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Aww, sleep can wait. Your friend will love you forever for this.


Or else, they better. If they don't appreciate it, look out the window as she's approaching the house, and shout "You're going the wrong way!" like the F Zero X announcer.


Today has been ok. Woke up and did some more situps, pressups and a tiny bit of weights before showering.

The highlight of the day was probably getting Skype to work with Ine. Basically, the internet connection and router of my house is fucking shit. In my room, you get about a bar or two of signal, and it disconnects or stops working every bluddy hour or 10 mins, or something. Meaning I either have to wait for it to start working again, or have to unplug/replug the plug to get it working...which means going downstairs.


In my room, the longest we managed to go without skype disconnecting was...4 and a half mins. Downstairs, next to the router, it went for about 10 times as long, but in the end it got silly there, too.


Although, it was lovely to see her face again, and it makes me miss her about a million times more. But, hearing her voice again just negates all of that. :)


I've done a tiny bit of work for uni, but I couldn't really concentrate today. I psyched myself up to work, but I probably think I'm going to do some before bed now.


Haha it did get silly with all the disconnects. Though my connection in my room was crappy too, which caused some of the disconnects, so it's not only your router. =P

But yeah, told you Skype would be a good idea. You should actually start listening to all the good advice I have! X3


Anyway, it is early and I'm sitting in school, alone. No one here yet, and I'm not even sure my friends will show up today. My leg still hurts and the doctor told me it might be some kind of infection. Need to get pictures and echo pictures taken tomorrow... scary! =O

Just want to get rid of this pain though, urgh. No fun. I'm seriously limping around, especially in the morning. Going up or down the staircase is a nightmare I tell you! X3

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I'm physically shaking. I've just sent off an email requesting the information necessary to start the ball rolling on changing my degree from psychology to english. It's definitely the right choice for me so don't know why I'm shaking. Probably just a reaction to the degree of 'holy crap, you've actually shown initiative to sort it out'. Anyway, hopefully the email will prove fruitful and I'll be able to change. I did email the head of first year psychology so if he can't help me then I'm screwed.


Also done another 2 hours of prep work for my english exam in two week. Ended up looking at Irish political history and how I can tie that in with the nationalistic views in Dubliners and how it was a main point of problem for publishing the books. Was so boring reading through a whole load of 19th century political stuff but it should help my essay and answer the question better. This time next week I'll have my Genetics exam. That one's creeping up on me nicely. Will be spending all weekend going over the stuff to make sure I understand it fully.


Also got my mixtape recipients PM'd to me earlier. So not looking forward to hearing what they think of it. I got probably the two most opinionated people to send my cds to. :laughing: Oh well, que cera cera.

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I got mine too. A challenge, but also two of the people I would have picked myself, given the choice.


in other news: terrible night's sleep. I woke up around 3 am out of sorts and it took me almost an hour to get back to sleep. I overslept massively and feel like a right bellend.

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Its been a good laugh this weekend.


From events that occured on Sunday, i have to sort out a time when i am available to go out for a coffee with someone at some point this week hopefully.


And i have the house empty as such this week (Parents have gone away on holiday for a week. The sister is about, but for how long who knows). So i've got a mini-party planned for the weekend for a few mates, i would invite the missus but unfortunetly she can't make it. Oh well, time to chuck her again. She always does this, hence why i chucked her in the first place.


Edit: Got my mixtape addresses as well. Shall be interesting.

Edited by Jimbob
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ReZ explain?


anyways, i'm so BORED, i'm bored of reading how media has affected britain IM BORED of playing smash bros. I want it to be the weekend so i can go back to uni and see peoples and lady friend. I'm BORED of reading spider-man, new and old (new = last 6 issues, old equal the like...1970s)

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Job interview tomorrow. Pretty nervous tbh. Not sure what I'm gonna say or if I'm turning up in the right attire or anything. Ho hum.


Today has been utter wank. My sister decided to have a full on panic attack and I don't really know how to deal with it so probably made it worse. Meh. Whatever. Hope to be able to play some games today.

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Eurgh, it's our Prom tomorrow. We're having this big fancy thing in York until about 1am, and then we have to be at college the next day. Bastards. I'm looking forward to the drunken part, but the suit wearing part? I look like a middle-class businessman threw-up on me.

