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Having such a lazy day, really should have done some work, so I'm going to uni at 6 to get some of my animation work done and then come back and actually knuckle down with this presentation.


Loud happy music and scrubs ftw.


But god damn do I want that top from topshop, way too expensive (45quid plus 5quid postage..) now where's dan? :P

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Having such a lazy day, really should have done some work, so I'm going to uni at 6 to get some of my animation work done and then come back and actually knuckle down with this presentation.


Loud happy music and scrubs ftw.


But god damn do I want that top from topshop, way too expensive (45quid plus 5quid postage..) now where's dan? :P


Just off to look for my wallet. It ran away from home, citing domestic abuse :heh:

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Just off to look for my wallet. It ran away from home, citing domestic abuse :heh:


At the moment, my wallet contains the most amount of money it has seen in a long time. I don't think mine will run away just yet.


I think i drank too much Vodka last night, stomach was playing games with itself this morning.


Its been one of them lazy days really. Mostly chilling out at home watching Top Gear, listening to music, browsing the net and playing a few hours of SvsR09 and Fable II with some Banjo Kazooie thrown in for good measure.

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Today has been "bleh"... I feel like i need a holiday. This year's been crap and i don't feel like i've had a break at all.


That led me to have today off sixth form to catch up with some work, as i felt like i was getting more and more behind. I actually did get quite alot done. I revised (Learnt) most of my biology unit for the exam in Jan, finished of my personal statement, completed my maths homework the night before, as opposed to the hour before, and watched Stargate. It's made me feel better :)


I still want a break though :heh:

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I did very little the entire weekend.

I am crashing and dieing in English coursework, which is due on Friday. Then I have Biology due on Monday, and then Biology coursework due at the end of next week. ¬_¬

All of my friends suddenly got girlfriends in the last fortnight, almost literally.


But good news is


Got my first uni offer :yay:

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Getting some Chocolate Cake in Psychology = Instant Win.


I've had a good day. A few laughs and a good psychology essay! :)


The weekend was an odd one, It took me all weekend to get my English Coursework done. I could see from my side illustrations that I was slowly losing my sanity while writing it. It is such a great feeling when you finish though. :grin:


*weight off his shoulders*


I hate coursework, usually let me down but I'm pleased with this one!


I did very little the entire weekend.

I am crashing and dieing in English coursework, which is due on Friday. Then I have Biology due on Monday, and then Biology coursework due at the end of next week. ¬_¬

All of my friends suddenly got girlfriends in the last fortnight, almost literally.


But good news is


Got my first uni offer :yay:


Cool! :D What Uni? :)

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Urgh....really crap day


Because ive had trouble finding a job ive been sent on a crappy course. Now I was sent on this in July but I only lasted a week because it was so stupid, they just did everything I already did at home but with less newspapers and freedom to go to agencies etc.


Started again today, this means I have to get up at 6:30am then get a bus, then a train to the course. Then of course when I get there its just full of chavs and despite what I have been told, nothing has changed there. They dont even have my local newspapers, just ones for their own City.


Once this induction week is over I will be thrown into the main room with everyone else where you spend half a day on the computer looking for work (which only takes about 30 minutes so you spend the rest of it just looking at the same pages over and over) then the rest of the day looking at the papers (which as I previously said, arent even the ones that help me!)

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Guest Stefkov

Handed in an animation today. Better get a good grade for it. I've had 4 hours sleep this weekend. Partly because of the fish, partly because of Youtube Live.

Next assignment is set and the stuff we can do sounds awesome.

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The weekend was an odd one, It took me all weekend to get my English Coursework done. I could see from my side illustrations that I was slowly losing my sanity while writing it. It is such a great feeling when you finish though. :grin:


Heh, know how that feels. Crushing though, my teacher read through my weekends work this morning and was... less than impressed... gah.


Cool! :D What Uni? :)


UEA, English lit, quite chuffed :D Was my favourite place which I looked around (though it's all very concrete & grey). Conditional AAB though, which I shooouuld be able to get but myeah, hard work will be needed.

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UEA, English lit, quite chuffed :D Was my favourite place which I looked around (though it's all very concrete & grey). Conditional AAB though, which I shooouuld be able to get but myeah, hard work will be needed.


Good job, that's awesome. As soon as I got the offer I really wanted, I relaxed. I will always be bitter that bristol rejected me though, bastards!




Eeeek @ 24 redemption, how exciting! Anyone is welcome to come watch it in my living room, or just download... whichever's easiest really. Today I thought I was having training but didn't, so that was a let down. Also been a bit preoccupied, my aunt left my uncle this weekend so she's going through hell. These things happen every day I know, it's just hard when it's your family.

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Had a driving lesson today and i finally got out of this crappy circut hes been taking me round and on to the main roads. While i was going round a three lane round-a-bout some twat cut right infront of me so i gave him a blast of my horn, so he starts pointing his thumb at me trying to say it was my fault. i hate other people on the road, the're all inconsiderate tits.

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i got made redundent today :(


me and the rest of the delivery people for MFI at the warehouse i worked at got made redundent. Why? because mfi had stopped paying up as they had no money...after 4 weeks of no payments got rung up eariler by boss confirming its over.


gutted of course hopefully will find a new job very soon as dont want to dip into savings at xmas if i can.


was working there for just over a year and was one of the best jobs ive ever had o well

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Uni was dull. Course meeting. Presentations in a lecture and was dull. Work was not too bad. Taken Baby Mama for the night and just watching that now.


Also saw something in Topman I want too. This. Althought I'd have to get fabric paint and colour in bits. £25 is more than I can spend right now.


Also lols:



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Dan Dare is a prick.


1. That doesn't really help anything.

2. I okayed it, as I would like to believe any other staff would. If you have any further issues about this you are aware of the proper courses of action that needs to be taken.


Ashley just made me laugh rather hard with a comment made on my facebook status. My mum was not best pleased. I love it.


Further proof mothers love me.


(for reals; I give good parent)

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