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You must all watch Friday Night Lights, Possibly the best show on TV.


Is that the one with Scott Porter in? (He was also in Speed Racer, the movie version)


He's on a forum I frequent. And was in the running for Green Lantern in the JLA movie, which, being that the forum is about superheroes, was awesome.


[/useless fact]




@ Molly,


You get the all the love for mentioning Nighty Night. Not enough people know about it, as it was far too risque for prime-time slots. Yet it beats everything else in BBC comedy (I've seen).

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Is that the one with Scott Porter in? (He was also in Speed Racer, the movie version)


He's on a forum I frequent. And was in the running for Green Lantern in the JLA movie, which, being that the forum is about superheroes, was awesome.


[/useless fact]




@ Molly,


You get the all the love for mentioning Nighty Night. Not enough people know about it, as it was far too risque for prime-time slots. Yet it beats everything else in BBC comedy (I've seen).



Scot Porter is in it and he's pretty awesome in the first season, though his role diminishes in further seasons. Everyone one should at least check it out, the football only plays a minor part in it. It also has Explosion in the sky in almost every episode, which is of course win.

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Um nooooo. You're forgetting Peep Show, The Office, I'm alan partridge, Extras, Nighty Night, Spaced, Spooks, Green Wing, Human Remains, The Mighty Boosh, Harry Hills TV burp and more but I'm stopping.


My day: Still ill, just been playing on the wii, emailing, watching movies. So annoying, I wanted to go out last night and tonight, but haven't been able to.


I may be a simpleton, but I think current TV is what was being referred to, and idk about most of those, but I'm pretty sure Spaced doesn't count, it stopped what 10? 9 years ago?


Side note, Spaced set me back about $60 when it released here....and that was a sale price.

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Mate's birthday yesterday so I went over to Surbiton with a stop round Marylebone to see of a friend heading back to birmingham, then we proceeded to surbiton for drinks and fun. Pub was proper packed though, hard to find seats, and sold out of like...everything I wanted to drink! Good evening all in all, my mate's uni mates made him a song, it's genius.

Lucky for me he drove us back over to saaaf eest today, so I got home about 2, and had a nap at 3 to wake up at 5(i'd set my alarm). The bastard thing wasn't actually set to ON however, and so it didnt' go off, so I didn't wake up properly til like half 7, meaning I'd missed the window to go out and do like...3 different things I coulda done tonight! One was my cousin's birthday too :(. Decided it's for the best though, probs sensible to take a night off, both for the wallet and the liver's sake, plus my cold/sore throat thingy doesn't seem to be getting any better with all this doing stuff...


Just on the TV thing and no gritty dramas, well, I'll agree there's not really anything too gritty but did no one else love the very very soon to return Hustle? I thought it was well written, and executed, plus the whole twisty con things too. Well looking forward to the new series!

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I may be a simpleton, but I think current TV is what was being referred to, and idk about most of those, but I'm pretty sure Spaced doesn't count, it stopped what 10? 9 years ago?
Only British TV worth watching

I think you can interpret that either way to be honest! But yes if we're talking British TV that's being made now, there is alot less good stuff.

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just back from newcastle. decent night really. been in touch with my mate who appears nude on the internet now. shes heart broken, i did my best to convince her it isnt that bad. apparently im "the best" just wish i couls find the guys who hacked her and cut em up with my katana. shes a nice girl. she dosent desreve this.

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This is going to offend most people here but I don't particularly like British comedies.


You're right that is offensive. :(


Um nooooo. You're forgetting Peep Show, The Office, I'm alan partridge, Extras, Nighty Night, Spaced, Spooks, Green Wing, Human Remains, The Mighty Boosh, Harry Hills TV burp and more but I'm stopping.


Thank you. Also The IT Crowd. I don't mind when people dislike it, but when they say things like "Oh look I'm a nerd. Haha" It tickles my pickle because that ISN'T the point. Its incredibly OTT and awkward and brilliant.


But, when you realise that The Office is what defines British Comedy at the moment, you have to hold your head and cry. British comedy is not a patch on what it used to be. Greats such as Only Fools and Horses, Goodness Gracious Me, Blackadders and Men Behaving Badley were truely funny. Most comedy nowadays is "I get it...but I don't hurt my sides laughing."


Lies I tell you! I'm often reduced to pausing the TV whilst I have a fit of not-being-able-to-breath-laughing.


Merlin is the worst tv show I've had the misfortune to come across, I swear they used the same shit sets as in Robin Hood, argh!


