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Which Chemistry one are you doing?


I'm doing Nuffield, and it's a fucking bitch. I've got unit 4 and 5 (Biochemistry) tomorrow.


Biochemistry is really hard for me because I've never done Biology! Everyone else finds it really easy...


I'm on the OCR bandwagon for Chemistry, which I'm glad about. Chains, Rings and Spectroscopy and Unifying Concepts (mainly kinetics and acid/base chem) today, on top of my super long Italian essay-writing exam today. Joy.

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I love owning my boss at work. After my boss had a go at me for leaving the 'sprinkler' off at the end of the nozzle when pouring cask beers two weeks ago. One beer had run out, so he goes into the cellar to change the barrel and it seemed after the pump had gone [nothing to do with what I did], which was weird since it was replaced about a month ago. Anyways he started pouring it without the sprinkler on, and told us to follow suit. I swiftly flip-reversed his argument,


Him: Now what I'm doing here is...

Me: Pouring a "perfect pint" with the sprinkler off. It's not going to get the oxygen because the carbon dioxide isn't being removed [Which was the science for it being on when he ranted at me]


He wandered off murmurming something like "It's not like that..." knowing full well he'd recieved a double dose of Baron Don Shabbá Pimpsmacking.

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Today I got a new phone. Technically my dad got a new phone, but he has no need for a second new phone so I got the new phone.

Then I went to some back streets store and bought 12 Steven Seagal films and about 6 Van Damme films for £2.50 each.

Seriously, awesome.

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Ohhh thank F*CK today is over! My Italian essay titles could have been so much worse, so I actually had something write about and both my chemistry papers, espeically the organic, were rather friendly.


Anyone else OCR Chem it up today?


Biology tomorrow, so instead of having fun and getting plastered after 4 exams, I'm going to celebrate by revising. Happy as Larry anyway!

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Took my theory test today, I passed the hazard perception part but i failed the multiple choice part by 3 marks >_> looks like i'll have to take it again.


I always found that part easy. It was hazard perception that I was hit and miss with. Only just passed that part on my test.

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Had a mechanics exam today which i thought went really well, hopefully it will drag my grade up. Also instead of revising for my Biology exam tomorrow, i have created a masterpiece! My Wario Hat is now complete and i must say, it looks bloody amazing!

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Had a mechanics exam today which i thought went really well, hopefully it will drag my grade up. Also instead of revising for my Biology exam tomorrow, i have created a masterpiece! My Wario Hat is now complete and i must say, it looks bloody amazing!


Have you got any extra black felt? I don't think my tashes are going to arrive on time.

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Pics or didn't happen tbh.




Looks sexier in the real world.


Have you got any extra black felt? I don't think my tashes are going to arrive on time.


I do have extra black felt, although the black isn't sticky backed.

Edited by Strider
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That Wario hat looks cool. =D



I had a pretty good day. Slept until 11:30 but still felt tired, heh. Had a shower, ate something and then left to the bowling alley to meet up with friends. Took first friend 15 minutes to arrive, second one 30 minutes. Last one took an hour to get there... even though her mom was dropping her off. Tsssk. So we only got to play two games of bowling, no pool for us at all. I won the first game, almost won the second one too but messed it up on my last turn (and the person who won hit a strike on her last one). Was fun, plus had a yummy chocolate milkshake.


Then we went to the cinema to watch Coraline. Had a drink before, but they took ages to bring it to us so we only had about 5 minutes left. Not fun to drink an alcoholic drink in such a short time. =P

Film was good I think, not really sure what my friends thought of it, but oh well. No one there though, four of us and only seven other people. Place was emptyyyy.


Anyway, good day I think. ^____^

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Just got back home from a shopping trip in Manchester! Bought a nice blue cardigan type thing and a cool H&M summer shirt :D I went to get my iPhone replaced or fixed, its obviously a dud iPhone but they still insist on me booking in an "appointment". I asked the guy if I could leave it with them and he said "no , we are much like your GP, you wouldn't leave your leg with your GP if you had a problem with it would you" , and i thought if it was a prosphetic then yes and anyway its not my leg its my phone! HMPH So I've gotta go back on Saturday now

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Just got back home from a shopping trip in Manchester! Bought a nice blue cardigan type thing and a cool H&M summer shirt :D I went to get my iPhone replaced or fixed, its obviously a dud iPhone but they still insist on me booking in an "appointment". I asked the guy if I could leave it with them and he said "no , we are much like your GP, you wouldn't leave your leg with your GP if you had a problem with it would you" , and i thought if it was a prosphetic then yes and anyway its not my leg its my phone! HMPH So I've gotta go back on Saturday now


I would have said "You're very much like a dick, but you're not literally a penis. Now fix my phone."

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I would have said "You're very much like a dick, but you're not literally a penis. Now fix my phone."
Damn right, just because he is an apple technician. It's always so busy in that store, so many people at that genius desk. Apple products must break down alot
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"no , we are much like your GP, you wouldn't leave your leg with your GP if you had a problem with it would you"


Jesus.... Christ.


Just reading that makes me angry. How did you not slap him? Slap him, claim that he said he'd only fix it if you would blow him to his manager and threaten to go to the police unless you get something free. And scream. And follow him home and kill him. And scream. Scream, scream, scream, scream until your own ears bleed.

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My other WWE DVD arrived today, and now i have a choice as to which one to watch tonight. The choices are on my Facebook status atm.


Other than that, the day today has been ok. The atmosphere in work as we speak is down as we don't know who will be made redundant. We wish the bosses and HR would hurry up and tell us because it is really ripping into us all and the tension is so thick it can be cut with a knife.

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