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..... nyah heh hehh......

i'm sat at my desk pretending not to be able to hear a bitchy customer who's talking incredibly softly going "excuse me........................."




"excuse me..............................." to the designers upstairs. speak the frak up, man!

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Y'know you might as well make an "How was your day at HBOS?" thread for the amount you guys talk about it :heh:


I am not allowed to state the company I work for, so unfortunately I can't tell you if you're wrong. ALSO WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO CORRECT YOU IF YOU'RE RIGHT.


dude can't you get a better job yet? you've been doing the call centre gig for aaaages.


Yeeeaaah I know. I'm chilling at the moment. Gonna hop to the council as soon as theres an opening in that contact centre.



Of course I'll be a professional comic book writer soon, so all of this is a moot point really.....

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Of course I'll be a professional comic book writer soon, so all of this is a moot point really.....


Why don't you do a creative writing course or something? (Unless you already have/are?) I'm hardly one to talk motivation, but if you geuninely want to write stuff, take a step to do so. :)


It seems like it's a "dream" of yours, but that you kinda relegate to the side permanently.

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Y'know you might as well make an "How was your day at HBOS?" thread for the amount you guys talk about it :heh:

If you get a few posts in a row about it, it'll be split. It's amazing Jordan's Dismay wasn't given a C-section.



A manager (not the one I spoke to) just came round asking about Saturdays. He said to me "Well I can tell you now the contract is flexible" which is bull shit considering....it doesn't say that. At all. I wasn't prepared to argue with him, but yeah.


If it comes down to me having to request a copy of what I signed stating that, then so be it, cos' what I've got states the opposite.


Once again, everyone please steer clear of this company as much of possible. They're shit in every respect.

So they say A, contract says B, how does this figure into your wanting certain Saturdays off because you initially thought it was flexible? Does this pr0 in your favour?

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If you get a few posts in a row about it, it'll be split. It's amazing Jordan's Dismay wasn't given a C-section.


So they say A, contract says B, how does this figure into your wanting certain Saturdays off because you initially thought it was flexible? Does this pr0 in your favour?


Basically, I originally agreed to 1 in 6 maximum, and they've effectively changed it to 1 in 4/3. I was like "WTF mate" and they seem to be kicking up a fuss.

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Basically, I originally agreed to 1 in 6 maximum, and they've effectively changed it to 1 in 4/3. I was like "WTF mate" and they seem to be kicking up a fuss.

But does it change anything the last time you asked for this shit to be cleared up? Or have they just decided to walk up to you and say: "Flexible? Yes." like a smarmy git.

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Lecture was average. Watched old school sitcoms. Then went to the student bar for a bit which was the usual nice relaxing Friday chatter.


Got the first part of my dissertation analysis back and was ripped to shreds. Oops. I think the problem is I allowed for it to be bastardised because I had an idea and they were like "yeah you're doing this this and this" and I was like "okay...not what I thought but let's go with it..." So I need to write a bridging section and wanted to do that this weekend but im out all weekend with family so will try some tonight.


Plus my housemate's boyfriend is increasingly annoying me. Ah well, as is life.

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I'm angry!


I just read about the existence of BSG Webisodes set between series 2 and 3, so I looked it up on Youtube. I started to watch one called Face Of The Enemy, only to find out it's set DURING series 4!


Cunts on fire. Luckily not too much was revealed except...

Earth is "devastated" and Gaeta lost a leg



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Why don't you do a creative writing course or something? (Unless you already have/are?) I'm hardly one to talk motivation, but if you geuninely want to write stuff, take a step to do so. :)


It seems like it's a "dream" of yours, but that you kinda relegate to the side permanently.

To be fair Paj, he actually doesn't relegate it to the side, he's writing it now; drawing, storyboarding, planning and all that jaz. Of course he can't spend all his time on it, he has a job and a life.

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To be fair Paj, he actually doesn't relegate it to the side, he's writing it now; drawing, storyboarding, planning and all that jaz. Of course he can't spend all his time on it, he has a job and a life.


Yes, but I mean the same way people study a subject to impress people who'll give them a job relating to the subject.


Experience and stuff. It's rare to turn up and present a product to someone and expect them to lap it up, no matter what the quality is, without experience of some form..

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Yes, but I mean the same way people study a subject to impress people who'll give them a job relating to the subject.


Experience and stuff. It's rare to turn up and present a product to someone and expect them to lap it up, no matter what the quality is, without experience of some form..

I'm not gonna pretend to know much about becoming a comic writer, but other than having work to show, I don't see what experience you can provide. Granted, a course may be really useful to develop skills, but if you showed them something amazing and proved your talent, I doubt Image would care if you've done a course.

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Had a single tutorial today at 1pm for an hour so should have been home by about 3.45pm. Didn't get home till about half an hour ago :heh: Myself and two others from my english tutorial group, who happen to be a couple, went for food and drinks together and for a few games of pool. Really nice time actually, even if I did feel like the third wheel and felt really out of place when they kept being all lovey-dovey. May see about making it a more permanent feature for my friday afternoons. Unfortunately I couldn't stay any longer because I don't live in Dundee and they were going to Bingo and were egging me on to come with them but I couldn't as I didn't have a place to stay. Will have to look into sorting that out for after the summer as it sucks not doing able to stay out long with friends.


So only just been in the house for a short time and I've just sorted dinner. Got a bunch of Richard Pryor dvds to watch so that's my evening right there :D Will be up early tomorrow to start work on my english essay. Was looking forward to doing it but not now but I'll get it done.

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I've been working non stop since 12pm bar the small breaks to check emails and look for tutorials.

What I'm doing now is a little bit fun but it's extremely long and slightly tedious. If there was a quick fix it'd save me so much time. But right now I don't know of/can't find one. I've got my next 2 days and 3 hours all planned out so I might be able to get it all done IF all goes well and I can do what I want to do with the program not limiting me.

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Today is...like pulling teeth. Very, very painful. Why do I get the feeling that I am wasting my time?


I've spent most of today playing some guitar, and DS. Advance Wars, hehe.

Also, been learning Don't Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I've been working non stop since 12pm bar the small breaks to check emails and look for tutorials.

What I'm doing now is a little bit fun but it's extremely long and slightly tedious. If there was a quick fix it'd save me so much time. But right now I don't know of/can't find one. I've got my next 2 days and 3 hours all planned out so I might be able to get it all done IF all goes well and I can do what I want to do with the program not limiting me.


Did you plan any time for sleep?


Mine should be okay now, as long as I don't hit a major problem (but I don't think I will now). I need to get up in the middle of the night to change the render to different scenes, but that's not too bad.


Today is...like pulling teeth. Very, very painful. Why do I get the feeling that I am wasting my time?


I've spent most of today playing some guitar, and DS. Advance Wars, hehe.

Also, been learning Don't Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult.


I thought you were learning bass, traitor.

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Did you plan any time for sleep?


Mine should be okay now, as long as I don't hit a major problem (but I don't think I will now). I need to get up in the middle of the night to change the render to different scenes, but that's not too bad.

It's not a time plan. It's just a plan of what I need to do. I've no idea how long each will take. It'll take as long as it takes is my motto, so I'll keep doing it until it's done. This is only when I'm under pressure. Haha.

6 second walk cycle is now done! I just need to get a camera in, some lights and trees and hopefully it'll look good. All that's left on the plan for today is to do another walk animation. This one took about 4 hours. σ_σ

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