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Thank god. Finally got a pair of trainers. Now i can bin the other pair..... Ok maybe I won't bin them. I still like to where them even though they're wrecked. But new trainers are alright. Need to break them in a bit but that's fine.


Other than that, I haven't done much. Hung around while my brother went and picked up his new guitar. Swapped something he had that's worth like £400 for something that's over £600. And it's a really nice guitar. A limited edition '56 Les Paul Gold top, re-issue of course because a real '56 one would cost upwards of £2000.


edit: damn my eyes are sore. Really itchy around the eyelids. Trying not to rub them but it's irritating me big time.

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Anyone used GIMP before??. Can't figure it out at all.


Yeah, it's a shit photoshop stepchild.


I make my avvies/sigs with it. As far as I'm aware, you can't do anything interesting except cutting and pasting. And some rubbing out of harh edges.


That might just be my skills on it though.

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stupid bloody job course. was given a bassic numarcy booklet. it asked 2 + 2. i have letters after my name, this shit is a waste of my time. and i mean that quiet litteraly. of the 7 hours there, 1 was spent working, the rest was spent sat doing nothing.


all we get is "do some job search" erm, i have, ive checked the jobs websites, your computer system is crap and cant display half of them properly and even when i find a job, i cant do anything because my CV isn't on your computer.

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i has doen nothings today..

i sat by the phone at work waiting for it to ring...



and when it ring'd... i pick'd it ups and said "yo! want some sushi?"



and the peoples on the phone says OH YEEEEEEA i wants sushis!



rinse and repeat x many many.

also i've been studying maths* inbetween kitteh phone calls & i have a few TA jobs searched out to apply for tonight. woo woo! progress train! next stop: next stop!


* and am pretty frackin' proud of myself tbh! for someone with dyscalculia** i'm doin OK on my own-ish ^__^ could hardly read 6+ digit numbers this morning and now i'm doing long multiplication w/o a calculator :grin:



** means: i are retarded at maths, yo!

Edited by bluey
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I got my haircut, which I'm actually really happy with, although the lady went a bit power happy with the straighteners so I now resemble some generic manga-like figure. I like very much though. I also bought some dye, and watched a lot of t.v.

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I think I had a fever today but I really can't tell because it was so bloody hot. I reckon it was from having nigh on no sleep over the past couple days.


Walked around Hyde Park yesterday after the Regina Spektor gig. It is amazing around midnight, warm but not too warm and really quiet.


Tomorrow should be fun, going to see Public Enemies.

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I got asked for ID in Morrison's today, the girl at the checkout was looking at me for ages, then she asks the girl behind her what she thought. Blatantly just checking me out, they didn't even look at the id when I gave it to them, just handed straight back and said "yep" :heh:


Work was ridiculously boring... and hot, was dripping with sweat at one point, not the best look when you're serving food!


I'm sat here though with a bottle of cider in hand so its all good now!

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I feel my day went rather exellently, woke up and had a shower, which got me into such a good mode for some reason. i then then gave my room a good tidy, i finaly can see the floor again. :)

i then walked to town, picked up my the glasses, so now i look great. came home and played guitar hero, thus until now thats all ive done.

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Anyone used GIMP before??. Can't figure it out at all.


Yeaah, it's alright once you get used to it and get used to teh fact that it's not as good as photoshop


Yeah, it's a shit photoshop stepchild.


I make my avvies/sigs with it. As far as I'm aware, you can't do anything interesting except cutting and pasting. And some rubbing out of harh edges.


That might just be my skills on it though.


Naah it's not that bad! Though like you say it is very much a poor man's photoshop.


And I've only really made sigs with it as well so can't really say.


And a couple of bits for my art, such as this (which thinking about it I think I;ve posted before but nevermind)





In other news Im going interrailing tomorrow!! 12 Days, Bergamo > Milan > Genoa > Monaco > Nice > Cannes / Barcelona (Im totally rooting for Barcelona, need to convince the guy im goign with) > Paris > Home. EXCITED :D


Bubye NE for the next couple weeks yo

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My day; Roger Federer.




Don't we all! :heh:


You not feeling any better? :(

According to my friend I wouldn't be ill or complicated enough for him to take any notice of me, haha.


Not much better, I didn't sleep at all last night. GP said to just keep on with the antihistamines, paracetamol, inhaler etc. Watching Federer did cheer me up a bit though!

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Spent the last week converting Season 4 of the Unit to iPod format to take with me on holiday and watch in the evenings. Now when I go to sync to my iPod it refuses! Its definately in the right format, as its the same as the last few episodes of S3 that I also converted in case I hadn't finished it before leaving, which sync perfectly fine. S4 gets added to the library fine and run in ITunes fine, but when I go to sync them to the iPod they are grayed out in the list. It still allows me to check them to sync, but doesnt do it. Also, a movie I had on the iPod but removed to make space for the full season is the same. Grayed out, but on the list. I know fine well that it runs on the iPod because it was on there yesterday. But iTunes being the piece of shit that it is refuses to add it.

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Spent the last week converting Season 4 of the Unit to iPod format to take with me on holiday and watch in the evenings. Now when I go to sync to my iPod it refuses! Its definately in the right format, as its the same as the last few episodes of S3 that I also converted in case I hadn't finished it before leaving, which sync perfectly fine. S4 gets added to the library fine and run in ITunes fine, but when I go to sync them to the iPod they are grayed out in the list. It still allows me to check them to sync, but doesnt do it. Also, a movie I had on the iPod but removed to make space for the full season is the same. Grayed out, but on the list. I know fine well that it runs on the iPod because it was on there yesterday. But iTunes being the piece of shit that it is refuses to add it.


Dang, sounds ridiculously annoying. *Strokes Zune*

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According to my friend I wouldn't be ill or complicated enough for him to take any notice of me, haha.


Not much better, I didn't sleep at all last night. GP said to just keep on with the antihistamines, paracetamol, inhaler etc. Watching Federer did cheer me up a bit though!


I just had an image of the doctor prescribing you Roger Federer. That would be awesome, and apparently it works a bit. :heh:

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