum. He said it was the scum that gets the hotties.


Besides you don't need us to tell you how hot you are. You've had that every time you've posted a picture of yourself on here. If there's anybody that needs to be telling you these things then it's yourself.

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First of all, I am sorry everyone. Sometimes I have a lonely moment and get irrational. I love theee kneee.


Wes: Yeeeees, that was him. I had an incline that he was who you meant. So, wicked. J7Wicked in factttt.


Molly: Aww, I remember those days. Females would often say hello and act all friendly and I would think "OH MY GOD, I've met my life-long partner to be. Play eet cool, sucker." But, alas, the coolness was not to be played. It is all about keeping your composure. Basically, try to forget that they're hot or hot person material and speak to them as if they're just regular not-hot-people. It's very difficult. Especially when they contain features that are associated with hotness, including de eyes, the hair, le smile, grandé breasts.


The danger is also over-thinking stuff. Like in your head thinking "Brain, think of something funny to say." It's harder to do that rather than just letting the funniess roll off your tongue, like a monkeyball drifting down a ramp. Do that. Be the monkeyball. Be cooool.

Be the monkeyball, got it! I'm a fairly confident person, I think I've just been out of ''it'' too long.

Hells Bells Molly, get a grip!!


"Be not afraid of hotness: some are born hot, some achieve hotness and some have hotness thrust upon them"


...ok that may not make total sense, but you were born hot, so pull yourself together Sandra'mon and bag yourself some lovin. You deserves eeeet!


Then feel sorry for the rest of us!

I'm getting a grip, I promise! Thank you retro for the lovely hot words.







I knew you would come around to my way of thinking, one day. ;)


I don't recall seeing a picture of Molly. But, from her typing, she must be hot. Same with Dante. He types like a sexual maniac. Who is hot.


Did I just compare him with Mollymon? Sheeeet. I joke. Your posting is on a whole different hotness level. Infact, it ain't even in the same league! He is Vauxhall Conference and you are Spanish La Liga.

Hahaha. Flinkster, I love.

Take a chill pill, Molls! I was only having a lol. It was partly the way you wrote it, made me think of how trailers are paced.


Take me by the hand and tell me you would take me anywhere.

I had a little tongue smiley thing, I was mid chill pill!


I'll take the good and all the bad that comes with you :)


He didn't say that you were scum. He said it was the scum that gets the hotties.


Besides you don't need us to tell you how hot you are. You've had that every time you've posted a picture of yourself on here. If there's anybody that needs to be telling you these things then it's yourself.

He said we can convince ourselves that they want the scum, then it'll be easy to convince them. I never said I wanted people to say I'm hot Moogle. I am feeling better about myself now I'm getting healthier. Yesterday for the first time in ages, I took a picture of myself and didn't cringe! Woop.

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Remind me before i go to work tomorrow and I'll check our stock for it, though I don't remember seeing it around I'm afraid. Now go win me a war.

Speaking of which, sort of, I found the most horrific thing in the Argos catalogue


I'm not going to post a pic here because it will lower the overall standard of the forum but check out 032/7439


On an unrelated note, yesterday was crappy because of MOT/car crappiness that now makes me think I may as well just buy a new car. But I don't really have a clue what to buy. However my it was improved by some awesome co-op borderlands gaming which is a lot of fun. And today I have done nothing but laze around. I tidied the front room so that I could sit here comfortably on the sofa with the TV pulled forwards and my duvet not getting dirty on the nice clean floor.


And I just had an epic lunch of yesterday's leftover pasta. Pasta meals are so much nicer when you buy expensive pasta! Got some fat pasta from M&S, cant remember what it's called but it looks like big penne rigate, and a proper tasty sauce plus chopped bacon ftw. So my day is going well.


But I so ronery :(

Edited by Shorty
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I'm not going to post a pic here because it will lower the overall standard of the forum but check out 032/7439
:nono: Oh my lord... That's... just... hideous.



Molly, you'll find someone eventually, usually happens when you're not on the lookout so you don't get all flustered and such by people coming up to you.

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He said we can convince ourselves that they want the scum, then it'll be easy to convince them. I never said I wanted people to say I'm hot Moogle. I am feeling better about myself now I'm getting healthier. Yesterday for the first time in ages, I took a picture of myself and didn't cringe! Woop.


No no that's not what he said.


we're not failures at life (well, maybe I am) so we're not the bottom of the barrel. The problem is convincing ourselves that we can be the scum floating at the top of the barrell that the opposite sex wants. Convincing them will be a doddle after that.


He said they want the scum. (see red bit) Therefore we need to become scum ourselves in order to get the hotties. (see blue bit.) He's saying that we need to become scum because that's what teh hotties want, not that we are scum.

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No no that's not what he said.




He said they want the scum. (see red bit) Therefore we need to become scum ourselves in order to get the hotties. (see blue bit.) He's saying that we need to become scum because that's what teh hotties want, not that we are scum.

If that's what he's saying then I don't understand it. Why would hotties want scum?

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Remind me before i go to work tomorrow and I'll check our stock for it, though I don't remember seeing it around I'm afraid. Now go win me a war.

It's out of stock at your work... I checked on the link ReZ posted. And on the Moor, and Angel Street... and everywhere.

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Then of course would you really want any hottie that prefers scum, wouldnt they themselves just be hot scum?


I think he originally meant scum as in pond scum as that is what floats atop the water (in this case in the barrel). Not scum as in Man Utd are scum.


If that's what he's saying then I don't understand it. Why would hotties want scum?


The scum is a metaphor as that is at the top of the water. Meaning it is the best, numero uno.

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