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Does anyone know what happens if I stop following someone on Twitter? Does the other person get like... a message? I'm following an old friend from school/college days, but he's really boring and Twitters about rubbish - but I don't want him to know!

Does anyone know what happens if I stop following someone on Twitter? Does the other person get like... a message? I'm following an old friend from school/college days, but he's really boring and Twitters about rubbish - but I don't want him to know!


No idea, but I'd probably plump for just telling him :/ was he always like that back in college? if not then maybe he'd listen to you and he may thank you for it one day... but having said that it's not good to change a person as that takes away part of what makes them well... 'them' and other parts you may find boring other people may love, Idk ::shrug: it depends what 'qualifies' as boring but it's still a tough one I guess.*


*Disclaimer : If it's not helpful please disregard this post.

Oh man... I wanted to avoid the awkardness!


Oh in that case - as I stated underneath - feel free to disregard that last post of mine, it was just a thought that I probably shouldn't have posted :p you're probably best off just not following him then, hopefully someone on here who has Twitter can confirm what you need to know. : peace:




Found this...


'Can I block people from following me?


Yes, you can. If you block someone, they wont be able to follow you or send you any messages. If your account is public, they'll still be able to view it, but they wont show up on your followers list, and you wont be on their following list. If it's a spammer you're blocking, thanks! Twitter Support keeps an eye on block reports to see who's getting in trouble on Twitter.'


So you can stop following by blocking him but if your account is public then he will know anyway.


Do people twitter about anything interesting? As far as I'm aware, it's just "Ah! Starbucks really gets me going. Now to work!" or "AWWWWW look at this piccie of a baby seal!". etc


Revising for my english exam tomorrow. A little worried about the timing for the essays as I think it's going to be a bit hard to get them both done in the 2 hours, at least to the standard I want. I'm splitting the time so that I have an hour for each essay but I think the James Joyce one is really gonna cane me. Don't really need the full hour for the Harold Pinter essay because that's slightly easier to get through so I'll probably take a chunk of time from there. I'll have to see how that goes tomorrow. And of course, after I finish the exam I have to see an advisor of studies to finally get my degree change sorted. Only problem is that I've got to mess about from 11 till 3 before I can meet him and I can't go home. Friends better be up for the pub afterwards.

Do people twitter about anything interesting? As far as I'm aware, it's just "Ah! Starbucks really gets me going. Now to work!" or "AWWWWW look at this piccie of a baby seal!". etc


Depends on the person. Its like facebook statuses really. My latest is


Someone get me THIS and I shall love you long time: http://bit.ly/SAzG2


But it can be useful for little bits and bobs. Presently im enjoying it because I've befriended it with some excats (thats the word yes?) living in Japan and people who run Japanese blogs so its handy I can shoot off a question toward them and stuff. It can be more useful than ust finding out what your friends are up to.

excats (thats the word yes?)

Expats? From ex patria.


Yesterday was goodtimes, seeing people and getting some work done now. Nothing has happened as yet today, however...


I don't actually see the point of Twitter. Yes, it can be useful for following people and stuff, but i don't think running a Twitter, Facebook and MySpace page at the same time will work, i've near enough shut the MySpace one down to focus on the Facebook one.


Oh well


Its been an eventful weekend to be fair, i knew i shouldn't have drank that Raki on Sunday morning (early hours). Spent the next 20+ mins throwing up, i had too much of it to be fair (it was 60+% proof stuff). Somehow managed to score myself a nice young lady, perhaps this will now pursuade the last one to actually stop annoying me as she still is with calls, texts and emails.


I found the date for this award thing, and although it would depress me to go I think I might if some friends go. Some guys from Rockstar will be there, shall I bug them about stuff? The awards is only a couple of days before E3.


Well it obviously isn't pointless. Hence why Facebook changed the Status Update to a more open ended "What's on your mind?" to try catch the Twitter market.


I actually need to go Daft on my FB "friend" list. I always get updates about people I don't really care about, and never on ones I do. And I don't know where the "see more" option is. I think they've actually removed it.


But then that means I'd have less friends, and that number means a lot to me. :)




Had a well epic phone call earlier. They told me to delete all records of the calls, started telling me (wrong ....obviously) info about the building I work in, said they were gonna log a law suit against me personally.....and yeah other financial things (that he was saying were right and I was confirming were wrong) but were equally ridiculous. Proper hilarious and massive roffle.


Oh yeah, my interview went ok, but he said I never gave in a reference. Which is true. But I didn't know I had to. So arranging that soonish.

Good luck with the results Pajastan. When do you hear?


Just had a client with a unique pronounciation of the digit "0" their pronounciation "ooooo"


Dunno. Soon-ish? Need to get a reference to their face soon though, or I can't be considered. :(


Whoooo, probably had my last life drawing class everrrrrrrr! Unless I fail that class this year, then I'll have to do it again. D:

But yeah glad that's over. Also had a talk with a teacher about a paper (even though it's not really called a paper but a research question) and it's looking good I think, even though I still have lots to do for next week.


Came home and felt sooooooo tired. So I went to nap from 4 until 5, but I ended up sleeping until 7. >.>;

So now I've wasted my afternoon and done no work at all, haha. Sheeeeeet. X3

Whoooo, probably had my last life drawing class everrrrrrrr!

*shudders at the thought of the male life model on my Art Foundation Course*


was basically a naked FAT santa!

*shudders at the thought of the male life model on my Art Foundation Course*


was basically a naked FAT santa!


Hahaha, awww. We basically had the same two female models for three years long. Only ever had a male model in my previous course, and even then that was a rare occurrence. But I prefered drawing women anyway.


We had mostly women, but occasionally had a guy. The women were usually...plump, but the men thin, so it was interesting to draw both.


Hehehe I modelled for a life drawing class a few times before christmas last year. £15 an hour was rather enticing I must say. Strangely my best friend was in that class, but it was never at all weird.

Posted (edited)

Today i went to get some money out of a cash point and a old women used the one next to me, unfortunately she had clearly shit herself and it stank beyond belief, I've never actually been sick without being ill but i was almost sick there.


That was the highlight.

Edited by Caris
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