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Well that was helpful. :nono: Just got a reply to my email from the head of first year psychology and he's been no help in telling me who I need to see about changing degree. You'd think someone in his position would know considering it's the year in which people will make changes. ::shrug: Guess I'm gonna have to go in and find someone to speak to about it. Would like to get this out of the way before my exams hit so I'm not having to worry about it before the end of the academic year to sort it out.

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Ah, just had loads of people talk over me today, when I'm trying to help. I have a little rule that if it happens three times in one call they get bare minimum help.


So frustrating! I just lose all interest in helping when people are rude/stupid/annoying/won't listen. :angry:

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Well that was helpful. :nono: Just got a reply to my email from the head of first year psychology and he's been no help in telling me who I need to see about changing degree. You'd think someone in his position would know considering it's the year in which people will make changes. ::shrug: Guess I'm gonna have to go in and find someone to speak to about it. Would like to get this out of the way before my exams hit so I'm not having to worry about it before the end of the academic year to sort it out.


I switched courses at the end of first year. Try your departmental secretaries and see if you can get the ball rolling with them (they do have the most immediate access to your info/ grades/ MI5 file).

They do most of the leg work anyway, and they only refer to academic staff to confirm you're not running from a terrible grade or anything.


hope that helps.

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So I was off today, felt horrible. That sore throat that feels like when you swallow a crisp sideways and it's all sharp, and a throbbing ache in my head (not quite a headache).


I'm so behind essay-wise in English. My laziness/procrastination is a disability, though it's no one else's fault but my own.


Not done the last 4 essays...done about a page for each, then stop and if they don't ask for them, I don't finish them. I do the actual coursework one I've been redrafting for a year and a half of course, but only yesterday did one of my teachers ask where all my essays were. Oy.


I was doing my Hopkin's one (I decided to actually do that one), but now I think I'll make a start on the actually really important one, my Catcher In T'rye one. I want to burn this book, it's been a curse over the last year!

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I hate that I have no plan for myself. Well not a plan, but a vision. Since I have constant worry/nagging feeling I'm going to die, that makes it worse.


I might write a book. Or a screenplay. or a story that's for screen, but not written out formally until the end.

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Thanks Dan. Although should they look at my grades for Psychology they'll see I haven't been doing well but that's not the reason I want to change. I've just enjoyed English much more and have done really well in it so far and at the moment considering I'm writing stuff for a website (I know it's not a true profession) it's more helpful than psychology.


Anyway, I found out who my personal tutor was and sent her an email. Hopefully, she'll be able to get it started as, from what I remember of her, she's a nice and helpful person.


Oh, and Congrats Letty! :D It sickens me seeing people younger than me taking the initiative to learn to drive. I just can't be arsed and I'm turning 20 soon. :shakehead Disgraceful really as it's be helpful as it'd allow me to look further afield for work given that there is nothing closer to home.


@ Paj - I understand the feeling of not having a plan for oneself. I'm there now but it's something that I know I'll find out further down the line. I too am also considering writing a book. I have an idea but its just sitting down and writing it that is the problem.

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Oh, and Congrats Letty! :D It sickens me seeing people younger than me taking the initiative to learn to drive. I just can't be arsed and I'm turning 20 soon. :shakehead Disgraceful really as it's be helpful as it'd allow me to look further afield for work given that there is nothing closer to home.


I've started lessons just recently and I'm 22. XD Seems to be the thing to do here the day you turn 17.. what with there being rubbish public transport.


A lot of jobs (especially in health service) require you to have a driving licence before you even apply, regardless of whether the job is at your doorstep or not. So its definitely worth getting.


P.S - congrats letty!

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Girl I was thinking about asking out has is now in a relationship with someone else. What a shit feeling...


Well, like the old saying goes


"You Snooze, You Lose"


I've had many times like that occur to me, but sometimes have turned out better for myself.

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Well, like the old saying goes


"You Snooze, You Lose"


I've had many times like that occur to me, but sometimes have turned out better for myself.


Was trying to get hold of her freind today to see if I had a shot. I feel like punching something hard...*sigh*.

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