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Urrrgh Unngh


Soo Tired. Dicked around with my friends last night, we got our selves a titload of beer (mostly Guinness) then decided to go to a cigar store, but they were closed so we went back home and to a gas station and got some cigars. Went home walked around the block all five of us smoking Cigars. It's funny cause it was like 9:30pm small town america where no one is roaming around. Then we went back to the store for strawberry pucker.


Then we watched Borat, and 4 episodes of Spaced. I owned spaced and was the only one who had seen it, but they all loved it too. They're surprised that it got canceled. At that point it was like 2 in the morning, so we all crashed. I had to head home though, and didn't sleep till 3. My damn cat woke me at 8 though the fucker.


I feel like shit though, I need more sleep.

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Urghhhh. Waiting in school for the rest of my group to show up. We were going to meet at 9 in school (it's now 9:22), and I hurried so much to get here in time because I left a bit late. Cycling when you're feeling ill is not fun.


Feel like shit and just want to go home. Today sucks.


Good luck for your stuff. It's going to go fine, you know it. *hugs*


Last couple of days = shit.


My mum's handing in her letter of resignation today; she's a senior teacher/manager in her school. It's completely fucked up, she feels she has to resign because the new head teacher (who came in this year) is trying to get rid of her and all the senior management team; he's forced two of them to retire already.


She's so upset and there's just nothing anyone can say to placate her.



Big night out later and I don't feel like going at this moment, but I have to really and a few drinks will probably help tbh.


That really does sound awful, so sorry to hear that. It is a big pain in the arse when new management do come in. Sometimes it is welcome, and sometimes it is the complete opposite. What sort of things is this new Head Teacher doing to make your Mum feel unwelcome?

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Good luck for your stuff. It's going to go fine, you know it. *hugs*


Bleh, the presentation sucked. They kinda liked our idea/concept, but not the way we're actually bringing it (since we kinda changed our original concept). They liked the original one more, but we didn't use it because it didn't tell the story we wanted to.


So now we don't really know what to do. We have to do a big presentation tomorrow but we honestly have nothing to show. Bah.

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Haha, absolutely everyone in my flat was guilty of that, including myself. Not a big problem though, just whack on some hot water and scrub away with the scourer at whatever you need. Then when you're done you throw it back in the sink. Lazy as fuck but it works.



It does work, but then the sink is always full with dishes, and it would be a lot nicer to just wash things and put them away as you go. That way, you can always grab a clean bowl from a cupboard. It means the kitchen just looks a lot tidier from the start.


But... cutlery's the easiest stuff to wash. Just bung it in the bottom of the sink to soak while you do plates and bowls, and it practically cleans itself.


I really don't like leaving stuff in the bowl to clean. For soaking, it's good, but then I prefer to wash it under the tap after that anyway. I think I just have my own way of doing things.


For the first time in a few days, i slept well last night. Letty and myself talked for about an hour on the phone. I had closure and I no longer feel like ass.


You're going to be ok, Jordania of Jordan.


Saw my g/f last night for the first time in a week. It's amazing how such a short span of time apart can remind you how much you love someone. It's cliche, but absence really does make the heart grow fonder.


Haha, that's really true. I also think that people (family, friends, anyone) like other people more when they see less of them. I think if people are around others for too long, they lose their appreciation for that person!


I mean I can use the same spoon for about 4-5 cups throughout the day, leave it facedown by the sink and pick up when needed. If it needs a cleansings, a few seconds under the tap.


But I feel your anger over the cutlery issue, it always kept going right down to the wire at uni, at points we'd just grab a dirty one and clean it on its own, hoping the next time someone did a big wash of their pots they'd take the cutlery out with them.


Nooo, I couldn't just grab something from the sink. I think that's why you need a cupboard or draw. You need to build up a small army of spoons, and then use them at will!


That's kinda how it works here, sometimes. People will use all the bowls, so if I need a bowl, I have to wash one. But, it's a trap, because sometimes I'll wash more than just the bowl, because I'm really starting to hate mess. I like having shiny bowls that catch the reflections of the light.


I miss those days. I could get by with just one knife, fork, spoon, plate, bowl and mug. Just wash when needed :p


As i'm living with responsible and incredibly clean OCD parents, i have to help clear up every night after dinner. We wash everything, dry it and put it away. I mean, there's just no need!


Oh god, I would love living with your parents, haha. Washing up can be fun, because once it's done, it's done. It means there's no stuff lying around the kitchen gathering mess! Clean as you go, and you'll never need to do a huuuuge wash ever again.


I think me and Ine had a good system when she last came here, and over Christmas. One of us washes, the other dries, and it get's done in about two minutes. She'd be great to live with, and it's fun if you have the radio on. :D


Bleh, the presentation sucked. They kinda liked our idea/concept, but not the way we're actually bringing it (since we kinda changed our original concept). They liked the original one more, but we didn't use it because it didn't tell the story we wanted to.


So now we don't really know what to do. We have to do a big presentation tomorrow but we honestly have nothing to show. Bah.


It's not assessed though, so don't worry too much about it. I guess you should just go with what they say, please them, and then get on with the other more important things.