Its a shame, the first two or three episodes actually had some promise. Then they became a cookie cutter show, and the enemies quality deplinished and the one thing you would expect to happen to further the characters in the season finale didn't happen.


Hello. Today I am wearing all green. That is my observation.


I approve.


Is that the one with Scott Porter in? (He was also in Speed Racer, the movie version)


He's on a forum I frequent. And was in the running for Green Lantern in the JLA movie, which, being that the forum is about superheroes, was awesome.


[/useless fact]


*Cracks knuckles* met him. [/Awesome fact]


Finally re comedy talk ;


Erm what....how has Garth Marenghis Darkplace not been mentioned? Some of the funniest stuff intheworldever. *Disapointed* :(


I remembered one of the things I was going to say yesterday. I was looking in the bowl of Roses and was looking at the menu thing and I was like. "Such bullshit that they removed caramel barrel" so I was looking what the other reject flavours were and I noticed the gold one said "caramel barrel" I was like....WTF...I picked one up to inspect it and indeed it was! There were loads of them! It was excellent. They're usually the first to go.


BTW If anyone has any UFO LEGO, clean, excellent condition (ie no bite marks, discolouration from smoke, dust free etc) then hit me up, as I'm in the market for some.

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Yesterday after work I braved the cold to wait from five ways to the city Centre Markets and it was bloody freezing-had to stand outside waiting for a friend for 20mins and my ears felt like they were going to drop off.


But all was right with the world when my friend arrived we did a spot of window shopping then relaxed in the super chillout bar Poppy red. Excellent food and excellent atmosphere.

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I think you can interpret that either way to be honest! But yes if we're talking British TV that's being made now, there is alot less good stuff.


Sorry, I was more referring to current stuff. Of course there are plenty of old British sit-coms and what not worth watching, like Red Dwarf, Fawlty Towers, Alan Partridge, Dads Army...the list goes on and on.

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My afternoon was good yesterday... but the evening sucked!


I hung out with my mates all afternoon, and we played a football drinking game (even though I'm not a huge fan of football.) It was pretty fun, but I had waaay too much. I don't even remember getting home. All I vaugely remember is paying a taxi driver and being sick in the toilet.


I was filled in on what happened by my folks. Earlier in the evening, they heard a thud outside by the front door and went to investigate. They found me collapsed there, so helped me back in and I was sick most of the evening. I also left my phone at my mate's house, he's giving it me back today.


Needless to say, I'm suffering from a hell of a hangover atm, and I'll never take part in drinking games again, EVER! Yesterday was actually the most drunk I think I've ever been and I'm not proud of it tbh.

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I'm literally annoyed/angry.


My mum never gave me the letter from Pannini stating that I needed to renew my Spider-Man subscription.


Explaining why I haven't got an issue in 2 months...or however long.


I'm annoyed as it's an 11-year suscription gone, but to be honest, I'm probably more interested in subscribing to Essential X-Men and Batman legends now. I love Spidey, but his stories aren't as interesting.

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just back from newcastle. decent night really. been in touch with my mate who appears nude on the internet now. shes heart broken, i did my best to convince her it isnt that bad. apparently im "the best" just wish i couls find the guys who hacked her and cut em up with my katana. shes a nice girl. she dosent desreve this.


But you're also saving the video because she's hot?


Or have I missed something?

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Trying to find voices for the characters of this script to differentiate them all. One of them is largely based on my brother so im tempted to phone him up and tell him each line and ask him to translate it into chav...


But other than that I'd done with this behemoth of a project which is nice :D After work tonight I'll do some folklore research and some more tomorrow and then spend Tuesday-Friday writing it. Fun week ahead...again.


Someone is pestering me on MSN about some mutual friends breaking up. I've already said I don't know anything and don't wish to engage in idle gossip (becasue its lame and because I have better things to do) and still they persists. After a few minutes silence he asked if I had found out yet. I said "I have fictional drama [screenwriting] to deal with." I mean really, does he not understand I don't care. (well I care in the sense I feel sad for aforementioned friends but I also care to not try and dig up the gossip to entertain myself)

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Ricky Gervais is a twat. Only time I've been able to stand him was in Ghost whatever. Although I used to hate ed burns, but he was actually pretty damn funny on the apollo on friday.


Weird, weird evening. Mostly eating crappy food and watching the mummy, then having to listen to my mate's flatmate having sex at 7am. Dear God, she's fucking noisy. The guy wasn't even fit either -.-


Back at my flat, where it is lovely and quiet, I'm going to have a shower, install adobe software and finally unpack!

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