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Mum found an empty condom wrapper in my bedroom whilst tidying today. I was at work and she decided to go through all my stuff. Came down to dinner and she said in a funny (comedic tone) I want a word with you later. I loled. This will be fun. Now the girl I had sex with thinks my mum will hate her even though my mum adores hers >_< Girls are so picky and fussy :p


I think its hilarious personally. My response to this whole thing will simply be that condoms are better than nothing :)

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I'd go mad if mum went through my room in the summer, now it just doesn't bother me, I'm not sure what's changed considering I've never had anything ''bad'' in my room.


Lazy day, went to buy some stuff in town, carpark was dead...shops were full! Do people not drive anymore?!


Found some clothes I want to buy..although I'm tempted to just buy it all online and then if I don't like it, take it back. Much easier to deal with. No clue what I'm going to do tomorrow!

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I do, I've got the lights off, and the screen brightness on my laptop (I'm in bed) turned right down. If I didn't have the blocked nose, I'd be worrying but tbh I can't see it being anything else. I would go and get a blood test, but my mum doesn't drive, and the doctors surgery is closed. If it's the same (or worse) tomorrow then I'll go down first thing.

Hm, whenever I had symptoms that could either be flu or meningitis, the doctor always checked how mobile my neck was. Apparently meningitis causes stiffness in the neck.

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Barely slept then went to nan's to get ready. Got picked up by uncle and went to (other) nan's via a pub. Day wasn't too bad, dull but managable.


Although somewhere on my two day roundtrip to loads of houses I have lost my phoned charger. Thankfully I can charge my phone from my computer. So that drama was short lived.

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Hm, whenever I had symptoms that could either be flu or meningitis, the doctor always checked how mobile my neck was. Apparently meningitis causes stiffness in the neck.


This is true, but flu can give you general muscle stiffness itself, though not severe neck pain like meningitis. The test I was given is: can you put your chin on your chest comfortably? Minimal pain could just be flu, if you struggle it's a bad sign.

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Hm, whenever I had symptoms that could either be flu or meningitis, the doctor always checked how mobile my neck was. Apparently meningitis causes stiffness in the neck.


According to House this man is correct. Also, you could just have a cold and Meningitis :V

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Terrible week of losing things, lost wallet friday, got it back Monday. Lost bag on tuesday, got it back just now...but some prick stole the book I wanted to read from it! Luckily left my others, one of which was a library book...I'm also missing an SD card but I'm not sure if that was even ever in the bag or has fallen out of a pocket.

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Got up at about 8am yesterday, opened up my presents, then played the games we got almost non-stop.

Played some Rock Band 2 multiplayer with my brother (Swap-around on Guitar & Vocals),we got to "More Than A Feeling" with me on vox. Now, anyone who knows this song also knows of that very high note at the end of the third verse, which I had to do. I gave it a go, and I managed to do it (I don't know if I was just screaming or actually making a decent-sounding wail.), my other brother, who was watching our performance, told me that that was "extraordinary". I was rather delighted with myself. :grin:

Had a lovely Christmas dinner whilst watching GoldenEye on DVD, then spent a few more hours playing the games and drinking the shandy I get traditionally every year.

Watched W&G and The Royle Family, then watched 3 episodes of Arrested Development (brilliant show). Went to bed at 3:30am and finally managed to get some kip for once.



Today was also very good; Got up and played Rock Band 2 before going to work at the Villa ground. Worked for a couple hours then watched the match against Arsenal (brilliant match, btw.), came home but not before buying my parents a small teddy bear wearing a Villa shirt as a present (they like it.).

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I just saw that "30 Days Of Night" was on Bravo. How can this be on tv? It only came out just over a year ago didn't it? *is confused/happy that it's on*


This is true, but flu can give you general muscle stiffness itself, though not severe neck pain like meningitis. The test I was given is: can you put your chin on your chest comfortably? Minimal pain could just be flu, if you struggle it's a bad sign.


Thanks for all the info guys, really. :D


I can put my head on my chest without masses amounts of pain. It's just a "bit" stiff, that's all. I'm sure it's just the flu, but I arranged an appointment with the docs tomorrow morning just to get checked out anyway. :)

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I just saw that "30 Days Of Night" was on Bravo. How can this be on tv? It only came out just over a year ago didn't it? *is confused/happy that it's on*




Thanks for all the info guys, really. :D


I can put my head on my chest without masses amounts of pain. It's just a "bit" stiff, that's all. I'm sure it's just the flu, but I arranged an appointment with the docs tomorrow morning just to get checked out anyway. :)


What wait, your doctors is open on a Saturday?! What kind of witchcraft is this?! o_O



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What wait, your doctors is open on a Saturday?! What kind of witchcraft is this?! o_O




Haha. There's an emergency service through the morning incase there's any "urgent" problems. Not sure I'd call this urgent, but I suppose it's better to be safe than sorry, right?

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Haha. There's an emergency service through the morning incase there's any "urgent" problems. Not sure I'd call this urgent, but I suppose it's better to be safe than sorry, right?


o so it is an emergency service? Defo should use it if you feel you need to, that's what its for, ne? and it really is better to get reassurance if you are feeling ill :smile:


GP's surgeries opening on a Saturday, lol.



not-so-ninja edit: I've just snapped something in my back, and maybe i'll need to visit the doc now. That's karma for you. :(

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I just chanced upon a list of symptoms of depression — my dad used to work in mental health — and every single one applied to me. So, either I'm severely depressed or a hypochondriac. Life is like a box of chocolates on Boxing Day: the only options left are strawberry or orange creams.

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