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my days was elder scrolls 4. also, i dropped a metal bin on my toe while emptying it. hurt alot, i screamed fuck, luckily i was home alone. thought it was broken for a few seceonds, seems ok now.


me mam is mad at me and my dad, we laughed at an ian huntley joke, then didnt share me mams opinion so she was sickened. dosent get the shock value jokes.

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Pretty good...did some art, painting which turned out pretty good so far, I traced the guy put of the ligfe drawing I did, and am now painting him so he looks a bit like two-face, all his insides exposed etc.


Then I realised I had a whole ad of Desig nTech prep to re-do, so I started that before i went to a friends dinner.


I felt real;ly bad, since at the dinner, it was a massive division of "the cool people" and "the rest"...bad since "the rest: was the birthday boy and his best friends. And then "the cool people" all went into town. I couldn't just say "Yeah, thanks for the free meal, bye!" like everyone else did (we were all meant to go back to his for drinks etc), I had to say I was gonna go into town, then go back to his.


To be fair, I was going to, since he's nice, and I get too guilty about things like tgat, but at the bar where I met up with more friends/people, my mu mphoned, saying I had to get home soon-ish. Plus I drank too much too fast, and felt slightly numb.


Then I had to walk half thwe way home (no taxis...), the long route, as I was desperate for a piss, but the fucking public loos were closed! Eventually I got reception (had none all nighrt for some reason), and my mum came and picked me up.


Felt like a joke of a night though, met a friend of a friend who was cool. Alia or something.

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Been having a right laugh tonight, winding some guy up on facebook who cheated on his girlfriend. So far have told his mum he's a gay transvestite, and am now threatening to send her photos. Really making him squirm.



That's a terrible thing to do-shame on you. Think how you would feel if you found out something about your son from a 3rd party. So what if he cheated on his girlfriend-(it's his life) and while you have a right to be judgemental in your opinion, it doesn't give you the right to be judgemental in your actions.


Anyway moving on-


Woke up late, rushed to get ready to drive to City centre for my DS: Birmingham meetup. Discovered I was low on petrol but didn't have time to stop or I would have been even later arriving at meetup. Got stuck in Traffic Jam, got stopped at like every Red light into city and arrived at meetup 15mins late. (Never happened before :( )


Meetup was all good-Cake/chat/drink and game playing of the download variety. Ended meetup and visited a friend for drinks/catchup. Drove home and stopped at ASDA in the hope of picking up Wario (All sold out) arrived home. Updated meetup site with photos and ate dinner-watched some stuff on BBC Iplayer (Merlin and Hole-in-the wall).

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Flatmates went to hand in CVs for jobs so we all went to the town centre. Ended up in Pizza Hut for two hours. Also watched Charlie the Unicorn. Best video ever.

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hmmmng >_<

i think i'm coming down with a headcold or something... the temperature dropped really suddenly here and MY temperature seems to be going up up up!! >_____< my throat feels like it's been cut O___O



i'ma just watch 30rock in bed with a hot water bottle all night


p.s. also: have caught up with heroes and fallen back in love with matt parkman.


sorry, jamba :wink:

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Got wasted.


WLAKED homw (fuck I didnt mena to [py t caps lock on). Like 2 milea orsomething, took like an hour.


Fun times.


Lols, I love the drunken posts in this thread.


Anyway I did the lazy thing of turning up as Arthur Dent at a fancy dress party last night (Read: Wore a dressing gown and drank my drinks out of a mug)

Andthe party was distinctly average. The end.


Oh and before that I went to the Royal Holloway open day. Which was also distinctly average.

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My night's been boring. It's the Freshers Welcome ball, but it sucked, So i came back home :/



Though Out of the 5 drinks I had, I only paid for 1 :o


I saw twozzok at the freshers ball! really briefly, got very drunk after spending 10/12 pounds, such is cheap shots =] but i feel dandy today, holloways were a letdown, coolio was like, greeeeeeeat

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I saw twozzok at the freshers ball! really briefly, got very drunk after spending 10/12 pounds, such is cheap shots =] but i feel dandy today, holloways were a letdown, coolio was like, greeeeeeeat


Last night 12 of my new friends squeezed into a room not to different in dimensions to a shoebox, and watched Analyse That and, more importantly, Pulp Fiction, a film so awesome it was had to believe that half the people had never watched it.

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My days going well so far. Have managed to finish Twelfth Night so I'll give it a quick gloss over later on this evening to remind myself of the story and the comical aspects for tomorrow's English lecture. Don't know what to do now? Not got anything to do. Would put some time in on my Wii but I haven't got anything I want to play on it. May go out and treat myself to either de Blob or Wario Land. Or I may just go and get a copy of Geist and play that again.


Urgh... I don't know. I hate Sundays. Nothing to do. TVs always crap (although Pans Labyrinth is on tonight :yay: )

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My days going well so far. Have managed to finish Twelfth Night so I'll give it a quick gloss over later on this evening to remind myself of the story and the comical aspects for tomorrow's English lecture. Don't know what to do now? Not got anything to do. Would put some time in on my Wii but I haven't got anything I want to play on it. May go out and treat myself to either de Blob or Wario Land. Or I may just go and get a copy of Geist and play that again.


Urgh... I don't know. I hate Sundays. Nothing to do. TVs always crap (although Pans Labyrinth is on tonight :yay: )


You get to do Twelth Night at uni? I loved Twelth Night.


Doing Hamlet for A Level now, and I like it, but it's no fun. :heh:

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You get to do Twelth Night at uni? I loved Twelth Night.


Doing Hamlet for A Level now, and I like it, but it's no fun. :heh:


I did Hamlet as well. I always cringe whenever people misquote the line


"Alas poor Yorick I knew him well" when it should be "Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio"


Anyway today I'm going on a hunt to try and find a copy of Wario. Then later this evening picking up a friend for dinner and 1/2 movies. Taken and or Deathrace.

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I didn't actually like Twelfth Night. Don't know why. A lot fuss happening in the story for no real reason other than one-upmanship. Last Shakespeare I did was The Tempest and I really enjoyed that. Have King Lear to look forward to as well as a whole bunch of other books like Beowulf.


I did Twelth Night a few years ago, I probably enjoyed the silliness of it. Did Tempest last year, liked it, but for some reason I can' remember, I never actually read the end. I know what happens, and I still got an A in the exam, but yeah, never officially read the end.

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Oh, I don't remember that happening, well sorry for the rudeness :p


I didn't leave that toilet place much. too crowded in the marquee and just wanted to smoke XD


EDIT: And now bored as fuck, everyones disappeared and it seems the whole place is really quiet down here. Decided to buy and play uplink :D

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