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My granny had a fall a few nights ago and she was left all night.. She's in hospital now, with a chest infection, and lost her voice from shouting for help all night. =( It was really touch and go. They thought she had broken her arm, but all that was clear, she basically landed on her face (ouch) and she's really bruised.


Got word yesterday that they made have to semi comatose her, if the IV antibiotics (for the chest infection) didn't work. Today we got word that shes a lot better. Still not out of the woods but she wont need to have assisted breathing or anything. Yay :D

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If your still there, I say Vote No, the very fact that we are being made to vote again of the very same thing we rejected already is a mockery of democracy, and the so called "gaurantees" the government say they got are worthless unless written into the treaty itself which they have not been.


i voted no but yes won. Bit disappointed in people really. People got scared.

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Lazy nightwolf! :heh:


Glad to hear things with your gran aren't too bad RA :)


As I was tidying up I randomly found this;




Its from about hour 8 of my flight back from Tokyo, had completely forgotten about it. I'm not sure why they all have such European names, they were pretty randomly chosen. Then in my head I created a story about it all. Killed about half an hour.


Other than that I emailed all my students just to say hi and ask them to arrange meeting me prior to their first lectures and one has gotten back so far saying she won't even be there...good start.


Oh and work sent my contract out with a CRB check so will have to look into that (if anyone doesn't know the story of the caution...tough shit I'm too lazy to explain). Just a pain as its going to bug me all weekend until I can check on Monday.

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I woke up at 12, and spent a bit sorting out stuff I'm taking to uni (clothes, CDs, DVDs, books etc), then got ready for work at half 3.


I worked till 9. Really uneventful. Apart from Fame being unexpected sold out, and people queuing out the door for it.


Went to Calum's afterwards for a goodbye dinner. We watched LOTR:ROTK, and totally took the piss out of it (I loved so much, at the very end, where Aragorn turns to the hobbits on the top of Minas Tirith during the celebration, "Can you PLEASE just fuck off now?". So funny.)


His flatmates are so hilarious too. Just thinking about the ginger bearded one (also called Calum) makes me laugh at loud. Had general banter, involving Calum getting naked down to his boxers without anyone noticing - he and my friend Hannah were underneath a duvet cover and he just got up to go to get something from the kitchen, and he was naked, and everyone was like "WTF!?" and Hannah actually jumped out her skin. And then when he came back in, the other Calum had put on his clothes over his own, and Calum was like "Guys, where are my clothes...?" Literally hilarious, because he didn't notice for about 5 minutes.


Also found out that Calum's new best friend at uni, Will, is also gay. He said to me that he honestly didn't realise, despite having been friends for about 2 weeks (he didn't realise I was gay either for about 2 months or something...). Just a funny piece of news.


When it was time to leave, he shook my hand and hugged me, which felt like a nice closure.


So yeah, bring on uni.

Edited by chairdriver
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Went to see the Invention of Lying at the cinema with my gorgeous girlfriend, followed by a lovely snuggle up with a cup of tea in Starbucks. After a bite to eat we sat through some episodes of Life on Mars (new to me) and some more Peep Show (new to her!). I really like that we get to see each other so often, which is why it'll suck tomorrow (today) morning when I have to work all day. Boo. It's also great to have someone you like so much to sit through lectures with...really takes the edge off some of the more boring parts (statistics).


So yeah, another great day. In other, more entertaining, news, dynastygal found out that I basically broke the URL to her forum. What proceeded were insults in her shoutbox such as "Sheikah is a cunt". Which really begs two salient questions:


1. How utterly fucked is her mindset to see me as being a 'cunt' for merely breaking my own, legally purchased URL when she had cheated on me for a whole year?

2. How stupid is she to insult me, given that I could still forward the link to practically anything?


So yeah, made me laugh. If only because of how stupid she comes across. lol. :p

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I went to see The Invention of Lying with a girlfriend who is also gorgeous. But it wasn't followed by Starbucks, I smothered her with a pillow and now she is chopped up in her car. Don't tell anyone.


But seriously, did you like the movie? I thought it was pretty decent. It obviously was for a different audience than all his other comedy (apart from the family friendly stuff he played). If you liked it you should check out Ghost Town, which is probably a bit better to be honest.


Double post - Oh yeah, my day. Has been crap. Really struggling on a project. Really, really struggling, and I don't know why. I know I'm capable of it. I think I've been crippled by pressure given by lecturers at university. It sounds big-headed, which is why I haven't mentioned it... but since starting back at university I've been getting praise and name dropped in a few lessons for work I produced last year. A friend (ish) who changed course to do a foundation said that some of my work was shown to his year group of his and told it was really good. Now... this is great and all. But I honestly struggle with stress and self-deprecated general fuckness anyway. So if I now have lecturers thinking I will produce good work like last year I can see myself actually producing worse work. Again, it sounds stupid to complain, but it's making me crazy. I used to struggle to sleep most of last year at uni because I couldn't stop thinking about work, deadlines, future, quality of work, life, etc. Now it's even worse. Today, I was walking back home and I tripped. During that trip I suddenly became unsure about everything in my life: If I can't properly walk - something which I've been doing most of my life - without tripping then how can I do anything else.


