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I went out, but came back early. I also didn't drink too much. I don't want to feel like shit tomorrow, as I want to get some studying done. I feel bad about not having had as much fun as I could've, but I hope it pays of tomorrow while studying.


Haha, I'm such a pussy!:p


I love babysitting for rich people.


I babysat for my mum's friend who lives in the biggest house I've ever stepped foot in. The kids were asleep when I got there, and I just sat and watched TV for 4 hours.


And I got £35.


That's better pay than my actual job, where I actually have to work.



Loves it.


Cooked way too much dinner tonight, chicken and mushroom pasta in a cheese and garlic sauce if you're interested, but it was so nice I just had to eat it all, now I've been doing these really bad farts all night.


Just got back from work. Meant to be working 7:30 - 11:30, but since it's a pub they expect you to stay on and then bollock you if you're doing something like talking to a customer. They should be more fucking grateful. I like to have my work hours set in stone.


Just back from the Dragon Force concert. Was freaking awesome. Played my two favourite songs, Fury of the Storm and Through the Fire Flames. Was outside the building for 5.30pm when the doors opened at 7 since we had problems with pubs cause I only had student ID etc.


We ended up right at the front just to the right of the center of the stage with only the photographers infront of us and a few metres from the speakers so I can't hear properly out my right ear, sort of hear a buzzing/static.


Also I got 2 guitar picks from Fred and Sam so that was cool. I wanted a Herman one though, he's damn cool. Happy with the two I got though. Was mad trying to get some and catch them.

I can't find the black remote for the telly.




Yay work time. Gonna be busy...hope not...like...killingly busy. Byezzz.


12 calls waiting @ 9:05.



Yep. This is gonna suck.


Edit2; Then you get really pointless calls 7 minutes long clients asking things that wont affect them at all, and it shifts it to


26 calls waiting.


I luled.


I also luled at this.


Premature ejaculation is, as you know, great. First, it's a real time-saver. You can finish the base act of copulation and be off and about your business. Second, you can save a TON of money on shady rent-by-the-minute motels, not to mention prostitutes (sometimes you don't even have to stop the car or -- for some extreme cases -- roll the window down all the way!).


As if all that weren't great enough, now it appears that the gene that makes you a premature ejaculator is linked to quick reflexes, or to put it another way: You're better at stop and pop if you're known to pop and stop.


Cheers for the support =] Its just that this girl is coming up and I have no idea what will happen, I think the sickness was a mixture of anxiety and illness (probably freshers flu) I wasn't actually sick its just that feeling.


Someones alarm has been going off constantly and I thought it was where someone had gone away but turns out its in my mates room and someone said he's supposed to be in there. This is worrying I think.


EDIT: Bastard just doesn't wake up to his own alarm clock but wakes everyone else up instead. good start to the day.


Ahoooooooooooooy! Last night was good fun. Went to... 4 pubs and a club, only had one pint in each place and about 4 shots-worth of rum before I went out so wasn't tooo drunk, but a fair few other people were. Gizmo; once everyone wakes up and puts pics on facebook I'll scavenge the best ones and stick 'em in the pic thread :) I looked ridiculous, lol.


Worst part of the night: In the Washington, basically I queued for what seemed like ten minutes at the bar. Normally this girl on my course works there and serves me pronto, but this time the girl working kept looking at me and, clearly repulsed, went to serve about twelve people who CLEARLY were behind me. I finally had enough and shouted at her "excuse me, but when exactly will you be serving me?" and she said "oh, you're not on my section of the bar" which is bullshit because she served people on both sides of me (both mates who were behind me, who both told her to serve me next)... Fucking joke.


But if that was the worst part of my night, then clearly it was a good one! Which it was. Oh yes. *high fives everyone*


My mate left a couple of ephedrine pills here so I'm gonna pop one and spend the day eating fish pie and watching Mad Men. *drools*


Also! Thom, Seph, Thornton and Draper. My first four male offspring. Maybe I should stick a couple in the middle-name slot. if I do it'll be Thom and Seph in the middle, as Thornton and Draper are so clearly AWESOME. My kids are going to be rock stars.