Since you've left for school, I've done another hundred words on my dissertation. The tv is off!

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Haha, Spaced! I was in Portsmouth over the weekend and we watched the entire first season of it. It was awesome, first time I'd seen it too. Follow it up/watch with with a spliff and good times are a-rollin'.


Spliff? I'm guessing a drug of some sort?

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I think me and Ine had a good system when she last came here, and over Christmas. One of us washes, the other dries, and it get's done in about two minutes. She'd be great to live with, and it's fun if you have the radio on. :D

Heh, we'd still be doing other people's dishes then though. And I did them a couple of times on my own too, when you were out. Your housemates need to learn to clean up their mess. =P


It's not assessed though, so don't worry too much about it. I guess you should just go with what they say, please them, and then get on with the other more important things.


Since you've left for school, I've done another hundred words on my dissertation. The tv is off!

We (well the two guys in the team) don't want to change back to the original idea. So we're kinda stuck. And tomorrow we have to present it to a huuuuuuuge amount of people and it's so gonna suck. Urgh. Don't wanna come.


And good work on the dissertation. Though is that since this morning or since we last talked? Because I've been in school all day already. =P

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Heh, we'd still be doing other people's dishes then though. And I did them a couple of times on my own too, when you were out. Your housemates need to learn to clean up their mess. =P


Yeah, so you neeed to stop doing their stuff, too. :heh: Thank you, though. You're a star.


But, if others were not living theeeere, then we wouldn't have to do their dishes. Eliminate people = clean kitchen!



We (well the two guys in the team) don't want to change back to the original idea. So we're kinda stuck. And tomorrow we have to present it to a huuuuuuuge amount of people and it's so gonna suck. Urgh. Don't wanna come.


And good work on the dissertation. Though is that since this morning or since we last talked? Because I've been in school all day already. =P


What? They're actual idiots. Tell them they're idiots from me, will you?


That's since we last talked! So, about half an hour ago?! Or something. Thing is, I've done The Overview, methods of research and ethics part of my methodology, and I'm stuck about what to do for the rest of it. I think I need to talk about what sort of data I collected, but this section really draaaaaags.

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Doh. How odd!


Weed rolled in a cigarette. Trying to think what slang names might be for it in America. Doobie perhaps?


a joint is also a term i belive.


interetingly, i had a dream in which obama told me i was addicted to weed.


ive done it thrice in my life and have never felt to much of an effect from it, obama is crazy

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Participating in the most ridiculous work spam email ever. Just picture after picture of randomness being sent between about 12 people. This is almost getting too much even for me.


Must remember to get AA tonight. Ideally don't wanna break down when to/from Alton Towers.

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Doh. How odd!


Weed rolled in a cigarette. Trying to think what slang names might be for it in America. Doobie perhaps?


Maybe 20 years ago Doobie would be acceptable, generally Joint is the slang, or a Fatty. Unfortunately, one of our group is on Probation so he can't be around that.

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Went to a noodle bar for lunch with fellow forumite Wesley. ...¬_¬


lol. it was good. Got told about an awesome website I'm not sure deserves mentioning but I'll mention it anyway.

http://omegle.com/ - Talk to strangers. It pretty much ends up talking to idiots that want to have a bit of fun but sometimes you'll get the one person who'll you'll have a good conversation with.


My lecturers are pretty awesome. Today he came up to me, asked me if I was doing work (to which I replied no) and then asked me if I wanted to play Counter Strike. Then told others to join in. Ridiculous.

Still I shot him the back of the head so it was all good.

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ol. it was good. Got told about an awesome website I'm not sure deserves mentioning but I'll mention it anyway.

http://omegle.com/ - Talk to strangers. It pretty much ends up talking to idiots that want to have a bit of fun but sometimes you'll get the one person who'll you'll have a good conversation with.


Good god...this is the best thing I've ever seen. Can't believe it works at work.


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Hello.

You: Hows you.

Stranger: what is hello??

You: Tis' a greeting kind person.

Stranger: boobs

You: I couldn't agree more.

You: Also ;

You: Vagina.

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This news thing is moving quick, I've had him ask me to phone him, which I did. And we talked about an interview tomorrow, when I said I worked in a pub he laughed [As will many!] saying it would be pr0 if we got some footage of me serving people at work.


I've phoned the boss, he's down with the shit.

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This news thing is moving quick, I've had him ask me to phone him, which I did. And we talked about an interview tomorrow, when I said I worked in a pub he laughed [As will many!] saying it would be pr0 if we got some footage of me serving people at work.


I've phoned the boss, he's down with the shit.


Wow thats awesome. Record/film it/youtube etc.


ReZ; St. Albans. You made a promise. You clearly don't care for me if you can't even remember it. SOB!


No written evidence eh? How convinient for you....


Joking aside I actually don't remember saying that. If I did though, lol. Its just a bit of fun, I only do the odd tiny cheeky bet.


We saw some guy yesterday unload £80 in a machine. I didn't see his face but apparently he didn't look happy when he walked out. It really is an evil evil thing if you're irresponsible with it.



Which I am so = win. :)


EDIT; Which I'm NOT. So win. Lol.

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