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I hate Fable II... but not because its a bad game. But because its actually making me feel upset about something that isn't real.


I don't believe this is happening to me. Also, I have no idea where/how my girlfriend is because she hasn't called or anything. *alone and upset*


try starting the game again and look around for your girlfriend if that does not work try loading the last save before you lost her. :p

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No, two different things.


1, Fable II has killed me inside.


2, Trying to find pictures of Letty from today at the London Expo (no luck) and she didn't get in contact with me.

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Damn daylight savings! I got up thinking it was 8:45 and it was when I checked the clock on my DS. But infact, it was 7:45. Urgh..... completely forgot about the clocks going back and now I can't go back to sleep as I am fully awake. Daylight saving is a stupid idea! It's done so that it'll be light for those coming home from work yet dark in the morning. Makes no effect on me. Dark when I leave and dark when I come home. Should have just left it as it was.

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Damn daylight savings! I got up thinking it was 8:45 and it was when I checked the clock on my DS. But infact, it was 7:45. Urgh..... completely forgot about the clocks going back and now I can't go back to sleep as I am fully awake. Daylight saving is a stupid idea! It's done so that it'll be light for those coming home from work yet dark in the morning. Makes no effect on me. Dark when I leave and dark when I come home. Should have just left it as it was.


So, is it 8:25 now? Or, 9:25? I think 8.


Damn this uncertainty!

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im tired!!!

last night was the (in)famous yamanote halloween train party!!

see the video ~ i'm PIKACHU!!


yamanote halloween train: enjoyance or annoyance?


despite all the bad rep, everyone - even the policemen seemed to be having a pretty good time... there was a good atmosphere :smile:

after the po-leese shut the yamanote party down i went clubbing with the joker, doraemon, batgirl, two-face, keroro, ichigo, and a cat-girl. *nods*


...we caused quite a stir on the metro heading to roppongi :grin:

t'was a good night!! but i didnt sleep and went straight to work after a quick shower and change at home... my housemate just took me out for dinner tho so i'm feeling OK... just schleeeeeepy ^___^

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I got in from a night of drinking and smoking and fell asleep on the sofa with some super noodles, thinking I'd slept for only 10 minutes I couldn't work out how my noodles got so cold and was throroughly confused so I went to bed. I've now woken up(surprisingly at the same time I do every day) and realised I must have slept through that extra hour whilst my clocks put themselves back. I hate the clocks going back! It means I have to go through the house and change every non-changing clock and it's tons more effort than putting clocks forward and it also means I need to do my DS and Phone as well and bahhhhhhhhh. No.

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