Hit Me Baby One More Time! *Hums*


I had to get that off my chest. Can't stop listening too it. Anyways, I had stuff from the Chip shop for tea tonight. Soooo tasty! I need more, more!


I neeeeed to decide what I'm going to do my Psychology A2 coursework on. It'll either be Parapsychology or Crime, But I can't think of an idea where an experiment can be involved other than the obvious.


Psychology coursework for me was an utter joke! sooo easy. I regret not doing something interesting and actually thinkworthy.


Well I've had a hectic week. And I got the day of my dad's birthday wrong, thought it was today but it was yesterday :S Woops.


lol! Can I see the reaction vid?


I would link to the upload onto facebook but I think you have to be a friend to see it, unless anyone knows how to make a video public? Or if fb videos can be embedded? I havn't got a youtube account so im too lazy for that :P


The general idea is




And then, having watched,




Last night was fucking epic. as official hanger on for Jay's juggle society social, I think I can declare the first social a success. It was awesome-o. Tiiired now. Sitting in my PJ's with a cup of joe to see out the morning...should get dressed.


oh, and highlight of the night: without any prompting from us, the DJ at the frog and parrot played some Adam and the Ants aaaaand a Pirate shanty for us. It was pure, unadulterated genius.


Dan-Likes-trees -- lols :P it's so fun watching people watch it. A rite of passage into... I know not what.


Oh yeah! That was a fucking stroke of genius! Couldn't believe it. That pub was where we got the most interest from the general public. At one point I was outside smoking and I turned and saw a woman pointing at me, with her other hand pointing to her nose, and her friends looking ponderous - and all of whom suddenly snapped back into it and quickly all looked in different directions, pretending to admire the wallpaper, and so on.


Hmm, and now I awaken. Nice (and a little odd) not to have Saturday lectures this year. Last night was fairly awesome - we have these things called "bops" that perfectly balance cheese and win. And then had a long conversation over sherry about fiction, linguistic errors, law and phoenix wright. :heh:


Last night was pretty fun, but was ruined by one idiot (went to a boat party in london with about 200 others and a fight broke out on board, so we were chucked out after the first of our 2 'laps'). Stayed sober as I didn't really fancy trying to get myself home, drunk, at 12, in the middle of London. I've learnt my lesson from last week...


I got to stay in bed for ages today, whooo! I set my alarm for 11 am, but ended up actually staying in bed until 12:30 or something, wheee!

It's kind of fun having no job anymore. Though it also sucks because now money is slowly disappearing from my bank account and no new money is coming in. Meep. >.>;



Anyway, currently quite booooored. Home alone with my dog, who is asleep on the kitchen floor. Trying to find some inspiration for school work but failing once again. I need some entertainmentttt!


I have an alarm which always goes off at 10am. Whether I get out of bed or not is another matter, but I let it go off for its one minute duration, which is the Shawn Michaels theme. Then I go back to sleep normally. Then I always seem to wake at about 11:30, then it's time for morning tea and medication.


My Ghostbusters costume is primed and ready, Mummy ironed it yesterday, and to keep it crisp until I fold it today it's been hanging from the old punchbag hook in my room.


Watching 2/3 Fonejacker sketches again and again because they keep cracking me up.


My alarm was set for 10:30, I got up at 12:30. But hey, it's Saturday! All I need to do is some 3D modelling and then go out. Nice. I'm loving this Uni life, it's nice and relaxing. All this 'work' is just fun! Hurrah!


everybody knows it hurts to grow up


Stayed up til 1am reading for my assignments last night! (granted we watched a film for two hours but shh).


And today I did a bit more reading and meandered back to my dad's. Was in town and bumped into his neighbour and managed to score a lift back which was nice :D Downloaded a load of articles to read and make notes from tomorrow.


Now going to go see my mother at her work for a bit, then be picked up and go to my friend's (of the married variety) house. They're making me and two of our mutual friends (a couple) a meal and asking the other two if they'll be godparents to their daughter (I already know they're asking me, they said ages ago). And we're going to play board games. So it should be a really nice night. :D


Had mega sleep last night, 10 hours! well needed after hectic week at work. When I got up I went to the mighty Halfords to pick up some bits I need to sort out my car in hope it will pass the MOT this week >_<


And now im sitting back about to watch England against the borats :)

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