*head explodes*


Maybe I should grab a drink and stop being a bitch.


Also, I'm hooked on 2Pac. I've tried to stop listening to him so much, by checking out other solid albums of different genres. But nothing sounds as good as 2Pac. I could just put his albums on repeat all day. A problem.

Edited by Wesley
Automerged Doublepost
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Wes - I would say you should talk to a tutor/head of year and express some of these thoughts to them. They may stop the name-dropping or, even better, may remember this stress-out of yours when it comes to marking and maneuver appropriately.


Maneuver is a great word.

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Wes - I would say you should talk to a tutor/head of year and express some of these thoughts to them. They may stop the name-dropping or, even better, may remember this stress-out of yours when it comes to marking and maneuver appropriately.


Maneuver is a great word.


Well we were actually in the person's office and he asked whether I minded. And I stupidly said no. I honestly don't know why I said so. I was literally saying this to my girlfriend the night before, saying that I wish I was given no attention. It'd be a lot better for terms of working and stress, etc. The problem is that when I'm out and at uni or whatever I feel confident(ish) in my ability. But when I'm home I chew my hands to crap with my heart doing a little dance thinking, "FUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKK".

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I don't usually post in this thread, but i was in Cradley yesterday (saturday) and i swear i saw Ashley walking down Colley Lane wearing a bright red beanie at about mid-day... So, i was wondering if that was you?


I've only seen pics of you in the user image thread but either it was you or you've got a stunt double [/randomness / stalkerishness]



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Then while you're at home, compose an email and say it :P


Are you just worried that you won't be able to meet the elevated expectations? Your tutors have been in 'the game' a while, and they aren't going to have unrealistic demands. While your 2nd year stuff may not end up being as flaunted as your previous efforts, they're still going to be improved, and better, and ultimately you surely want to have a career encircling these skills so these pressures on you are pretty much a test of your will, and I suppose it's better to go through it now rather than 5 years down teh line while working on something more commercial and, therefore, more important to someone.


Well anyway I fear I'm losing sense - but I guess I just want to say that I think it's truly awesome that your work has garnered attention the way it has. If anything it'll provide an amusing anecdote for the future - something to pester strangers with when you're an old man drinking alone in the local. That you're not coasting along boastfully is a great sign in itself - it means you've not peaked too soon; that you have ability untapped yet.


I'm mildly drunk and excessively positive about life right now. I will rub on you. Sexy style if need be.

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Then while you're at home, compose an email and say it :P


Are you just worried that you won't be able to meet the elevated expectations? Your tutors have been in 'the game' a while, and they aren't going to have unrealistic demands. While your 2nd year stuff may not end up being as flaunted as your previous efforts, they're still going to be improved, and better, and ultimately you surely want to have a career encircling these skills so these pressures on you are pretty much a test of your will, and I suppose it's better to go through it now rather than 5 years down teh line while working on something more commercial and, therefore, more important to someone.


Well anyway I fear I'm losing sense - but I guess I just want to say that I think it's truly awesome that your work has garnered attention the way it has. If anything it'll provide an amusing anecdote for the future - something to pester strangers with when you're an old man drinking alone in the local. That you're not coasting along boastfully is a great sign in itself - it means you've not peaked too soon; that you have ability untapped yet.


I'm mildly drunk and excessively positive about life right now. I will rub on you. Sexy style if need be.


You should be a life coach or something. I think the main problem is that everything I do I view as rubbish in my own opinion, and it's just added pressure. I give myself enough of it anyway. I've actually joined the gym to try and help with stress and stuff. I'll see how things go. If I remember rightly I was worse off when I started the first year and eventually got better. Got in a pattern of stress and sleep which worked okay.

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A summer without the regime of university can make you feel stupid. I had the contrary routine; start the year good and confident, then slowly slip away into laziness and depression. I read a quote today that said depression is 'like anger, only without the enthusiasm'. I've always pictured gyms as places where people are fighting various demons, wearing down their own resistence to some change, or some element of their own being or other. It passes the time, at least.


Uhhh... yeah. I have mild-to-frequent dreams of being a psychotherapist. I think I have a good ear, and I appreciate your life-coach comment, and hope it wasn't in jest or sarcasm! I think my ambition is masochistic, but that's another tape for another VCR.

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