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Unfortunately, I know exactly what you're on about!


I'm a Barney fan, personally!


Me too! :D


Well, hopeless romantics have a tendency to become depressed when they can't find that movie-like romance in real life. Which is pretty hard, you know. :heh:


And you're right, it all sound alien to me! :p


Ah right! I haven't even explored any kind of romance yet. So I'll get back to you on that one! :heh:



My Buttons Are Danish?


That made me Chuckle! :grin:


My day has been work! :)


I just got weird looks on the bus as I was on the phone to my friend and as I walked on I shouted "Not only are you Racist and Homophobic but you are also now against disabled Children!"


Out of context that sounds worse than it is. :p

Edited by Coolness Bears
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Brilliant. I would love to see some Danes so I could have the opportunity to rate them! :D


My day, meh, pretty rubbish. Also, my brother is so bloody lazy. He hasn't cooked one meal since our parents have been away so I asked him if he would cook tonight. Just got home and he can't do it because ''I'm watching the wire, can't do anything''. I wouldn't mind if he did anything else like the shopping or cleaning, I had to bribe him to mow the lawn (only because I can't start the motor), but no he doesn't. The other day I found a massive spider trapped under a glass just left on the floor (he's terrified of them), he could have just told me and I would have put it out. PATHETIC RANT ALERT. Good luck to his future wife though, seriously. :heh:

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Ah lazy siblings, been there, done that. My sister used to be a lazy ass cow when I was younger.


My day I've mostly been sleeping, interneting or reading, finally catching up with all the books I had on the go, slightly disappointing now having nothing to do. Back to Sheffield tomorrow, have to sort out getting my overdraft renewed to £500, positive they'll try to bump it up to a grand, but really if I haven't been using it at £500 there's no point putting another £500 of temptation my way!


Also got an amusing letter from the opticians, apprently at 19 they still address it to your gaurdians, I may have to change that when I make an appointment.


Otherwise my day has been pretty boring, trying to think if I can make my way back to Sheffield without my satnav, we'll see.

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Just added a sexy new Arnie-inspired text tone. Awesome for when you're at work and it goes off.




However it does mean I abandon my infection of people putting "You son of a bitch!" as their text tone, having 3 people who have already changed it.


I have the turret from Portal saying "Is anyone there?" as my text tone. Is scares the bejesus out of most people. It's great.

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Brilliant. I would love to see some Danes so I could have the opportunity to rate them! :D


My day, meh, pretty rubbish. Also, my brother is so bloody lazy. He hasn't cooked one meal since our parents have been away so I asked him if he would cook tonight. Just got home and he can't do it because ''I'm watching the wire, can't do anything''. I wouldn't mind if he did anything else like the shopping or cleaning, I had to bribe him to mow the lawn (only because I can't start the motor), but no he doesn't. The other day I found a massive spider trapped under a glass just left on the floor (he's terrified of them), he could have just told me and I would have put it out. PATHETIC RANT ALERT. Good luck to his future wife though, seriously. :heh:


To be fair, The Wire is a pretty darn good excuse! Don't tell me you haven't watched it?

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haha, yeah I've watched the first series and loved it. But he has it recorded on sky+ so no excuse! :heh:


Ah good. I'll let you off, this time at least :p


And Sky+ is still not enough; cooking means pausing, which means delaying the input of more Wire into the brain.

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Ah good. I'll let you off, this time at least :p


And Sky+ is still not enough; cooking means pausing, which means delaying the input of more Wire into the brain.

Lol! Ok, he just asked me to go into his room and turn the light off for him so he didn't have to get out of bed and stop playing Playstation 3. I win, Gizmo :heh: (I actually did it, because I'm too nice and a fool of a took).

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So it seems my birthday present wanted to make an 1 and a half journey into a 4hour one, so basically my satnav which is hardly a month old is weird and fucked.


My dad isn't happy and wants it replaced immediately, but it still means having to get myself to sheffield tomorrow with just a sheet of paper. Humbug.

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Lol! Ok, he just asked me to go into his room and turn the light off for him so he didn't have to get out of bed and stop playing Playstation 3. I win, Gizmo :heh: (I actually did it, because I'm too nice and a fool of a took).


Nooo, you're too nice, go bat him with a newspaper or something!


In other news, I just finished a 12 hour shift at work - I'm rather knackered. I'm thinking cheese on toast for dinner - any other suggestions from you lovely people?

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So it seems my birthday present wanted to make an 1 and a half journey into a 4hour one, so basically my satnav which is hardly a month old is weird and fucked.


My dad isn't happy and wants it replaced immediately, but it still means having to get myself to sheffield tomorrow with just a sheet of paper. Humbug.


Try updating the software first.

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I'm back from Berlin and Amsterdam.


Why did no one ever tell me how stunning a city Berlin is? I'm still not over how much they've dealt with, and are still loving life. Amsterdam was underwhelming, but mainly because we stayed in little boats in the red light district, and never ventured into the "nice bit". I loved the window ladies, them loving my hair.

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So it seems my birthday present wanted to make an 1 and a half journey into a 4hour one, so basically my satnav which is hardly a month old is weird and fucked.


My dad isn't happy and wants it replaced immediately, but it still means having to get myself to sheffield tomorrow with just a sheet of paper. Humbug.


Don't you live in staffordshire? That's an easy journey to Sheffield.

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Well the folks have gone off to France for the rest of the week, just like I wanted them too. Only problem is that all my mates seem to have disappeared as well, so I've got a free house, a week off work, but no one to hang out with.... this is gonna get boooooring!


Oh well, at the least they left me with a nice £400 as a parting present :heh:

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Been exceptionally tired the last few days. Doesn't matter how much sleep I get, I just feel drained by 2pm. Think something's wrong but don't know whether it's physical, as I haven't really been eating well, or just the fact my mind has been buzzing trying to work things out.


Really haven't done much lately. Forced myself to do 2 reviews but I'm really not in the mood for it anymore. Bah.

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I was at the dentist today! >_<


No fillings = yay


Having a disgusting blue thing shoved in my mouth to get an impression was... not fun :heh: It was cold and uncomfortablllllee! >_<

Gotta get a bite guard for when I'm sleeping. She checked my mouth and made me move it in funny directions, and it was cracking away. Eep. Now my jaw is really tired and achey. She said it could be both my arthritis and aching from grinding, but that wasn't really something she could diagnose herself. And she did notice a bit of wear, but nothing too worrying, and the fillings didn't need to be fixed =D


Hopefully I don't end up chewing through this bite guard :heh:

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